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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 16, 20:15:48

Title: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 16, 20:15:48
At work so I can't test this, but I just have to know...

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 16, 20:17:50
Ohhh that looks so cute! :D I have never tried it, so I don't know.

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: The~Simmer on 2006 March 16, 20:19:39
It might come with the Family Fun pack thats coming up because I have never seen it in the game before.  Then again it may just be another lie our lovely friends at Maxis have rigged up to pull you in and buy it, but as to which never really exists in the game  ::).

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: gynarchy on 2006 March 16, 20:22:08
The child behind the orange dragon is playing with a horse from the toybox and I would bet that the others are hanging out together while the adult is reading to just one of them. I could very well be wrong though (I hope I am because that is really cute).

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 16, 20:22:51
Oh I'll buy it. I'm stupid that way.
Who wants to start a pool on how long it is before those tapestries on the wall are recolored to Harry potter colors? Hell, when do you think someone will make the new castle beds and stuff match the Harry Potter recolors?

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 16, 20:23:48
gynarchy , is that your name because you have a rebellious... um, nevermind.

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: gynarchy on 2006 March 16, 20:30:19
gynarchy , is that your name because you have a rebellious... um, nevermind.

LOL! Perhaps...  :P

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 16, 20:42:15
If it takes more than a day or two for Harry Potter recolors, then the community is losing its touch.  8)

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 17, 02:09:39
Bleh, if you look the deco in the room, the stuff doesn't even match! Its hideous! A green princess bed, bleh bleh.

I am not believing we can read to a group of kids. With Maxis, that sounds too good to be true so to quote JM, its fiction.

Title: Re: Can you read to a group of kids?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 17, 03:14:43
According to JM, the whole pack is fiction because it doesn't actually exist yet.