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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Thanatos on 2005 August 16, 18:39:51

Title: Effect of age on teaching skills and encouraging?
Post by: Thanatos on 2005 August 16, 18:39:51
Hi, I'm new to these forums but a veteran at "thesimsresource" forums. Where I have the same name. (Sort of)

I wanted to ask a couple of related questions about something that is hinted to exist by the Prima official guide. Since some of the info there is quite erroneous, I though this would be good place to ask.

I have two related questions.

1. With relation to encouraging personality, what affect does age difference, age of the encourager, or person being encouraged, personality of both, and difference in personality have on the rate of developing (or losing) personality points?

2.  Similarly, With relation to learning skills on objects, what affect do age difference, age of the teacher, or person being taught, personality of both, and difference in personality have on the rate of developing skill points?

Thanks in advance. :)

Title: Re: Effect of age on teaching skills and encouraging?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 August 16, 21:38:02
Dunno the answer to the first one, but here's something that might answer some if not all of the queries regarding question no.2. Check out Myths, Urban Legends, And Apocrypha Of TS2 Explored And Exploded in The War Room on this very website, it mentioned skilling.

Here's the link:

Title: Re: Effect of age on teaching skills and encouraging?
Post by: LK on 2005 August 16, 21:40:34
For the first one, Elders are able to encourage better than any other age group (so says the book).

Title: Re: Effect of age on teaching skills and encouraging?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 16, 21:57:21
Elders appear to have more encourage firepower than any other group, but absolutely nothing affects the bonus gained for "teach" on a career item: It is always +100%, regardless of the level of skill of the instructor, whether the instructor wears a thinking cap or not, or the age of the instructor. The learning wearing a thinking cap is +100%, which stacks for a total of +200% LR. If the learner has the "stuck smart milk" effect, that is +200%, which stacks with "Teach", but is overridden permanently by the thinking cap.

Title: Re: Effect of age on teaching skills and encouraging?
Post by: Marvin Kosh on 2005 August 17, 00:41:59
Of course Elders make particularly good instructors if they have retired and can spend most of their day instructing the younger generations.  Better yet, they can encourage a favourable personality prior to training, so you get the most possible skill-building done.

Title: Re: Effect of age on teaching skills and encouraging?
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 August 17, 18:57:00
Get the macro-encourager it is awesome.  Daniel Pleasant was able to get Lilith and Angela not to be messy, and Olive got Nervous to have a 10 in neatness so I didn't have to kill him again.