More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 07:44:14

Title: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 07:44:14
I just created a new neighbourhood with a custom hood that I have used before.  At most, I expected to have to go into PaintShop to make the neighbourhood picture work properly, but I have no idea what's up with this.


Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 08:20:00
I quit the game and restarted, and it's still black.  When I have the neighbourhoods at the opening screen though, it shows up normally?

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 March 19, 08:29:09
Try pressing the tab key.  ???

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 08:45:46
Nothing worked, although all the sub-hoods worked.  I ended up just burninating it and making a new neighbourhood (yes the same one, and yes it worked this time).

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 March 19, 09:43:43
This just happened to me tonight. Since installing OFB, I was getting a lot of crashes to desktop and funky graphics. The black screen was what finally made me check my drivers. There was one version that was newer than the one I had. Funny thing, either before or during the update of the video drivers, my directx got corrupted. Redownloaded directx and the new video drivers and so far, knock wood, so good.

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: Tyyppi on 2006 March 19, 12:01:27
It's probably because you named your neighbourhood Utopia. Sims are never happy with their lives so they can't live in Utopia. :P

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 12:03:23
My Sims are always in a euphoric state.  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 March 19, 13:54:53
My Sims are always in a euphoric state.  ;D

So that would be

Utopia, Euphoric


(sorry, somebody had to say it, might as well be me)  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: Ruann on 2006 March 19, 15:18:50
My Sims are always in a euphoric state.  ;D

Just because they're abusing the Bubble Blower doesn't mean they're euphoric!  They just think they are!

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 15:28:27
You know, I don't think I've ever used the bubble blower, ever.

I mainly keep them with freewill off and on macrotastics.  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: noname on 2006 March 19, 19:49:13
Check your camera files. That happened to me once pre-OFB when I made an error in modifying the neighborhood camera.

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 19, 19:58:54
Camera files - speaking of I noticed that OFB was resetting my camera files (neighborhood camera), I finally fixed them once again and then marked the file read only. It hasnt changed since, I dont know though that if some point it will blow up but so far so good.

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 March 19, 21:18:05
Check your camera files. That happened to me once pre-OFB when I made an error in modifying the neighborhood camera.

Interesting that you should mention that. I was just fiddling with those as well. I swear, I learn something new every time I come here.  :D

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: TheCheat on 2006 March 19, 21:24:26
The only time I've ever encountered a black neighborhood is when I enabled post-processing before I tried to enter one on the game's load-up. Apparently neighborhood view doesn't like post-processing that much. Debug mode makes this happen sometimes too, which is why I removed them both from my userstartup.cheat file.

Title: Re: Anyone encounter the black neighbourhood when making a new one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 19, 21:53:22
I don't have postprocessing, but I do have debug in my start-up, which is far too convenient for me to remove anyway.