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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sunkitten on 2006 March 11, 07:46:38

Title: I think one of my families might be hosed....
Post by: sunkitten on 2006 March 11, 07:46:38
but I'm not sure. :(

A couple of days ago I played with testingcheatsenabled running in order to get rid of the pre-existing ReNuYu orbs on my lots. I hadn't removed them before installing OFB.

While playing with one of my sim families I got the "too many iterations" box pop up citing the name of one of the adult sims in the family. I clicked "reset", he jumped back, and I thought all was well. However, a little while later I got the bluescreen of death, still on the same lot, and my computer rebooted after dumping physical memory to disk.

I've played other families without incident, but the bluescreen has happened twice with the same family, so I initially thought it might be the lot that was the problem. Tonight I built a new home for the family, moved them into the bin, but when I tried to move them into their new home got the bluescreen again.

Help, please?


Title: Re: I think one of my families might be hosed....
Post by: sunkitten on 2006 March 14, 01:27:06
OK, I really didn't want to bump this but can't find a solution on my own. I can't believe no one else has ever had this problem, and now graphical glitches in the neighborhood view have made it impossible to play AT ALL.

I'm about ready to tear my hair out.

Would someone please, please help me??

Title: Re: I think one of my families might be hosed....
Post by: baratron on 2006 March 14, 22:35:20
Hmmm. You were already running the game in debug mode? OK.

Assuming you're using Windows, go to your My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Logs.

Click on the Date Modified column to sort all the error logs by date. You should be able to find the error log that corresponds to your original Too Many Iterations error. I recently deleted all my old error logs, so I don't have an example of the naming scheme here, but I seem to remember they include the User number of the sim in the log title.

Error logs are huge (~128 kB), so don't post the whole log as an attachment, because that just annoys J.M. :). But copy and paste the first 20 or so lines into a message in this thread. Someone who's able to read error logs should be able to tell from the first 10 lines where the problem is.

The fact that you've apparently only had a jump bug start after installing a new EP suggests it's likely to be caused by an old version of a hack that you still have installed. Do you have any strange keyboard mash named .packages in your Downloads folder? (You know, things like sadfkhrlweghbsdbngjhkewruhreawi.package?) Often old hacks get downloaded along with packaged houses and install themselves multiple times with these stupid names. I had this problem with an old version of the Phone Hack that came along with a house and was hiding in my Downloads folder.

So yeah. Find the error log, post the start of it, and then we'll be able to help you :).

Title: Re: I think one of my families might be hosed....
Post by: sunkitten on 2006 March 15, 00:43:39
The files in my game get scanned regularly with Clean Installer and Hack Scanner, and when this problem cropped up I rescanned again and found nothing that wasn't supposed to be in the Downloads folder (I never download lots off the Exchange, and won't dl lots from anywhere else after having found the mailbox hack in my game after downloading a house from a website).

I found the log that corresponded to the original "Too Many Iterations" error... anyway, here's the first 22 lines of text in it:


at Feb  6 2006,15:58:42

Object id: 193
name: N005_User00297 - Anthony
Stack size: 5
Error: Too many iterations.
Iterations: 100000
  Frame 4:
    Stack Object id: 1032
    Stack Object name: Pool Table - 0,1 - Lead
    Node: 0
    Tree: id 4123 name 'Interaction - Trick Shot - Xylo' version -32744
    from SIMPE_MODERNPOOLTABLE_[TIGGY027_2_1.9.2005_33813]_CRES
    Prim state: 0
    Params: 1032    Locals: 0 0
  Frame 3:
    Stack Object id: 1032
    Stack Object name: Pool Table - 0,1 - Lead
    Node: 21
    Tree: id 8233 name 'Function - Main - Process Autonomy' version 56
    from PersonGlobals
    Prim state: 0
    Params:    Locals: 1032 0


I'm pretty baffled when it comes to this stuff... there's a reason why I'm a sociology student instead of a programmer :)
