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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 11, 21:27:51

Title: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 11, 21:27:51
Anyone have any idea what is the exact effect(s) of hanging a best of the best reward in your store?

does it make buy bar starts at higher level?

or does it make buy bar raises faster?

Is there a radius of effect? (like u have to hang it near the items u wanna sell) or does it cover the whole store/room?

Does a reward from one business lot works on another business lot?

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 11, 21:33:42
How about "how do you get the thing in the first place?"

 - Gus

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 11, 21:47:15
How about "how do you get the thing in the first place?"

 - Gus
OK, this is how you get it.
1. It's VERY VERY VERY hard to get.
2. the chance of having a reporter show up is close to zero and entirely base on luck
3. reporters are busy people and they WILL LEAVE if you dont keep them occupied the whole damn time.
4. reporters will still leave once they complete their buy desire (unconfirmed)
5. you need 3 positive loyalty stars of the reporter to get the best of the best reward, which almost impossible consider the above factors.
6. they are not exactly easy to spot if you have a bunch of customers and a big store.
7. ill suggest you buy a hot tub (if you dont already have one) as soon as u spot one (if there is one show up in the first place), and ask the report to join, and place a few snapdragon around the tub to keep his mood up. Sims dont like to leave the tub until one motive gets really low. now you wait (for a long time) and try to get 3 stars. heh

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 March 11, 22:05:47
Sure, reporters don't show up very often, however, once you've met one you can befriend him/her and invite them to the lot. They will then do their reporter job, only this time you will have been prepared. ;)

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: dusty on 2006 March 11, 22:33:25
According to the manual that came with the game, hanging the award next to an expensive item will make shoppers more likely to buy "as their confidence in your Sim's business soars".  It's in the tiny hints and tips bit on page 9.

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 11, 22:41:39
Question: Has anyone actually gotten this award yet?

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 March 12, 03:57:06
I got the Best of the Best Award on the very first day of the first store I ever opened. I only gave the reporter 2 loyalty stars, though. So I don't think you need three. (Maybe I just didn't notice a third) I didn't seem to have to keep the reporter especially occupied either. When Sims walk by the award they get a little thought bubble with the award in it, then when they buy something the buy meter starts higher than usual. The buy bar doesn't seem to go up any faster, though. I place the sign near the sidewalk so that sims have to go by it at least once.

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 March 12, 05:10:23
Yes, me too - very first store opened on first day. Other than the environment score probably being pretty high, it must have been random luck. Haven't had it since.

Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: sanmonroe on 2006 March 12, 07:39:45
Question: Has anyone actually gotten this award yet?

Yes, I have gotten 5. Somehow, until last night, i never managed to get a review, I either got nothing or BotB. Last night I was average and got only a review!


Title: Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward...
Post by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 12, 08:34:52
Sure, reporters don't show up very often, however, once you've met one you can befriend him/her and invite them to the lot. They will then do their reporter job, only this time you will have been prepared. ;)

i met a report on my home business lot and i then invited him to my community business lot, but then he came as if hes a visitor, he hanged out and then left i didnt get any good review etc