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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: webwench on 2006 April 01, 21:12:59

Title: Remote Income Decay
Post by: webwench on 2006 April 01, 21:12:59
Has anyone found a hack to stifle remote income decay?  My sim wants an empire, but I just can't keep up :)

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: nikita on 2006 April 01, 21:24:59
None yet.  I made a request a week or so back.  I would kill someone's puppy for such a hack.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 01, 21:26:20
Fiou, my cats are safe!  :P

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: webwench on 2006 April 01, 22:59:36
None yet.  I made a request a week or so back.  I would kill someone's puppy for such a hack.

I'd definitely kill for this Hack.  I put a request in on MTS2, also, but no dice yet :)

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 02, 10:46:58

Untested, since I don't have any situations like this to test it in. So you try it.

If you checked in that day, then there will be no decay. If you did not check in, there is a 50% chance of decay.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 02, 11:46:02
So as long as you check in there is NEVER a decay...ever?

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: nikita on 2006 April 02, 12:33:48

Untested, since I don't have any situations like this to test it in. So you try it.

If you checked in that day, then there will be no decay. If you did not check in, there is a 50% chance of decay.

Puppies everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.

I'll test this out on one of my bakery chain stores tomorrow.  ;D

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 April 02, 12:54:28
Horray, my puppie's safe. I'll try it today

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 02, 13:00:22
So as long as you check in there is NEVER a decay...ever?
That's what it SHOULD be. Not sure if it works, this is untested. If you can't be bothered to check in, things will go rapidly downhill.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: webwench on 2006 April 02, 13:21:37
If you checked in that day, then there will be no decay. If you did not check in, there is a 50% chance of decay.

Aww, J.M., how I adore thee...  I will test it on my next level 10 business (sold the last few because I had that stupid "Own five level tens" lifetime desire and couldn't run them all")

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: Entgleichen on 2006 April 02, 23:45:48
There's a bug that lets you fulfill the "Own five level tens" with only one shop. This shop just has to drop from level 10 to 9 and raise to 10 again 4 times. >:(

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: webwench on 2006 April 03, 00:33:04
Well, some of us have better morals than that :) Personally, I wouldn't mind owning an empire!

Editted to add:

So far so good, JM.  Bluewater Bath and Beauty is chillin' with a comfortable 10K income daily.  I'm working on my next level ten and we'll see if the hack can handle two :)

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 03, 00:33:13
There's a bug that lets you fulfill the "Own five level tens" with only one shop. This shop just has to drop from level 10 to 9 and raise to 10 again 4 times. >:(

This does not surprise me at all.  I have not had it happen yet but I will be finding out soon. (I have a sim who has the LTW and some of his businesses have dropped from 10 to 9 and back again.)
I know the reason for this bug is b/c everytime you hit the level 10 business a memory for it is generated.  So if you hit it you get the memory, but if you shop drops to level 9 and you get back up to 10, again another memory about hitting the top level.  So it would have to be made so that a sim can only get one memory for hitting level 10 once per businesss....err something to that effect.
Talk about an easy way to get around that LTW.

Anyways... I'll definitely be testing out your hack for that sounds great.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 03, 03:44:07
Skandelouslala, Squinge made a mod call "no duplicate memories" which is compatible with EP3-OFB (new version). You can find it at the insimenator sites.  It is on page 4 of his mod list.

Just read to make sure it does what you are looking for.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 April 03, 03:51:28
How is the check-in sum calculated, I wonder? Is it based on the previous day's take or something else?

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: webwench on 2006 April 03, 12:31:04
How is the check-in sum calculated, I wonder? Is it based on the previous day's take or something else?

I'm not sure about the check-in sum, but I've been playing with the remote income variables for too long :)  the remote income calculation is based off the average of the last five sessions worked.


If you work five days a week at eight hours a day equalling 40 hours (those are your five sessions) and you brought in 40,000.00, you earned approximately 1,000/hour.  Your business -should- bring in about 8,000 daily as the initial calculation.

That said, if you work five days straight (Mon-Fri), try to bring in as MUCH as you can during those five days, and your remote calculation will be higher.  It's uncertain whether the money perks factor into this - I'll have to test it further to find out.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: nikita on 2006 April 03, 13:25:23
How is the check-in sum calculated, I wonder? Is it based on the previous day's take or something else?

I'm not sure about the check-in sum, but I've been playing with the remote income variables for too long :)  the remote income calculation is based off the average of the last five sessions worked.


If you work five days a week at eight hours a day equalling 40 hours (those are your five sessions) and you brought in 40,000.00, you earned approximately 1,000/hour.  Your business -should- bring in about 8,000 daily as the initial calculation.

That said, if you work five days straight (Mon-Fri), try to bring in as MUCH as you can during those five days, and your remote calculation will be higher.  It's uncertain whether the money perks factor into this - I'll have to test it further to find out.

Check in sum is equal to 100% of the calculated income, based on on a 40-hour work week (completely disregarding any sort of sweatshop-like business our Simmies might run), but if you don't check in, the most you will get is 50% and then it decreases by 20% I think, every day after that until you are left with empty pockets and your children wondering why mommy/daddy is a failure.

UNTIL NOW!  The hack's been working fine for me for the way too many hours I have been playing.  So far, no income decay as long as I check in.   ;D

Update:I forgot to ask if the hack overrides the 9-day cut-off for making money off remote management.  I've only played for 3 days so I haven't come to this yet.

Also, any chance of making a rider hack that allows for no decay without checking in?  I'm not lazy.

Updated again: Here's a pretty thorough breakdown of remote management/income decay from the Prima Guide on the BBS,root.1,item.43,item.41,item.23&threadID=4eec85e5bff0e364d23758af994a7f45&directoryID=103&startRow=1#ae47e2808d594c40787a65d2f91ab670

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 03, 14:06:10
Also, any chance of making a rider hack that allows for no decay without checking in?  I'm not lazy.
Not gonna happen. There has to be SOME work involved here, after all.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: nikita on 2006 April 03, 14:19:01
Hey, these Level 10 businesses don't make themselves, you know.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 April 03, 16:34:31
Hey, these Level 10 businesses don't make themselves, you know.
Actually, yes, yes they do. I have literally created level 10 businesses before simply by setting them up and then having my lot owner meditate until the business was level 10. So yes, yes they do make themselves.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: nikita on 2006 April 03, 21:19:07
What? What kind of businesses are they?

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 April 03, 21:22:15
Hey, these Level 10 businesses don't make themselves, you know.
Actually, yes, yes they do. I have literally created level 10 businesses before simply by setting them up and then having my lot owner meditate until the business was level 10. So yes, yes they do make themselves.

How do you restock and sell stuff with the owner meditating?

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: Venusy on 2006 April 03, 21:56:11
Hey, these Level 10 businesses don't make themselves, you know.
Actually, yes, yes they do. I have literally created level 10 businesses before simply by setting them up and then having my lot owner meditate until the business was level 10. So yes, yes they do make themselves.

How do you restock and sell stuff with the owner meditating?
My guess is that it's a business using the ticket machine.

Title: Re: Remote Income Decay
Post by: nikita on 2006 April 03, 22:05:54
The restocking isn't a problem.  What I want to know is how he has managed to own more than one Level 10 business by just having his Sim sit on his ass and do nothing.  Or rather, what hacks are in play?