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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Minena on 2006 April 06, 05:49:48

Title: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Minena on 2006 April 06, 05:49:48
Is not appearing. In fact my choices are limited to flirt (all options), talk (chat and hang out only), entertain (school cheer only), and influence ( clean and one other only). My CAS and the exterminator man, whom she met manning a hairstylist chair in Bluewater, fell in love, but I can't ask him anything other than whats stated above.

I have all expansions up to and including OFB (patched) installed.

All of my hacks are from here (directors cut) with the exception of a few from Squinge at MTS2.

Any help would be appreciated as I am baffled.


Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: aussieone on 2006 April 06, 05:57:48
I guess what I would do would be to take out Squinge's less-awesome hacks and see if that changes anything.

If the marry option comes up, then a hack conflict would be my guess....if not then I'm as baffled as you are  :)

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Motoki on 2006 April 06, 06:11:04
Is your CAS sim a widow or widower by any chance? If so, sometimes the marriage ties don't get severed properly after one of the partners dies. You can usually fix this by selling the tombstone or urn but that will generally permanently shred that character's data so they can never be resurrected again so only do this if you are SURE you never want to bring that character back from the dead or export their looks with SimPE's sim surgery etc.

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Minena on 2006 April 06, 06:37:17
nope, not a widow, never been married, shes brand new. Renamed DL folder and disabled CC in game with no change =/ so it's no being caused buy a hack or mod. Before doing this i forced error again with no change.


Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 April 06, 12:40:13
Do you have kiss options and that sort of thing?  Just wondering if somehow the game is seeing them as family.  Maybe if you set them up as already engaged using something terribly unawesome like the Insim (ahem), that would open up the marry option.  That's what I'd do, anyway.  (slinks away).

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 06, 12:48:04
On-duty NPCs often have restricted instructionsets and do not have the full range of socials available.

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 April 06, 13:01:13
Have your sim invite him over. That should give you the full range of interactions.

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Minena on 2006 April 06, 17:27:42
NPC has been to the house several times, can't kiss..just flirt (full range) influence (cleaning/cooking), do school cheer, chat or hang out. They are in love (100/89). I can invite him over all hours of the day or night with no change.

He must always be "on call" for work, always "on duty".

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Karen on 2006 April 06, 17:43:09
Can you move the NPC into the household?  (Either the normal way, by Propose...Move In, or by using a hack like Inge's teleporter shrub.)  I wonder if the problem would go away if the NPC became a member of a playable family?


Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Minena on 2006 April 06, 20:58:02
Thats the problem, my interactions with this NPC are limited to those I stated above. No move in, propose nada. I can call him and chat and invite him over, but thats where the relationship ends. I can't even ask him to leave.

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 April 06, 21:12:41
Sounds like you might have to set your simmie's sights on someone else.  :'(

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Minena on 2006 April 06, 22:24:10
yeah thats pretty much what I've done. Was just hoping to find out if this was normal game inteactions or did my neighborhood have a glitch.

Thanks for the suggestions/input folks.

Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Marry option for NPC...
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 April 06, 22:37:10
I wonder what could be causing something like this. Do you have any hacks affecting relationships, NPC behaviors, or the marriage/move in?