More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: phedge on 2005 August 19, 00:22:40

Title: I was scared there for a moment...
Post by: phedge on 2005 August 19, 00:22:40
Having not visited VS in a while I popped by to see what was cooking, mainly to see what creations of terror Pescado had unleash upon innocent civilians.  Man has that site changed and gotten flippin huge.  It reminds me of MTS2 only harder to navigate.  I was shocked to see Pescado was NOWHERE to be found on the forum.  I quickly hot into java chat and asked what had happened and Retched pointed me to this site, I love the homepage by the way it has a Monty Python feel to it.  Anyway I am sad to here you have been kicked from yet another site, but the good news is experts are working on a new server that WILL be able to hold you ego. I kid, I kid, I make joke with you.  Congratulations on your new site and good luck.

Oh, I was also wondering why I can't have a username with numbers in it.

Title: Re: I was scared there for a moment...
Post by: LK on 2005 August 19, 00:46:00
Welcome to the site, phedge! 

The reason you can't have numbers in your username has to do with JM's tastes.  I can't remember the exact reasoning, but it was something along the lines of, "Numbers in usernames is stupid."

Title: Re: I was scared there for a moment...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 19, 02:26:45
I would agree with that!  Just because there are a million John Smiths in the world is no reason why one of them should have to be Johnsmith1,000,000!  After all, to his wife, or his mother, of his kids, he's John Smith No 1!

Title: Re: I was scared there for a moment...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 19, 06:56:23
JM wasn't "kicked" from vs. He left on his own. And it's been a good move, I think.

Title: Re: I was scared there for a moment...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 19, 09:56:26
I would definitely second that!

Title: Re: I was scared there for a moment...
Post by: Hook on 2005 August 25, 04:14:27
PHEDGE!!  Good to see you again.  Any new and interesting hacks?
