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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sunkitten on 2006 March 16, 20:21:52

Title: Flashing red pool
Post by: sunkitten on 2006 March 16, 20:21:52
Some (not all) of the pools in my neighbourhood are flashing red since installing OFB. I tried replacing the pool, but it didn't help. Also, in neighbourhood view I've had some lots flashing red.


System specs: Asus A7N8X mobo, 1 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9550 PCI vid card w/128 mb VRAM, 120 GB hard drive w/ 48 GB free space. All expansions installed with the exception of the Holiday Pack.

Does anyone know what is causing this? My neighbourhood was fine before installing OFB but this (and other problems) are making it not so much fun to play.

Sharon (SunKitten)

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 16, 20:25:15
That is due to your video card, I think. Try updating (or rolling back if you recently updated) your drivers for your video card.

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 16, 22:04:31
Pool o' blood.  Have you killed any of your sims lately?

Lol, first thought I had.  It might also be a water recoloring hack, if you have one.

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 March 16, 22:43:50
Are you using one of the new lighting mods from MTS2 that change the look of the water?

Maybe that might cause the problem ?

if not, install it, and it will probably help! It worked for me with the pond water! :D

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 16, 22:44:19
I've never heard of a "pool of blood" recolouring hack.  Sounds like something Pescado might dream up, however.  :D

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 16, 23:04:39
Recolour hacks will generally keep the recoloured thing looking like the original substance, ie recoloured water would still look like water. A flat-fill replacement like this is a graphics bug. A lot of people got something similar when the game first came out, actually.

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 March 17, 06:07:25
I had red pond water, and the pond water recolors fixed it... anyway, I mean the lighting mod that is supposed to change something about the specularity or the surface of the water, and the way it is mapped, or something like that that I don't entirely understand, but seems related.

Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: sunkitten on 2006 March 17, 06:19:21
I don't have any lighting mods in my game. At the same time I got OFB, I also got a new video card, and updated to the latest drivers... this is probably related to my other problem with bluescreening/rebooting. I'll see if rolling back the drivers fixes the problem, because there are families I can't play right now because of the bluescreen.

The bluescreen message does cite an ATI video driver "atidvag" (I'm sure this is spelled wrong, but can't recall the exact spelling).

Thanks for all your help. :)


Title: Re: Flashing red pool
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 17, 11:49:45
What did you install first, the video card and its drivers or OFB? If you installed the video card and the drivers AFTER OFB try reinstalling OFB. Sometimes the game doesn't pick up driver changes.