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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lefty on 2006 March 15, 08:14:45

Title: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: lefty on 2006 March 15, 08:14:45
After trying out a variety of home businesses, I decided I'd try to open up a little cafe/hangout place, and use the ticket machine which I haven't before.

I set the price, set to start charging customers, and opened the store!
People lined up to the machine, I used sales on them, they filled the buy bar and that chime sounded.... but then I get this:

Ok I figure, apparently they can't get in the way they want to, so I unlock all the doors, and expand the front steps a little. Nada. In desperation I do this:

Still doesn't work! So I motherlode Sim Brynne up the wazoo, and have her buy sims gone wired to see if it happens on normal lots:

I'm tearing out my hair with frustration here! When not charging, the customers can come in on both lots and use everything, so I have no idea what the problem is. Am I confused as to how the ticket machine works? The customers will stand there, fill up the bar, think about a wall, then go back to debating on buying a ticket again, until the bar fills again... Then they eventually leave.

I had debug mode running, but got no errors. I am using Pescado's directors cut, a few hacks from Jeff and Crammy, and the rest is all hair and clothing.
Normal shops without a ticket machine work just fine.

Title: Re: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: pioupiou on 2006 March 15, 08:22:03
your ticket machine is facing the wall, so the sims cannot access to it to buy their ticket : try placing it one or two tiles from the wall and you should not have any problem.

Title: Re: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: myskaal on 2006 March 15, 08:22:40
You have the part of the machine the sims take the ticket from blocked by the wall. Move it so they can get to the part that has the little screen on it.

Title: Re: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: myskaal on 2006 March 15, 08:23:21

Title: Re: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: lefty on 2006 March 15, 08:24:06
Oh man, I can't believe that was it. Boy is my face red.
Thank you both very much. I'm just gonna go hide in shame now   :-[ ::)

Title: Re: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 15, 15:14:22
Hee-hee, I made the exact same mistake myself once.  I didn't realise what I'd done wrong either and ended-up deleting the machine in frustration.  Eventually worked it out when I was on another lot.

Title: Re: Issue with the Ticket Machine
Post by: Ruann on 2006 March 15, 18:55:24
For such a small object, it has a HUGE amount of Sim-Useable space.  Keep it free and clear and all is good.