More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 01, 01:59:19

Title: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 01, 01:59:19
Check this out!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 April 01, 02:03:45
Its that time of the year again...

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 01, 02:06:52
I love Numenor's new avatar!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 01, 02:09:03
people are getting mad.  that's what makes it really funny.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 01, 02:16:18
some people have no sense of humor apparently! Oh well, the moderators will handle it I'm sure!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 April 01, 02:17:08
Oh dear, they are. Some of them can't seem to grasp that this is a joke. One poor soul wants to know if she needs to reregister her account on MYL2. Makes for entertaining reading, at least.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 April 01, 02:23:05
This is really funny:

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 01, 02:27:49
Love the ear tassels!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Chezzie on 2006 April 01, 02:36:52
I've never laughed that hard in my life LOL ... the ear tassels were great but the dumbass posters were better ;D

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 April 01, 02:45:57
Oh my god I'm gonna bust something I'm laughing so hard!!!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 01, 02:55:31
no broken funny bones here

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 April 01, 03:04:48
Gee I hadn't heard that pratical jokes where illegal in the US....DUH

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 01, 03:09:27
maybe s/he was talking about cults?  but wow....some people are really really idiots

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 April 01, 03:14:31
Ah yes.  April 1st.  The day the entire internet celebrates.

Let the fun begin!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Ephraim on 2006 April 01, 03:24:22
I have a sense of humour, but I don't find the llama thing very funny.  Which makes me humour-impared, I guess.  :-\

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 01, 03:33:31
It's not so much not finding it funny...everyone has their own sense of's more the people that are getting totally pissed off, or not realizing it's not real.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Entgleichen on 2006 April 01, 03:38:04
It's not so much not finding it funny...everyone has their own sense of's more the people that are getting totally pissed off, or not realizing it's not real.
Or maybe they just pretend to not realizing it, because some contrast adds to the joke?

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Ephraim on 2006 April 01, 03:39:04
I think they'd probably be less pissy if someone would just tell them it's an April Fool's joke, rather than telling them to shut up and let them party.  ::)

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 April 01, 03:41:05
Or maybe the pissy people should just look at a calender and catch a clue.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 01, 03:42:09
It's not so much not finding it funny...everyone has their own sense of's more the people that are getting totally pissed off, or not realizing it's not real.
Or maybe they just pretend to not realizing it, because some contrast adds to the joke?

ahhhh...good point.  I was enjoying the drama of it all, but it is becomming a bit tedious

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Ephraim on 2006 April 01, 03:43:29
Or maybe the pissy people should just look at a calender and catch a clue.

Clues are for losers.  :P

MATY should become MATL.  More Awesome Than Llamas.  ;D

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 April 01, 03:46:12
I think they'd probably be less pissy if someone would just tell them it's an April Fool's joke, rather than telling them to shut up and let them party.  ::)

By that point, there were many posts cluing people in about April Fools Day. It isn't Lyric's fault that some idiot persisted in getting pissed off over a "stupid joke" :P

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Sagana on 2006 April 01, 04:00:46
Llamas are second-rate.

Moose, moose, I likes a moose.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 April 01, 04:04:02
Well, in my time zone, it's still March 31st, so maybe some people don't realize it's suppose to be an April Fool's Day joke because uhm, for them it isn't April Fool's Day yet? I don't know, it doesn't strike me as funny either but I just woke up a few hours ago from a late afternoon nap so maybe I'm just cranky. :)

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 April 01, 04:17:05
Wow, at first when I saw that I thought "what the heck? What a crappy new name". Thank god it's a April fools joke. I thought Delph went crazy for a moment because in the time zone I live(as many as you do too) in it's still March 31. I didn't read much of the thread so I guess I will now.
Great joke :D

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Lerf on 2006 April 01, 04:18:52
Gotta be less fuss than last year when they announced MTS2 was becoming part of TSR.... ;D

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Zoltan on 2006 April 01, 04:20:14
Delphy is in Ireland, so its the 1st in Europe but still the 31st in North America

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 April 01, 05:00:17
The medical community needs to take a good long read of some of those posts, if they want to gain support for mandatory sterilization laws.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: olomaya on 2006 April 01, 06:06:41
The medical community needs to take a good long read of some of those posts, if they want to gain support for mandatory sterilization laws.

No way!  Stupid people need to breed.  Who else will run the DMV and other civil customer service agencies?

I didn't so much find the whole llama thing funny, more just corny-cute.  The posts where people actually took it seriously (and angrily) were hilarious though!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: anelca on 2006 April 01, 06:27:58
a few pages were funny, but it sort of got a bit boring after that. it'd take till 1st may to get through them all

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Regina on 2006 April 01, 06:31:00
I was on the site when it went down for maintenance, and when it came back up everything had gone all llama-ish!  It took me a little while to figure it out (after my daughter told me to look at the calendar) but I think it's a hoot!  And some of the new llama downloads are awesome!   ;D

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 April 01, 06:53:09
No way!  Stupid people need to breed.  Who else will run the DMV and other civil customer service agencies?

I didn't so much find the whole llama thing funny, more just corny-cute.  The posts where people actually took it seriously (and angrily) were hilarious though!
  I second that! I thought it was great. Who in their right mind would not realize after two seconds that it was a joke?  ::)

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: maxon on 2006 April 01, 13:00:58
I thought it was all a bit allarming myself.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 April 01, 13:30:35
No way!  Stupid people need to breed.  Who else will run the DMV and other civil customer service agencies?

I didn't so much find the whole llama thing funny, more just corny-cute.  The posts where people actually took it seriously (and angrily) were hilarious though!
  I second that! I thought it was great. Who in their right mind would not realize after two seconds that it was a joke?  ::)

I agree, it's amazing how some people don't get it. I skipped to the 3rd and 4th page and I noted a few posters were still complaining about the new name. I guess they don't read the replies, because it was stated again and again it's a joke. What's wrong with them?
I was half awake ( I could barely keep my eyes open when I read it) and I still got it after a few seconds. I have yet to read the whole thing, it's too long

ETA: I see there's a thanks button now, and a new it's broke section. Hmm.... someone's been busy

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Emma on 2006 April 01, 13:37:15
I just want to say I love Delphy's new title- 'Dalai Llama'  :D

I'll be glad when it is tomorrow though, inane forum themes are not my thing. I guess I am a boring stick-in-the-mud.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 April 01, 13:47:57
This was so hilarious!  They must have worked well in advance to coordinate the joke for the whole site.  Funny!  Especially the people who don't get it.


Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 April 01, 14:01:51
Part of what makes it funny is realizing that llamas are the animal mascot of Sims and Sim City games and the games are packed with silly llama references. If people are so oblivious not to realize this then... well, this very literal, humour-impaired person got it immediately, so I don't know what their holdup is.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: rome_raven on 2006 April 01, 15:06:23
I just can't believe all the DLs they created with Llams.. ;D

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: TheCheat on 2006 April 01, 15:15:00
The guys over at HSR (http://"") are apparently having fun. Too bad the menu animations don't all work while they're inverted...

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 April 01, 15:37:47
The "llama-in-the-box" is great:

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: TheCheat on 2006 April 01, 16:08:16
Well it's good to know that there's something worthwhile in all that MYL2 April Fool's stuff. Seeing that surprised me, really. The Duo did a good job.  :o

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 April 01, 16:41:25
I went over there to read a reply Numenor had sent me, then I happened to glance at his avatar and saw that Llama-shaped head. THEN I saw the rest of the site! I'm still laughing! I almost forgot it's April Fool's Day! Damn work and lab menagerie!

Edit: I'm still in the process of browsing around and seeing the Llama avatars...oh man, I'm cracking myself up!!!

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 April 01, 17:44:50
Very amusing espically those "folks" that just didn't get or appriciate the do they need to lighten up a bit.....sheesh.....I thought the downloads were fact I may just have to add some of them to my already overflowing downloads folders.... ;) tgdrysix

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 April 01, 17:51:09
The Llama-in-the-box and Stuffed Llama went straight in! The Llama Lamp promptly followed.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 April 01, 19:11:51
What on earth does that have to do with Sims 2 and Sims 2 jokes?

Ohho, someone deleted their silly comment rather than respond. Tsk tsk, how cowardly.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: SimJymm on 2006 April 01, 19:44:10
Well I went to the site and found out my name is now LlamaJymm  :)

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: theisz on 2006 April 01, 20:18:52
Yes, I too enjoyed reading the posts by people getting all bent about it.  I could just hear their panties getting all bunched up as I read.

Pointing and laughing at them made my day. 

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Emma on 2006 April 01, 20:36:31
Well I went to the site and found out my name is now LlamaJymm  :)

Haha! I just noticed mine is 'MadLlamaAddict' :D I didn't even think to look at my name...

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 April 01, 20:45:08
I just read some of the comment thread (bored and too grumpy to do something useful) and oh, ouch, the stupid burns. I can only hope that a lot of them are very young people - the sort of very young who feels the need to prove how 'cool' and 'mature' they are by loudly proclaiming how stupid a silly joke is, because 'cool' and 'mature' people never laugh at ridiculous things, ever - and will eventually grow out of it.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 April 01, 21:35:26
Renatus, it's good to see another person with a functioning sense of humor and wit responding to the idiots over there.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 April 01, 21:49:22
I'm bored and grumpy and it's way to late in the evening to do anything productive so, hey, what the hell.  ;D The thread needs a little humour to make up for the "The Internets is Serious Business and So Am I!" kids and the reading comprehension-disabled.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 April 01, 21:51:05
My name over there is still BlueSoup, but I imagine it's because I only have three posts and Test Subject can really go either way lol.  Yes, the people seem to be taking it very hard.  :-\

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 April 01, 21:58:09
This happens to almost ANY site that posts anything in jest on April 1, and the loudest screechers are invariably from countries where April 1 is a day to pull pranks. I could understand being upset about it if the 'prank' was something that pretended that something really bad had happened, but over something that is blatantly ridiculous... well, I'm pretty sure they're too busy jumping to conclusions to actually think, and too worried about looking cool to laugh at something silly. One of the biggest whiners for around ten pages started laughing louder at the prank than anyone else once she noticed the 'cool' people thought it was funny.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 April 01, 22:10:30
But that is the POINT of an April Fool's joke- pissing stupid people off until the next day, when they realize it is all a joke. If they don't get it, they don't get it.

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: maxon on 2006 April 02, 00:00:54
I'm sure someone should report this to someone, somewhere:

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Venusy on 2006 April 02, 00:06:12
The guys over at HSR (http://"") are apparently having fun. Too bad the menu animations don't all work while they're inverted...
Several other things don't work properly as well ( Fool's 2006#Glitches).

ETA: I see there's a thanks button now, and a new it's broke section. Hmm.... someone's been busy
The SHEEP! ( button is new, but the OOPS! You bwoke it. ( Sounds) forum has been there a few days as a result of people's constant whining about it in the past.

See Also
  • Wikipedia article ( 1, 2006)

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: theisz on 2006 April 02, 00:31:50
The guys over at HSR (http://"") are apparently having fun. Too bad the menu animations don't all work while they're inverted...
Several other things don't work properly as well ( Fool's 2006#Glitches).

ETA: I see there's a thanks button now, and a new it's broke section. Hmm.... someone's been busy
The SHEEP! ( button is new, but the OOPS! You bwoke it. ( Sounds) forum has been there a few days as a result of people's constant whining about it in the past.

 :D I like your spelling of the "OOPS! You broke it." forum.  I like Bwoke better.  LOL

Title: Re: MTS2 now MYL2
Post by: Regina on 2006 April 04, 08:21:57
I got a huge chuckle out of the person who asked, "What's with the llamas?  Are there llamas somewhere in the game?"

You know, I hardly ever use this word, but somehow, "D'oh!!!!!!!!!!" seemed so appropriate at that moment!

I LOVE the llama stuff!  I think I downloaded almost everything they had including the Llama Lounge which is a brilliant piece of artistry!  I rarely ever download lots, but this one is so absolutely worth it!  I placed it right next to the internet cafe in my neighborhood.  No doubt the cafe's patrons will soon start complaining about the smell of the llamas from next door, so I'll have to pick it up and move it a bit more 'out of town'.  ;D