More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 10:22:17

Title: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 10:22:17
Ever since I started playing the Sims2 (which was actually March 23 of last year, so happy anniversary to me!  ;D), I haven't gotten attached to too many of my Sims.  I've restarted the game more times than I can count and only a few times did I miss a Sim when they died.

However, this past weekend I started a Legacy family (for those who don't know what that is, what have you been living under a rock or something? :P).  Actually, I started two, but the first one I got bored with almost immediately.   :P

So, the second go-round, I based it on my self-sim and called her Dylan.  I changed her hair colour, eye colour and make-up, but the basic structure is still the same.


 Being a Legacy, I started her off on a large lot, though not the size specified in the challenge since that is just too big, and familyfunds her to the correct amount.  She started off with nothing but Macros...skilling her way into about 5 promotions in a Sim week gave her enough to have the essentials.  At this point, walls and floors are still not essentials.  :P

I had previously made my own townies for the neighbourhood, and a bunch of MATY sims are in the townie pool.  One of the custom-made townies happened to be Matt, a Sim I had gotten from Brynne.  My Sim-self met him and they had 3 bolts, so I decided to marry her to him.


After Matt moved in, I liked them so much together that I decided to stop the Legacy and turn off the aging so I never have to stop playing them!  I adore them. I am not going to introduce any non-related-to-their-storyline Sims to the neighbourhood and I don't think I am ever going to let them die.  ;D  And to save them, I won't be re-starting my game over anymore, which may be the hardest thing of all.


Edit: I decided to post the Dylan Sim ( for those who want her.  


She has custom hair by Lola at TSR, which I have included in the package (shhh, don't tell  :P)  It is binned correctly, but I didn't bother to check the family number and delete extra ages and all that.

All makeup is included.

She is wearing custom clothes, all of which are free, but I have included meshes for convenience sake.  The jeans are from Eye Candy, and the top is from All About Style.

Her skin is a default replacement for Helaene 1111, which I got on MTS2.  Her eyes are default replacement from Lyran.

Do what you want with her, but please don't post stories about what you do with her.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 10:41:00
Well I say screw the Legacy. It just smacks of BBS sheepism anyhow. And it makes up all these silly rules like no hacks (OMG hAx R bAd!!!!!!!11111111oneoeneone) when most of them are just bug or annoyance fixes anyhow. Just play the game the way you want to play it. If you like this family then have fun with them and to hell with the Legacy.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 22, 10:45:37
I suspect that post above is shamless promotion on Blue's part for her new website of stories  :P

If you are so afraid of losing them, make clones of them with SimPE. That's what I do for my favs. In fact, I was so paranoid I even made 2 clones and put them in 2 different places.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: witch on 2006 March 22, 10:53:41
I still haven't got past second generation in my game Bluesoup!

What do you like so much about theses sims, what tickles your fancy?

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 March 22, 10:55:53
Aww, heck, I just let my self-sim age to Elder! And I'm going to let her die! I'm not too attached to her though. I don't know why, but my self-sim kind of annoyed me!  :P

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: witch on 2006 March 22, 11:01:54
I suspect that post above is shamless promotion on Blue's part for her new website of stories  :P

If you are so afraid of losing them, make clones of them with SimPE. That's what I do for my favs. In fact, I was so paranoid I even made 2 clones and put them in 2 different places.

Yeah, I have a whole set of sims, whenever I create a new hood, I clone all my favourites over the townies.

Warning 111oneoneone etc etc.: If you have deletedallcharacters and attempt to use simenhancer to clone your favourites back onto self-created townies - DON'T!!!  You will get some kind of 'out of range' or stack or bounds type error - can't remember now - and your hood will be fubared.

I have done it about 3-4 times now (yes the repeats were intentional thank you!) and it fubared the hood every time. I guess with self-created townies there are a bunch of NPCs or something simenhancer is looking for.

I went back into the hood and used shift click on the letterbox to create a batch of townies - and one of downtownies for good measure, when I tried cloning in my sims after that, simenhancer handled it fine.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 March 22, 15:23:54
However, this past weekend I started a Legacy family (for those who don't know what that is, what have you been living under a rock or something? :P).  Actually, I started two, but the first one I got bored with almost immediately.   :P

lol *kicks the Cheese Wench*

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Ruann on 2006 March 22, 16:19:59
I'm actually playing a Legacy at the moment, but it's a Legacy in name only.  The first generation is actually a CAS couple and the first generation will be their six children.  From there, I'll start building more CAS Sims for them to marry and then I'll go about getting the rest of the neighborhood fleshed out.  For me, it's not a Legacy Family so much as a Legacy Neighborhood.

My rules?  Pretty much none.  Not using cheat codes (except to change clothes), I'll use whatever ASP rewards and hacks I want.  And the above mentioned requirement of six kids for the first family and also their family name (Founder) must live on on their home lot (4x4 lot). 

Other than that?  Whatever the hell I wanna do!   :D

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 March 22, 16:30:10
I got to generation 6 in the Legacy Challenge when I had to reinstall and I have to say, I was glad! I was so sick of the whole thing.
When I first started playing TS2 I became terribly attached to most of my sims but after so many reinstalls (okay, 5) I've gotten to where I'm kind of "meh" about them.
I still do kind of miss the first couple I ever made in the game and even though I once "re-made" them, it just wasn't the same. :-[

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 22, 16:40:23
Matt's hawt!  ;)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: gali on 2006 March 22, 16:53:11
Blue, you are not just reformed - you are (Maxis) "re-re-re-re-reformed...:). I don't remember any of your sim-me-s so attractive.


Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 22, 17:47:13
I started a Legacy family once and playing mod free I lasted about ... half-an-hour.  Seriously.

Anyway, I am puzzled here - Dylan is a FEMALE name in the US?  My grandson is called Dylan and it's very much a male name here.  Dylan Thomas and all that.  It's Welsh and definitely NOT female, at least not the last time I heard.  How positively peculiar.  Then again, you use Leslie for females and Lesley for males and it's the other way around here.  Then there's Sidney/Sydney, which is only used here for very old men, although I do quite like the American way of using it for girls.  I have a humorous short story on my website taking advantage of the Leslie/Lesley and Sidney/Sydney confusing thingy.  May as well make the most of these things.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Stitches on 2006 March 22, 17:53:10
It's a male name in the US too. It just happens to be more fun to switch things up. I have countless male sims with females names and vice versa.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: JenW on 2006 March 22, 17:58:32
It's rather trendy here at the moment to give certain boy's names to girls, and names that are traditionally last names to both. Hunter, Tyler, Taylor, etc. are very popular for both boys and girls.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: gali on 2006 March 22, 18:01:00
Hey, hey, don't "hijack" the thread with boys' or girls' names - Blue will delete it...:).

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 March 22, 18:28:04
They are such a cute couple Blue I don't blame you for not wanting them to age.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 19:17:45
Honestly, I just really like that name, for both genders.  And I think it was someone's name on a show I was watching at the time I created the Sim.  :D

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Ruann on 2006 March 22, 19:21:26
Dylan is both a boys and girls name in the US.  Just watch the Charlie's Angels movies.  Drew Barrymore's character was named Dylan.  (Although, her real name was Helen Zass, but we don't need to discuss that.)

My cousin's step-daughter is named Taylor.  I have a female cousin named Jamie and went to school with several male Jamey/Jamie's.  My sister's ex-father in law is named Gail.

So, yes.  Names and Genders are their own little world.   :P

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 March 22, 19:36:25
Blue they are indeed a really nice couple and I do understand why you put aging off.  Forget about the challenge and just have fun playing them.  Anyway, it is not like someone will come to your house to check if you play that challenge by the rules or not, we can always adapt them the way we like  :P

I have the same illness as you, I am starting over and over and over.... I just finish setting-up a new hood yesterday and none of the pre-made Maxis hood have been played in it yet so I did a back-up of it so whenever I have the urge to start over, I can use this template.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 20:03:48
I suspect that post above is shamless promotion on Blue's part for her new website of stories  :P

Well, the site has nothing on it yet, and even if the reason I did post it was to promote my website, I'd jsut say, "HEY! GO TO MY WEBSITE!"   :P

Dylan is both a boys and girls name in the US.  Just watch the Charlie's Angels movies.  Drew Barrymore's character was named Dylan.  (Although, her real name was Helen Zass, but we don't need to discuss that.)

So that's where I got the name!  I did watch that last week.  :D

My cousin's step-daughter is named Taylor.  I have a female cousin named Jamie and went to school with several male Jamey/Jamie's.  My sister's ex-father in law is named Gail.

My best friend's name is Jaime and her daughter's name is Taylor.  :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 22, 21:18:40
nah, don't turn aging off, just get them addicted to the fountain youth watercooler.  if you made then drink the whole thing, it will age them down to the beginning of adulthood.  If you pay attention to their aspirations, you can keep going like this forever.  The advantage is the children will age.  Otherwise it's boring.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Verona on 2006 March 22, 23:17:55
BlueSoup...I wish you would make Dylan downloadable. She has a very pretty face.  I would use that face over and over again.  Seems like all of the Sims faces I make begin to look the same. 

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 23:49:03
Dylan *is* downloadable.  It's my Sim-self that I've altered genetically for hair and eye colour.  I also thinned out the lips a tiny bit and made them curve upwards.  So, head on over to Made Up Animals and download my Sim (second post down in the thread). 

I should note that I am using Helaene's default skin replacements, called Helaene 1111. I found them on MTS2.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Verona on 2006 March 22, 23:52:20
I'll go download your sim. I've got just about everything Helaene has on her site, so I'll be all set. Thanks for directing me to the right area. 

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 23, 00:13:25
No problem, I'm glad you like her.  :)  By the way, that hair is from Lola at TSR (I *may* be able to be persuaded to send that to you if you want  ;)) and her eyes are the default replacements from Lyran.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 March 23, 01:19:12
I get that way sometimes about certain sims or sim families, where I want to keep them and play them forever and ever. I usually do, too. For a little while anyway.

Personally, I like the legacy challenge, altered to my specifications. I don't remove my hacks, and I don't worry too much about buying the biggest lot or anything, that extra couple thousand at the beginning usually means my "legacy" sim gets a bathroom with a shower instead of a hole in the ground and the kitchen sink. Then I go from there, playing basically without cheating. It just makes a nice departure when cheating and boolprop-ing my sim families gets a little old. When I get tired, I switch back. I usually make it through a generation or two before I get bored.

Are you going to allow their children to age at all? If not, it is kind of a pity, I bet your lovely Dylan sim would have fantastic genetics to pass down.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Liss on 2006 March 23, 01:24:39
Dylan is very cute, Blue :D

My son's name is Dylan, but I love the name for a girl too.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 March 23, 05:39:15
I tend to restart alot  ::)

I'm trying to get myself out of that habit and I'm discovering the reason "why?" I restart alot.

So far I have discovered that if I have to many households to play, I can't get attached to them - trying to keep them in sync gets in the way and I feel overwhemled.
I also have trouble letting my favorite sims become elders and will actually put off playing them just so they don't age to fast...which is fine BUT then I have trouble getting attached to their kids because I'm not playing them enough so I get bored.

I've also discovered that if I don't have atleast a few different housholds, I get bored  ::)

So, I combined a few households and killed off a few sims, that has helped alot.  My favorites are now getting older but I don't mind as much because I'm getting attached to their kids and one has had a kid of her own (shes a teenager that was seduced by the owner of the whorehouse, he wanted a son "of good breeding" and also wanted to make sure the kid was truly his)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Verona on 2006 March 23, 05:43:23
No problem, I'm glad you like her.  :)  By the way, that hair is from Lola at TSR (I *may* be able to be persuaded to send that to you if you want  ;)) and her eyes are the default replacements from Lyran.

Well there's nothin' quite as good as having the whole enchilada. Wouldn't be BlueSoup if I didn't have *all* the pieces. As long as I'm being greedy here, I hope the lipstick is included. It's really awesome.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 23, 06:42:06
Hey Verona, I decided to include the Dylan Sim in the first post as a link to download.  Includes everything you need.  :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: gali on 2006 March 23, 07:02:28
Thank you so much - she is too pretty to be left only in your game...:).

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Verona on 2006 March 23, 07:14:31
I'm a happy camper too.  Thanks so much for all your trouble.  :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 24, 07:39:20
Well, it seems I spoke too soon.  :-\  I have burninated the family, but for a good reason, I think.

Since I decided to make them my main family, I am recreating Matt but differently.  Since he is not my creation, I don't feel comfortable writing stories for public view with him in it.  That's Brynne's job.

So, I am going to re-make Dylan and her mate.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: vcline on 2006 March 24, 22:31:33
Thanks for Dylan, BlueSoup.  She's real cute.

When I install the Sim2Pack and move the other zipped files into my Downloads folder, then look at the files with Clean Installer, 3 of the files don't have a Type.  2 are the mesh files, so I assume the other is Dylan herself, but with one of those awful file names.  Does it mess anything up to rename the file?  Otherwise I'll never remember what it is.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 24, 22:33:59
I don't think it messes anything up to rename the file type.  Lemme see...what's in the sims2.package....Dylan, the clothes, makeup (blush and lipstick, perhaps a eyeliner/shadow thingie) and a hair tone I think.

Besides, if it does mess up, you'll still have the original zip  :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 March 24, 22:41:53
I see Blue that you are not entirely cured of your illness yet  ;D

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 24, 23:44:02
That was a very short remission missy :)

Why didn't you just Sim Surgery him with an entirely new look?  GIve him a new name and away you go.  He's still the same character you fell in love with, (and that your sim fell in love with) but you can make up stories to your heart's content.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 24, 23:47:30
Meh.  Too late now.  The new ones exist and they started out married as opposed to my taking a week for her to meet him (stalking downtown every night until he showed up  :P) and marry him.

These ones will stick, and at least they'll be my Sims.  That's important to me.  :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Verona on 2006 March 24, 23:51:31
Well, it seems I spoke too soon.  :-\  I have burninated the family, but for a good reason, I think.

Since I decided to make them my main family, I am recreating Matt but differently.  Since he is not my creation, I don't feel comfortable writing stories for public view with him in it.  That's Brynne's job.

So, I am going to re-make Dylan and her mate.

I'm willing to hang in there with you BlueSoup.  However many you put up for downloading, I'll download.  :D

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 24, 23:52:33
The version I put up is fine.  I didn't change her at all.   :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 March 25, 05:49:33
I am deeply surprised that no one has commented on the saucy barely buttcracked wedding dress and asked where to DL it.

Blue, congrats on your progress. Proud of you!

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: Regina on 2006 March 25, 08:33:26
Thanks for Dylan, BlueSoup.  She's real cute.

When I install the Sim2Pack and move the other zipped files into my Downloads folder, then look at the files with Clean Installer, 3 of the files don't have a Type.  2 are the mesh files, so I assume the other is Dylan herself, but with one of those awful file names.  Does it mess anything up to rename the file?  Otherwise I'll never remember what it is.

No, it won't cause problems to rename the files.  I rename them all the time because I'm constantly saving sims from various neighborhoods with SimPE to recycle into other neighborhoods.  Like many here, I tend to start and re-start and re-start because I never can get anything just right and keep thinking I should be able to get it just right, so there goes the neighborhood--yet AGAIN! LOL

One thing I learned, though, is if you want to save on hard-drive space and/or game resources there are a few things you should do.  If you're saving a sim from in-game with SimPE (very easy to do), by default that sim will be saved in the SavedSims directory.  At that point you can name the file as you choose.  I just use their names.  But the next step is what will help save your game and hard-drive space.  Open them up in BodyShop and find them.  You should notice that you won't be able to delete them from within BodyShop.  (Also, have Windows Explorer opened to your SavedSims directory.)  Now, clone one of the sims you saved with SimPE and make sure to give them all in-game content (clothes, make-up if you want, and hair), just make sure you remember which one it is name-wise, and save it.  Now in Explorer, look at the difference in the file size.  You'll still see a huge difference in file size if you leave them in custom clothing.  The reason I don't is because sometimes I want to remove my custom content from BS when it's running, and if I have my custom sims in there I want them to show correctly.  Keep notes of which sims you are cloning, and to help keep things straight I usually only do about four per session.  Then I shut down BodyShop and re-name the files in Windows Explorer, like JayAbercrombie-MA.  Only after they're all done, do I delete the files I saved with SimPE.

I also noticed, especially on my old computer, that bringing up the Create-a-Family menu took absolutely forever with all those custom sims in there.  I finally started storing them in other places on my hard-drive while my game or BodyShop are running, unless I need them specifically.  I also like to keep a back-up copy on my second hard-drive, just in case something goes wonky with my main drive.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: maxon on 2006 March 25, 16:26:43
I also noticed, especially on my old computer, that bringing up the Create-a-Family menu took absolutely forever with all those custom sims in there.  I finally started storing them in other places on my hard-drive while my game or BodyShop are running, unless I need them specifically.  I also like to keep a back-up copy on my second hard-drive, just in case something goes wonky with my main drive.

Yep - I do that but I just shove them in a sub-folder in Saved Sims because the game won't read them in there as it loads up.  Unless that changed with OFB.

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 25, 20:28:25
I am deeply surprised that no one has commented on the saucy barely buttcracked wedding dress and asked where to DL it.

You sound like you want to know where to get the dress.  ;) The next time I went into CAS, I found out you can download it here (  Oh yeah, and it's free.  :)

Title: Re: I am reformed!
Post by: DMDye on 2006 March 25, 23:10:38
Thank you, Blue for the downloadable Dylan and the link to the sexy wedding dress!