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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Karen on 2006 March 16, 19:25:40

Title: Passing on perks
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 16, 19:25:40
I just discovered last night how to pass on perks from the business owner to another Sim.  I have never seen the Pass On... option for a home business owner.  Is it even possible for the owner of a home business to pass on their perks?  If so, how?  I never see the option come up, even when I click on the business owner's closest family members.  I have a home business I would like to shut down, but I don't want to lose the perks if I can avoid it.


Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: cheriem on 2006 March 16, 19:29:10
With each business you own you keep the perks you earn whether you keep the business or not.  The home business can be closed and a new community one opened and you will still have all of your perks.   :)

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 16, 19:32:45
With each business you own you keep the perks you earn whether you keep the business or not.  The home business can be closed and a new community one opened and you will still have all of your perks.   :)

But they'll be lost if I can't pass them on before the Sim dies, right?  What I'm really asking is whether it's possible to pass on perks for a HOME business, or if you can only do that for a community lot business.


Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 16, 19:36:34
You can do it at a home business yes. I think you can even do it at home if you don't have any current business and have sold them all. You also do not have to be related to the sim you pass them on to, they only have to be residing on the same lot so roomies and servos will work too.

If you have a servo or a vamp or zombie pass it on to them first since they never die. :)

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 16, 19:42:57
Believe it or not I still have not seen any servos in my game.  :)  No one in any of my families can make them yet.  I've seen some CleanBots and HydroBots, no servos yet.


Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 March 16, 19:49:33
Believe it or not I still have not seen any servos in my game.  Smiley  No one in any of my families can make them yet.  I've seen some CleanBots and HydroBots, no servos yet.

None here, either - yet.  I have gotten my one bot maker up to the gold badge required to build a Servo, however, I did learn in the process that you have to keep the crafter's mood and aspiration high (I was using the maxmotives cheat and kept him at the bot station for a few days) or many of the bots they build will be defective.

I now have several sparking, smoking machines that need repair - once I figure out how to do that.

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: cyperangel on 2006 March 16, 19:52:04
As for passing on perks, if you do it in one go, it will take nigh on forever to pass just one perk on (not the whole set of 5, but just 1, one! of those)

The trick you can use is to start the pass on, stop it, and then continue, stop, continue, stop. Each time you continue, they get a bit of the bar filled for free, which speeds up the process considerably.

At least that is what us, with no patience is doing....

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 16, 21:13:57
I've had no problems making servos without a cheat. If my robots come out broken I just fix them like I would a toilet or sink.

I admit to using the stop, start trick for passing on perks. I don't like to cheat but some things in this game just take way to long like the cash register without Pescado's hack or getting abducted without TwoJeffs hack.

Balance is not Maxis' forte. Seems like everything is either way too easy and overpowered or way too hard and takes too damned long for what you get out of it.

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 16, 21:57:15
What I like is that you can pass on the perk at a low level and they level their perks up with the owner after that. (They do, don't they? I passed on the wholesale perk to the business owner's husband and she leveled up the wholesale gimmick again after she completed it and the option to pass it on didn't come up again. So I assume he has the most current perk)

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 March 16, 23:03:35
To top it off, the higher the perk level, the longer it takes.
Which, of course, makes sense. It's just tedious work.

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Regina on 2006 March 16, 23:20:20
Passing along perks is a rather painful process.

My sim owns a home business and has so far been trying to teach both her husband and daughter about wholesaling.  Hubby's probably up three levels now while the teenage daughter has the first level reached.

The easiest way to gain perks is to keep opening and closing businesses.  I didn't close the businesses down to get the perks faster, but since I was closing and re-opening anyway it was a nice bonus.

Title: Re: Passing on perks
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 17, 03:19:51
I am waiting for a hack so that we could pass these perks on faster :P
