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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Nauthiz on 2006 March 11, 22:31:36

Title: Tombstones spawning - anyone seen this glitch?
Post by: Nauthiz on 2006 March 11, 22:31:36
Hello, here's another lurker revealing herself...

Alice Ratmill is the only deceased Sim in my neighbourhood (I'm a VERY slow player). She was a CAS Elder, made in order to raise Chandler Platz and Marsha Bruenig, whom I wanted to grow up. She married Victor Ratmill, and recently moved with him, Marsha and Marsha's husband to a new lot, where she died from old age. Her tombstone stayed on the lot because the widower desperately wants to see a ghost. :)

At that time I had original game + Holiday Pack. I didn't play this family a lot after Alice's death, and then I installed NL. When I entered the lot to check them and tweak their Turn Ons and Turn Offs, I saw two additional tombstones on the sidewalk near the mailbox, and two puddles - one chocolate and one urine (I'm using the Yellowpee hack from MTS, maybe I should switch to FFS one?...) The proper Alice's tombstone was where I'd put it, and all three of them showed Alice as owner. As far as I remember I didn't do anything with it, just saved this lot deciding to deal with it later.

Since then I didn't play the whole neighbourhood - because it was terribly slow - until this week, when I upgraded the PC and installed Uni almost at the same time. I played several families and everything was just fine, until I entered the Ratmill lot.

The tombstones and the puddles were still on the sidewalk, but there was no "proper" tombstone where I'd put it. I took one of the strangely spawned tombstones and placed it on the grave (the ground slightly raised and soil coloured to look as a fresh grave  8)), and moved the other one into the house as an urn, just in case. Marsha The Neatfreak quickly mopped the puddles.

I played them a bit, then quit and entered another lot. And I saw two tombstones and two puddles... Tombstones were marked with "Here lies Alice Ratmill". I deleted them along with the puddles (needed moveobjects on here). Another lot - the same problem. I kept deleting them on every lot I entered. I got really pissed off, when Jan Tellerman (Chandler's ex-wife btw), went on a date to a restaurant (built in base neighbourhood) and found two tombstones near the phone. No way to delete them in live mode on community lot. Jan gathered them into her inventory and a helpful waiter came and mopped the puddles. Jan returned home and sold the tombstones from her inventory along with... yeah, you guessed it, along with another ones freshly spawned near her mailbox. Oh, and the puddles.

It was really annoying, and worse, it was cheating - each tombstone gives free 150$...

I quit the game, rebooted the PC and started game again. I went to Jan's lot - luckily no tombstones this time. No tombstones on every other lot. But I didn't have a nerve to go to Ratmill lot. I'll test it tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure that the tombstones would start spawning again...

Have anyone encountered a glitch like this? Does that mean that Alice's file is corrupted and Victor will never see her ghost? And why the puddles? Why chocolate and urine? (well, I recall that someone wrote the chocolate puddles look like... erm... something else  ;))

Well, in fact the whole neighbourhood has to be glitchy after all my experiments: many Sims deleted (I didn't know at that time it was a bad thing), townies giving birth, etc. I have also tons of hacks and other downloads. I guess it's happily running towards BFBVFS, but I didn't encountered any serious glitches yet. And I'm going to play it until it explodes - and then I'll load the backup and play it again.  :)

[Forgive me any grammar mistakes and feel free to correct me if you like - I guess my English really needs refreshing...]

Title: Re: Tombstones spawning - anyone seen this glitch?
Post by: miramis on 2006 March 11, 23:48:10
Someone here had that problem back when Nightlife came out, and I think it was narrowed down to the yellow pee hack.  There is a newer one here you could try. I'm trying to think what the person called their thread...

Aha!  It was Brynne  :)