More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Chanco on 2006 March 15, 22:02:54

Title: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Chanco on 2006 March 15, 22:02:54
I had move in Xavier Hurt in to one of my playable lots and he only brought $1 to the family, I had Crystal Vu move into a lot with Lazlo and she brought $1 to the family.

Another funny thing I have found in my neighborhood is Wander Tinker is  a wanderer in my shops. Every shop my playable sims own she show up on the lot and hangs around forever sometimes she buy something not. I try to get her to buy something when I got tired of seeing her all over the place, she said she didn't have enough money.
So I sad to myself maybe I should go play the Tinker lot, well Now I know why see had no money she spent it all, the Tinkers only had $10 to their name.
Ya their inventories are full, but a lot of it is useless crap! I still have to get them cell phones!

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Lion on 2006 March 15, 22:05:47
Get JM's new shiny no playable shoppers.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: anelca on 2006 March 15, 22:43:21
I had move in Xavier Hurt in to one of my playable lots and he only brought $1 to the family, I had Crystal Vu move into a lot with Lazlo and she brought $1 to the family.

Another funny thing I have found in my neighborhood is Wander Tinker is  a wanderer in my shops. Every shop my playable sims own she show up on the lot and hangs around forever sometimes she buy something not. I try to get her to buy something when I got tired of seeing her all over the place, she said she didn't have enough money.
So I sad to myself maybe I should go play the Tinker lot, well Now I know why see had no money she spent it all, the Tinkers only had $10 to their name.
Ya their inventories are full, but a lot of it is useless crap! I still have to get them cell phones!

Wanda Tinker is a tight arse in my game. she has plenty of money but doesn't like to spend it i find, she's rather harass other shoppers. i let her until i get fed up and ask her to leave

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 15, 22:52:28
So much for spending only 20% of their treasuries.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 15, 23:04:15
In my game it appears to be 20% per instance, meaning they will shop leave and come back and shop again.

Wanda Tinker is a cranky old broad in my game. She hates everyone and buys nothing ever, neither does her son and they have money. (at least I think that is who yall are talking about)

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 March 15, 23:10:31
Are you talking about that old lady with the last name Jacquet (or however its spelled)?  She's the one with the son they own the bakery.  Wanda has a daughter named Melody.  Who I'm conviced is abdopted by comparing how she looks to her parents.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 15, 23:19:59
OH right, you are correct, well she never buys anything ever either, but at least she isnt mean.

Yeah that old woman with the son that is a romance sim that should have been out of the house long ago! That woman is a mean one in my game, she hates everyone and gets pissy anytime you try to interact with her at all. That family reminds me far too much of some people I actually know lol

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: anelca on 2006 March 15, 23:38:01
yeah i was thinking of the Jaquet woman (is she called not called Wanda?)
but there is a younger woman who is one of the premades with a house who is also a tight arse, maybe thats Wanda Tinker then.
God, i should really get a grip, it's not like i have many families in the Village to play with. this makes it easy to drop in on them and clear out their inventories from time to time
and none of my families are particularly poor as i have no qualms about kachinging or motherloding them

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 15, 23:50:30
My sims don't seem to spend money at all. Seriously. I've even started writing the family funds in their bios because they seem to buy a bunch of junk without it depleting any money. I just loaded the oldies, who have been parked on a 14,000 lot, never played at all, and both of them had done some shopping. They still had almost 6,000, and I know the lot cost over 14,000, the total of the objects they had were over 2,000. 6,000+14,000=20,000, the starting funds for the family. Plus, I thought that if you deleted objects from the inventory it refunded your money, or it only subtracted when you placed them in the world or something like that. It doesn't do anything to my funds either way. Not that it bugs me, I just delete everything so my sims don't get free stuff, but it creeps me out when my game keeps acting differently than everyone else's. Like my cemetary problem, patch fixed everyone's cemetaries but mine.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 16, 00:33:46
Most of mine have bought sensibly, although Hegelian went a bit OTT last night and bought a sentry bot for about $1300 Simoleans.  They can't afford it (he's married to Brandi) and they don't need it.  I was a bit concerned today when I took a plate of Chef's Salad out of JMP's inventory so his daughter could eat.  There was no option for her to eat it, so I checked on his wife and she had the option to prepare it.  Before she could do so, however, it was covered in flies and she was unable to prepare it anyway.  All I could do was get her to sling it in the bin, so it was a complete waste of money.  I hope all the food purchased doesn't behave like that, because I've sold rather a lot of it.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Chanco on 2006 March 16, 01:05:34
As far as Wander family having hardly any money, it was not only she but also her husband and daughter that had fill their inventories,come on how many bake cakes and big screen tvs do you need, and why do you have 20 toy robots? It's just funny what they will buy when your not there to babysit them.

 I don't care too much for Wanders character and the way she looks, so I going to let her die slowly.
When I don't like a playable sims I totally ignore them if I'm playing their lot, I will not help them in anyway. Didn't like Mary-sue Pleasant (too boring),So I totally ignore her on the lot, never click on her to see her wants or anything. She was much more exciting that way. She finally did die about three days later she had gotten sick and never got well ;)!

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 March 16, 01:52:51

 I don't care too much for Wanders character and the way she looks, so I going to let her die slowly.


Wanda Tinker is one of my new favorite Sims.  She's intelligent and hard working...not only a good wife and mother, but a sharp businesswoman.

As far as looks, all she needs is a new hairdo and a little makeup.


Now, I have JM's hack so my playable Sims don't go I've never had them spend me into the ground....but the Tinker house is set up to easily sell off $50K in Stupid Stuff, enough to stake a community lot business.

All I'm saying is, give Wanda a chance to live!

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 16, 02:15:38
I took one look at Wanda Tinker and gave her an immediate facelift, there was NO WAY I could stand looking at those lips.  Unfortunately, I went a bit too far and made her even worse (my 9-year-old son asked me why she had a "funny mouth").  I didn't realise she was a playable Sim, I thought she was a townie (I do all the new townies as soon as I see them), but it doesn't really matter in terms of genetics, there's no way her daughter is hers anyway.  I've only been on the Tinker lot a few hours, but she has been wandering around my shops quite a lot and getting in the way.  I don't recall ever seeing her buy anything, but I may have missed it.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 16, 02:16:57
Yowzers. Do I spot a unibrow?

I think I might try my hand at making her over. So far I've had pretty good success in making fuglies prettier. I managed to get Miranda Capp looking semi-pretty - not just passable, but pretty! - with no plastic surgery. Well... maybe a little. But it was 3 clicks at most to fix the chin. That was it.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 16, 03:15:41
Man that was weird. The inventory refunding money just started working, and I didn't add/remove any hacks or custom content or anything.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 16, 05:39:30
Here's my Wanda.


Still not a beauty queen by any means, but tolerable without having had to resort to surgery (at least imo)

When they have huge lips like that, the lipstick you choose makes all the difference. Some take the attention off them and some accentuate them make them look 10X worse.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Regina on 2006 March 16, 06:12:51
You see, the problem is with Wanda's genetics, is that if she has a child with a sim with a small mouth and narrower jaw, that kid will look like it's holding a can of compressed air sideways in its mouth.  Been there, done that!  My guess is that her daughter was made in CAF so as to make the best of the genetics.

I don't have a problem with Wanda, although she meanders my sim's shop and complains about being broke.  Funny thing, I only just now thought of going in and selling the stuff out of their inventories so they could buy *gasps* more useless stuff!  The other elderly lady mentioned above does that too.  Tonight I downloaded JM's noplayableshoppers mod.  I'll see how that works out.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 March 16, 06:59:45
When they have huge lips like that, the lipstick you choose makes all the difference. Some take the attention off them and some accentuate them make them look 10X worse.
True, true. I might suggest for Wanda an even more subtle shade. That pink stands out a little too much against her skin. Think earth tones. Iridescent glossiness like you've got there is especially good in these cases, but you need something closer to her skin tone.

In general full lips are good. It's just when they come with a jaw like that, it's a bad time.

That said, I think I'm gonna leave my Wanda in the grandma dress and the hat. She's hilarious.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 16, 08:50:50
Good lord, what IS it with Maxis and making black people look like parodies?  >:(  If her lips were, oh, three clicks narrower they'd be a sensible width and the poor sim wouldn't look ridiculous.

This is why I make all of my townies and seed characters by hand. *grump*

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 16, 10:26:54
Huge lips just beg for ripping.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 March 16, 10:32:41

Even my CAS Sims are far from "perfect", by choice.  I like Wanda's face, I think it has a lot of character.  

I don't mind an occasional "beautiful" Sim in my neighborhood, but I don't make them...and I very rarely do plastic surgery on any existing Sims. The only thing that drives me to the machine is the jaw configurations that you couldn't possibly see real world.

(I'll leave paper thin and oh-so-perfect to Hollywood, gag.  Saw Sara Gilbert on something recently and I swear she had a nose job.  What a great face, and now she is trying to look like the rest of everybody else?)

Mind you, I get the part where this is a fantasy game and plenty of people would want to populate their neighborhoods with only Very Pretty Sims.  I just forget that sometimes.  (And my Sims think they are fabulous, every one of them!)

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 16, 10:41:38
I don't populate my neighborhood with very pretty sims. I populate it with mean, surly-looking sims.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 March 16, 10:58:03
I don't populate my neighborhood with very pretty sims. I populate it with mean, surly-looking sims.

Grin.  I'd expect nothing less!

You wouldn't like my Sims, for sure.  Everybody is happy and friendly (if not outrageously attractive) in windy_moon's world.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 16, 11:17:37
Who said anything about 'very pretty'? Even taking into account the inherent distortion in the default templates, some of the templates are distorted to the point that they've become parodies - which is most obvious in the templates for the black/African faces. That bothers me. The whole super-distorted cartoony faces thing bothers me, actually - I understand that they are stylized due to the over-the-top nature of the game but I think Maxis took it too far, what with the parodic 'ethnic' faces in the templates, which I find are actually quite lacking in ethnic diversity - even for the white people faces.

So, I make my own. You want something done right...

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 16, 11:38:46
You wouldn't like my Sims, for sure.  Everybody is happy and friendly (if not outrageously attractive) in windy_moon's world.
Windy Moons Suck. How can the moon be windy, anyway? There's no real atmosphere on the moon. Stupid Windy Moon.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 March 16, 12:26:46

Windy Moons Suck.

I'm touched! :)

How can the moon be windy, anyway? There's no real atmosphere on the moon. Stupid Windy Moon.

Agree that the name is completely illogical.

Fits me.

@ Renatus:

I hear what you are saying about ethnicity in the game, didn't mean to ignore it.  I'm afraid I'm not that good at making Sims, so I accept what I'm given. 

Spent a lot of time once trying to make an Asian Sim and gave up.  She looked ridiculous.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 16, 12:53:47
Ah, I see, Windy. That's another reason why the default templates bother me - not everyone is going to be able to make sims that look right if they venture outside of the templates. I'm relatively proficient at drawing and it took me a good long time to get comfortable with Body Shop - as it is, it takes me hours to make a sim that looks just the way I want it, especially if I'm using a real person as a model.

If I can ever get my shit together enough I'll have to make my own set of default replacements. Yeah, that and my ten other projects...

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Batelle on 2006 March 16, 15:06:39
I like using Body Shop because of the additional options for fine tuning facial features, but I have a hard time seeing in body shop.  The model isn't large enough or something.

Then there's the whole mess of genetics blending.  The more you mess with the slideys, the more likely you are to have some fugly offspring.  That's why pretty much all of my CAS sims are slight variations on four of the Maxis templates.

On the topic of Wanda Tinker, she was my first irrationally angry customer when I started OFB. Since the initial encounter, she's been coaxed up to four loyalty stars for the same business.  I've yet to play the Tinker's for real.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Theo on 2006 March 16, 16:01:08
[...] The more you mess with the slideys, the more likely you are to have some fugly offspring.

If you only use the fine tune options in Body Shop, your sim is likely to have unnatural looking (to say the least) offspring.

For better results, you should blend in the facial presets first, and only then proceed to the fine-tuning.

Let's say you want thinner eyebrows - instead of adjusting the eyebrow thickness, try to find a forehead preset that matches that and move the slider accordingly.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Chanco on 2006 March 16, 16:52:19
The things is she more annoying than ugly, to me anyways in my game, and she not that mean she just plain annoying.
She one of those sims when your sim is sitting down to eat his dinner she stands right behind him and breaths down his neck,she always there and in the way.

I agree with Renatus on the whole cartoon and parodies thing.
It isn't so much about sims being pretty it about how over board the features go. Some of the townies that I have had in my game their whole face was lips and you could hardly tell if they had eyes, mouth, or a nose.My eyes burned from look at them.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: MangoOrange on 2006 March 16, 17:40:39
The Tinkers pissed me off!  From their bio, it sounded like they had an established toy store going already.  I loaded up their lot and found a shack in the backyard with a toymaking bench and a couple of shelves.  Bah!  I played a little while but they're just not very interesting and they have no skills.  Plus Stephen wants to flirt with the Delarosa flower woman.

I think I will make them into townies.  If I'm going to start from scratch on a toy shop, I'd rather do it with one of my "good" families.

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 16, 18:57:31
It isn't so much about sims being pretty it about how over board the features go. Some of the townies that I have had in my game their whole face was lips and you could hardly tell if they had eyes, mouth, or a nose.My eyes burned from look at them.

Ugh. The Neanderthal look. Just what was Maxis going for? And to make that a preset? Maxis illogic at work once again!

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Chanco on 2006 March 16, 19:59:39
Ok I decide to let Wander have a makeover and some surgery.
I didn't do so badly but I still don't like her upper lip.
I don't know if  I'm going  to keep her in the game she still annoying.

edit becuse stupid picture wasn't showing up!

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: witch on 2006 March 17, 08:05:39
I had a go at a Wanda makeover...


but I'm not happy, simsurgery for her - and Renatus? I agree about a parody of an african face, I would find it insulting if I were african, it makes sims look stupid.

Forgot about aspiration before I put hubby through simsurgery tho. Poor Stephen. Least he lost the lips!


Don't think I'll save that effort. ;)

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: Regina on 2006 March 17, 08:34:38
  The only thing that drives me to the machine is the jaw configurations that you couldn't possibly see real world.

That's exactly what I was talking about with the can of compressed air!  Their faces look perfectly normal from the nose up, but in the mouth area they're completely contorted!  And it's those wide-lipped faces that cause it.  Unfortunately, the mesh genetics couldn't be designed in a way that considered bone structure.  Instead, a sim's fat cheeks are bone structure.

Oh, my sims are far from beautiful!  And I really like different looking sims as each one has their own character, and it's kind of fun to take a not-so-attractive sim and try to find them the 'perfect' mate and by perfect I don't mean a beautiful sim, but one that sort of matches.

Witch thanks for the great laugh!  I always wondered what would happen if the surgery failed! LOL

Title: Re: My Sims are spending too much $
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 17, 20:59:34
I depend on the Maxis premades to add that dash of fugliness to my game. That's why I play every one of them. My CAS sims are always pretty though. But it's fun to breed them w/ the Maxis fuglies to see the outcome. Alexander Goth just impregnated his pretty pretty CAS girlfriend. Their first kid is ok looking, but w/ one heck of a nose. It appears that a single generation can't defeat the power of Alex's fugly-genes.

The end result is a rather balanced game, w/the Maxis sims balancing out the good looks of the CAS sims to create an even mix in the children.