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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 18, 20:12:45

Title: How do I properly package hair files for upload?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 18, 20:12:45
Okay, so far all I have done is create sims. I make plently of custom clothes and hair to go with them, but as for preparing for upload JUST hair or JUST clothes... I haven't the slightest clue.

So, how do I properly package these files for upload without having to attach a sim to them?
Especially if I want to package some hair colors all together?

Title: Re: How do I properly package hair files for upload?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 March 18, 20:30:39
Go into your The Sims 2 folder and find SavedSims, they will have odd names, but you should be able to tell what they are if you name your projects smartly.

Title: Re: How do I properly package hair files for upload?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 18, 20:38:04
Now if want to remove the files and textures for toddler through teen for the hair? (as I did not change those)

Title: Re: How do I properly package hair files for upload?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 March 18, 21:04:49
I have no idea on that, but I know it is done with simpe.

Title: Re: How do I properly package hair files for upload?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 18, 22:02:57
You can safely delete them, I've done it before but it's been so damned long I forgot how to tell which is which. There's tutorials and threads about it at MTS2 and Quaxi's place.

This is another pet peeve of mine, if someone is making a custom hair for only one age range for Christ's sake delete the other ones! They clog up the pages when browsing for custom hair and they waste a lot of space because those textures are big and just copies of the Maxis ones.

Title: Re: How do I properly package hair files for upload?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 18, 22:08:32
I figured it out thanks to dewshine's tutorial. ^_^ I was forgetting to delete the property set for the unwanted ages so they kept getting textures of 1's and 0's.  ::)

And I figured out how to properly family the hairstyles on datgen, but I don't think I am going to bother going back and doing it on all my custom hair. It would take to long.  :P

Now I just have to wait for MTS2 to approve it!  ;D