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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lindaetterlee on 2006 March 29, 08:03:30

Title: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 March 29, 08:03:30
***Sigh***  I need makeup for my female sims. I just don't like the super dramatic makeup of some places. I like some of Helaene's but i am looking for more natural blending makeups. Expecially EyeShadows. Anyone know of any free sites?

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: dusty on 2006 March 29, 08:06:47
I like Lyran's stuff:

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 29, 08:08:49
For natural make up, Helaene is still the best for lip gloss.
As for eye shadow, if you want natural ones, its better not to use any because natural eyeshadows aren't visible on the simmies.

Try this creator's creations from mts2. I use her stuff for all my females (hell, even males).

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 29, 08:10:49
Well these are pretty well known sites so you probably already know them but I like Hairfish's and Lyran's place for subtle, non-harlot makeups.

Some of Sussi's aren't too bad either. She does have a lot of really made up looking sims, but she also has some eyeshadows that aren't too wild, some blushes that add a bit of a shine or glow and and some natural lip tones you can use for men even.

Well looks like someone beat me to posting about Lyran. ;)

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Ephraim on 2006 March 29, 08:12:49
I like the make-up from Rensim (  There isn't much there, though.   :(

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 March 29, 08:23:48
Thanks everyone for your help. Lyran's is diffenately more my style. I love flash on some sims but other i want to look more modest.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 29, 09:31:45
Dylan ( has some lovely makeup, skintones and eyes.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 March 29, 16:27:58 (  has some very nice makeup and pretty lipgloss. I don't like my girlies to look like a two-bit 'ho so have had to look around a lot for things that are subtle. I also think ( is good for soft and subtle.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Syera on 2006 March 29, 17:19:20
Personally, I make pretty much all of my cosmetics.  I have weird issues with using stuff that Isn't Mine.  (

That, and I don't really like the 'realistic' style that so many people insist on using.

Some of my makeup-that-isn't-by-me that I didn't end up jettisoning from my game came from .

About pronupsims - anyone notice that the site owner insists on using the same Sim over and over to model her stuff?  It's really startin' to creep me out.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 29, 18:39:09
I find that a bit creepy too.  Nikki at TSR ( uses the same sim for all her clothing.  And it's obviously her self sim.  Except that her self-sim reminds me of some middle-aged soccer mom, and her clothes (and body) just doesn't fit her head. 

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 29, 19:16:19
The best natural eyeshadows come from the Asian sites - rosesims, simstv (although they don't update anymore), chinafan, etc.,etc. In Asian countries, heavily madeup = slutty and garish, and so natural makeup is the overall trend, hence the penchant for more natural makeups on those sites.

There are alot of creators who do it well, but dramatic eyeshadows are hit and miss, and the effect varies depending on the eye type.

The absolute best blushes for tan & medium tones come from thesimssi2, but they come w/ his sims instead of separately. He's made two with this natural, healthy glow that's neither too yellow nor too pink. I'm not sure which sims they came with, but these are my absolute favorite blushes of all time. For light tones helaene is still the best, but I haven't found a favorite for dark sims.

In lipstick, helaene is still the Queen. Her stuff ranges from natural to tinted to glossy to dramatic, and are still absolutely perfect in each and every style. Peggy Sims has great lipsticks for light skinned sims, but they're not so good for darker skintones. Simmetrical makes great lipsticks for darker skintones and are also great for shrinking jinormous lips. If you want to bring out full lips though, you should stay away from these. Conan21, a long time ago, also made a set of 4 lipsticks that can be found on TSR, and to this day they are one of my favorite sets. More recently, RatProductions has made a glossy lipstick set (her newest) that I'm very, very fond of, as they flatter most lip types and also most skintones.

Anyway, these have been my ingame observations from a folder of thousands of makeup CC. Hope this has been helpful, lol.  :D

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: JenW on 2006 March 29, 19:34:40
I don't care much for some of Heleane's lipstick (nor some of Louis' for the same reason) because at least the older ones were apparently made from photos (which is fine of course) and the (white) skin is included around it. So you can only use it for light skinned Sims. I've seen a lot of eyebrows that are the same way. I do have a few of Heleane's lips that I like but most I don't. I also don't like the eyeshadows that have the super-real and ultradefined eyelids and stuff, that just looks so freaky to me :o

Lyran is my fave makeup site for sure. I love Hairfish's "hint o'" lips for a natural look and for kids and men. The hint o' plum looks esp good on medium and dark skinned Sims.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 29, 22:12:20
I don't care much for some of Heleane's lipstick (nor some of Louis' for the same reason) because at least the older ones were apparently made from photos (which is fine of course) and the (white) skin is included around it.

The newer Helaene ones work for all skintones. In fact, I think she stopped including the skin around it since a LONG time ago. Also, I like that her color is more subdued, meaning it doesn't clash with darker skintones.

Aside from the white areas, I don't like the shrinking effect Louis's lipsticks have, so I don't use them.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 March 29, 22:29:26
I really like some of Barcelonista's. You can find all of her stuff on MTS2, she has made quite a bit of it. It ranges from dramatic to barely there, and makes for a nice range in game. I also like *some* of sussi's lipsticks. Other than that, I have a bit of Helaene's, but I make a lot of my own.

You guys think using the same sim as a model all the time is creepy? Hmm. I have gotten into the habit of using one sim as a "model sim" for my stuff. Maybe I should stop doing that.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: RMarques on 2006 March 29, 22:31:03
I like Louis lipsticks, I think they make male's lips look more realistic (with the right skintone of course)... But heh, I don't use them all that often...

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 29, 22:52:36
You guys think using the same sim as a model all the time is creepy? Hmm. I have gotten into the habit of using one sim as a "model sim" for my stuff. Maybe I should stop doing that.

I like your model sim. She's quite pretty. It's only when they're unattractive/slightly freaky that it gets weird, I guess. The same bunch of models appear in all high-fashion ads/shoots/shows, after all, but nobody thinks it's weird b/c they're just so pretty.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Syera on 2006 March 30, 02:31:36
Quote from: angelyne
I find that a bit creepy too.  Nikki at TSR ( uses the same sim for all her clothing.  And it's obviously her self sim.  Except that her self-sim reminds me of some middle-aged soccer mom, and her clothes (and body) just doesn't fit her head.
You know, I think there's just something wrong with using yourself to model everything you make... especially something titled 'Sweet and Sexy Bustiers."  (

Quote from: liegenschonheit
You guys think using the same sim as a model all the time is creepy? Hmm. I have gotten into the habit of using one sim as a "model sim" for my stuff. Maybe I should stop doing that.
Well... in my opinion, using the same Sim for everything makes you look like you're really obsessed with that particular Sim, which probably isn't a sign of mental stability.  (

The Sim on pronupsims had an interesting face at first, but after the first dozen pages I was sick of looking at her.

-No offense to those of you who use 'realistic' type stuff meant, by the way.  In retrospect, I realize that my "That, and I don't really like the 'realistic' style that so many people insist on using" line sounds really rude.  Personally, I find that the 'realistic' style tends to look weird because it doesn't match the rest of the game's look.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 30, 02:45:06
I find that a bit creepy too.  Nikki at TSR ( uses the same sim for all her clothing.  And it's obviously her self sim.  Except that her self-sim reminds me of some middle-aged soccer mom, and her clothes (and body) just doesn't fit her head. 

Oh angelyne you are too much. So mean. And I love it!  ;D

Seriously, that was the best laugh I've had all day.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 30, 02:46:40
In Asian countries, heavily madeup = slutty and garish, and so natural makeup is the overall trend, hence the penchant for more natural makeups on those sites.

Uh, maybe 50 years ago, maybe even 20 years ago, but not now. Not in some Asian countries anyhow

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 30, 03:01:06
Heh, I thought all women or rather most prefer natural make up. Wearing too much makes one looks slutty anyway :P

And I just wish to say that creators could consider having a few models instead of using the same one all the time.
Having the same old sim all the time may help create a trademark but sometimes certain clothes, hair blah blah just doesn't look good on that one sim! :P

Btw, does anyone like Chaz Design's model over at TSR? I think she looks real glam for a sim! but nope, I wouldn't want to play her.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Syera on 2006 March 30, 03:12:44
Wearing too much makes one looks slutty anyway.
Definitely.  'Tis a pity Maxis is so inclined to putting dark coloring around the eyes on so many of the eyeshadows.  I've made a few colors that look a little more, eh, outgoing, but never to that extent.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 March 30, 03:38:02
Motoki, I thought the Kogal and Ganguro girls were all gone now, and Para Para girls were out of fashion. Please don't tell me I'm wrong!

Those girls, they scare me... Give me Fruits or Gothic Lolitas any day over those creepy fake tans and white lips.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 30, 04:13:15
Mind you, I haven't been there in years and have heard the trend has died down, but they still make Egg magazine with pictures of those girls in it so someone is still buying it.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 30, 05:07:59
Uh, maybe 50 years ago, maybe even 20 years ago, but not now. Not in some Asian countries anyhow

I fail to see how a trend in one country (one that's already passed, mind you) adopted by a portion of the population somehow means every other country in the same approximate region of the world is doing the same, or even that their fellow citizens are doing the same?

And anyways, Japan has always been the crazy one in terms of styles and the like. Everyone else is pretty subdued, makeup-wise anyway.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 March 30, 06:49:58
Not really. That is like saying every girl in California prefers the natural look. If you see the mainstream fashion spreads(and I don't mean thinks like Harajuku style or anything like that), Asian women are wearing just as much makeup (or as little) as western women, especially the "younger" fashions. I have noticed that in general they don't wear eye makeup quite the same way as we do, but that has to do with eye shape and what is flattering.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 March 30, 11:13:31
You know, that's a really interesting observation about people using the same sim to display their stuff because I have never noticed. To be honest, it's not something I'm even interested in. What is important, for me anyway, is whether the clothes, slap or whatever looks good. I don't like it, I don't get it. But I'm often caught out as I've DL'd stuff which looks bloody awful in game, but ok on the site... meh.  ::)

As to whether a lass should cover her face in paint that is truly individual. Personally, I think that a youngster who is a walking advert for Maybelline or whoever is just putting on a mask. And all that crap on your face day in and out is no good for your skin. I don't think it makes them tarty, just a little lost in their own lack of self-esteem.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 30, 14:15:13
I fail to see how a trend in one country (one that's already passed, mind you) adopted by a portion of the population somehow means every other country in the same approximate region of the world is doing the same, or even that their fellow citizens are doing the same?

And anyways, Japan has always been the crazy one in terms of styles and the like. Everyone else is pretty subdued, makeup-wise anyway.

I just think it's a gross overstatement to say Asian women don't wear makeup. It varies from country to country, from region to region within the countries, between the cities and the countryside, by age etc etc. It varies in the US too. I was just pointing out that not every Asian woman is subdued in makeup, albeit by pointing out a rather extreme trend in one country at one point in time (I hear some still exist though, heh).

Even here in the US, it varies from from region to region and among age groups. And no one wears as much makeup as celebrities no matter what country we're talking about. They're always overly madeup. :P

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Kala on 2006 March 30, 18:49:53
You guys are enablers.  Last night I was playing and I lemented over the lack of eyeshadow in my game.  I got many medium value shades that I was lacking.  I like to have a wide variety of makeup in my game to prevent accedental cloning.

I don't have too many natural shades because I don't like natural makeup on myself.  I'm not going to waste time and moneyy to look like I did before I pulled out my makeup box. I'd rather spend that time and money on better skin care products.)mind you this is coming from a person who only wares lipstick)

I don't know how I feel about people that use the same model all the time.  Most of the time I don't notice unless the model is booty crack ugly.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 March 30, 19:09:43
I don't know how I feel about people that use the same model all the time.  Most of the time I don't notice unless the model is booty crack ugly.

Hehehehe, that's exactly what I was thinking, I never really notice unless the sim is really ugly and they use her or him over and over again.(Pronup sims comes immediately to mind.) YMMV.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 30, 20:16:00
I just think it's a gross overstatement to say Asian women don't wear makeup. It varies from country to country, from region to region within the countries, between the cities and the countryside, by age etc etc. It varies in the US too. I was just pointing out that not every Asian woman is subdued in makeup, albeit by pointing out a rather extreme trend in one country at one point in time (I hear some still exist though, heh).

Even here in the US, it varies from from region to region and among age groups. And no one wears as much makeup as celebrities no matter what country we're talking about. They're always overly madeup. :P

I said subdued, which does not mean "little to no makeup". In America we get the smoky eyes and the multi-color shadow all over the lid and heavy, heavy mascara and all that. In Asia, it's mostly nudes, pinks, pastels, and rarely charcoal blacks or iridescent blue or the like. So the effect is definitely more subdued, which certainly does not mean they don't wear any.

And of course there are going to be the exceptions - what celebrities and fashion folk wear aren't exactly representative of what you would wear everyday, I'm sure - and of course the certain niche trends, but those are rarely representative of the overarching trends. Goths, for example, make up a good number of the young population in the States, but based on goths, can you say that in general, pple in the States like to be very very pale? Hardly.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: baaaflatfit on 2006 March 30, 23:17:55
Lyran's, Helaene's and renSims are my favorites for makeup.  The right Blush is the hardest to find -- when it sits right smack on top of the cheeks, or extends way out to the ears, it doesn't look right.  Could I have a link to thesimssi2     please?? 


Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 31, 01:54:45
Could I have a link to thesimssi2     please?? 

Here's his MTS2 link:
Here's him on the exchange:

I do think these two blushes came from his Indian sim and Gemma Ward sim, but I can't be sure. Either way, the icons for these are really simple skin-colored gradients. His other CC is also top notch too, though. I've d/led all his sims just for the assorted CC.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: baaaflatfit on 2006 March 31, 14:18:42
Thanks! I'll check it out!  :D


Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Lyran on 2006 March 31, 14:46:49
I am very glad many of you like my make-up :D And, if you do you might also like (

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 31, 15:06:45
I am very glad many of you like my make-up :D And, if you do you might also like (

I wondered if you were 'that' Lyran ;D Love your stuff, especially the hair recolours ;)

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 31, 15:30:59
I agree. I love her more natural blonde shades of the Maxis banana yellow textures. One of these days, I need to get around to making a replacer file that replaces the blonde textures on the Maxis hairs with hers.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: JenW on 2006 March 31, 16:18:45
I am very glad many of you like my make-up :D And, if you do you might also like (

Hi! :D I am definately a fan as well, I think I have every lipstick you've ever done :lol: Your new piercings are very nice too, and the first face mask ear piercings I've seen that I liked.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 31, 16:31:22
I am very glad many of you like my make-up :D And, if you do you might also like (

Ooh, I do like that site, thanks.  :)  I also do love your stuff as well, especially the default eyes and ash-blonde hair.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: dusty on 2006 March 31, 21:31:30
I am very glad many of you like my make-up :D And, if you do you might also like (

Ooh, I do like that site, thanks.  :)   

Yes it's nice - and the hair is binned properly, yay.

Title: Re: Makeup?? Where do you get yours??
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 31, 21:35:00
I am very glad many of you like my make-up :D And, if you do you might also like (

Ooh, I do like that site, thanks.  :)   

Yes it's nice - and the hair is binned properly, yay.

 :o :o :o

OMG that is SO rare that anyone does that. She rocks for doing that.