More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Velax on 2006 March 18, 05:38:19

Title: Couple of hack requests
Post by: Velax on 2006 March 18, 05:38:19
My apologies if these have been mentioned previously (did a search but couldn't find anything).

Alrighty. My hack requests.

1. I've noticed that when selling robots, both the CleanBot/HydroBot and MunchieBot/SentryBot use the same "bases". So if you lay down a SentryBot for sale, it could be restocked with a MunchieBot and visa versa. This is a problem because they retain the previous "average", "ridiculously expensive" (and so on) price. So if you lay down a Hydrobot with an average price of $460, if it gets restocked later with a CleanBot, it'll retain that average price, even though the average price for a CleanBot is $920. You can just unmark then remark it for sale, but that's a hassle as you have to keep an eye on those robots constantly.

I can see two ways of fixing this...either make it so CleanBot bases can only be restocked with CleanBots and so on, or make it so the price is automatically adjusted should a different robot with the same base be restocked there.

2. The second hack. Again this is something I've come across while selling robots, but it could apply to all types of store. I find the "Profit made" section of my business doesn't truly reflect how much money I've made from it because I make a lot of my robots at home (probably 95% of them, really). If I make a robot at the business, its construction cost is reflected in the "Expenses" for that day, and so the total profit made. But if I make the robots at home and then bring them in to sell, it's as if that robot was made for free. Its cost is not reflected in the Expenses.

What I'm asking for is that everything you mark for sale in your business adds its initial cost (whether you made it at home, or just bought it at home from the Buy menu and brought it to your business) to the Expenses. A small thing, perhaps, but I judge the success of my business by the profit made, and I can't do that if the profit it's telling me I've made isn't the actual profit.

I don't know much about hacking, but they seem fairly small things to do....thoughts, anyone?

Title: Re: Couple of hack requests
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 18, 12:27:41
1. I've noticed that when selling robots, both the CleanBot/HydroBot and MunchieBot/SentryBot use the same "bases". So if you lay down a SentryBot for sale, it could be restocked with a MunchieBot and visa versa. This is a problem because they retain the previous "average", "ridiculously expensive" (and so on) price. So if you lay down a Hydrobot with an average price of $460, if it gets restocked later with a CleanBot, it'll retain that average price, even though the average price for a CleanBot is $920. You can just unmark then remark it for sale, but that's a hassle as you have to keep an eye on those robots constantly.
There isn't a really good solution for that, other than to discourage the selling of different conflicting types of robot in the same store, or to set the price such that you are satisfied with the outcome regardless of what is stocked.

2. The second hack. Again this is something I've come across while selling robots, but it could apply to all types of store. I find the "Profit made" section of my business doesn't truly reflect how much money I've made from it because I make a lot of my robots at home (probably 95% of them, really). If I make a robot at the business, its construction cost is reflected in the "Expenses" for that day, and so the total profit made. But if I make the robots at home and then bring them in to sell, it's as if that robot was made for free. Its cost is not reflected in the Expenses.
Not fundamentally feasible, this is a hardcoded issue.

What I'm asking for is that everything you mark for sale in your business adds its initial cost (whether you made it at home, or just bought it at home from the Buy menu and brought it to your business) to the Expenses. A small thing, perhaps, but I judge the success of my business by the profit made, and I can't do that if the profit it's telling me I've made isn't the actual profit.
That would double-cost anything that you actually manufactured in your business and thus cause you to always run at a loss.

I don't know much about hacking, but they seem fairly small things to do....thoughts, anyone?
Both of these requests appear fundamentally non-feasible at this time, with the former being somewhat less non-feasible than the latter.

Title: Re: Couple of hack requests
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 March 18, 14:00:54
Could the docking issue be salved with by making separate docks? create another one then change something so that it is a completely different object?