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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Pegasys on 2006 April 01, 09:07:01

Title: OFB-ready version of Sims2DB available for testing
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 April 01, 09:07:01
I've made a pre-release version of the Sims2DB database ( available for those who would like to test it. It includes new fields and screens for the new expansion pack (Open For Business). Outside of OFB additions, there are very few changes, so if you are not planning on installing OFB I would stick with the current release for now (version 1.02).

(On the other hand, any future changes or enhancements will be based upon this newest version, I don't plan to maintain two versions of Sims2DB).

If you've already signed up to be a tester in the past, simply go to the pre-release forum ( If you want to test this but are not yet signed up to be a tester, please read this ( In any case I hope to release this newer version some time next week.

Thanks :)

Title: Re: OFB-ready version of Sims2DB available for testing
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 April 01, 09:14:13
Cool.  I'll give it a go :)

Title: Re: OFB-ready version of Sims2DB available for testing
Post by: maxon on 2006 April 01, 11:33:32