More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Millikat on 2006 March 11, 01:09:48

Title: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: Millikat on 2006 March 11, 01:09:48
Hi all,

Long time lurker, rare as all poster here! (As is evidenced by my total of 2 posts!)

I am having a problem which I am hoping some folks more awesome than I may be able to help with.

I just had my sims try to woohoo in the hot tub, but both sims then appeared standing next to the hot tub a la "the jump bug". I then tried to woohoo in the bed, same problem. I then replaced the bed with a new one and tried again but had the same problem.

I have never had the jump bug, not even before the first patch was released to fix it. I have all expansions , J.M's directors cut (with all updates for OFB), a selection of TJ's hacks (once again all updated), Inge's Teleporter Shrub and 4 or 5 miscellaneous hacks of unknown origin (cant remember who or where they were from). No Kitten Killer.
I have had OFB running for a few days now with no other apparant problems.

Has anybody else experienced the same problem or have any ideas on how to fix it?

By the way J.M, love your work. The game just wouldnt be the same without your most awesome hacks.  In gratitude I've got a pretty pair of lips in my avatar just for you, ripe for the ripping. ;)

Title: Re: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 March 11, 02:20:54
as someone else mentioned here, the first thing to do is remove all your hacks and see if the problem still exists... if you have them sorted out by creator (or someother way) then you can test them in batchs and find out which one is causing the problem.

you could also try removing the miscellaneous hacks of unknown origin, since they probably aren't updated for OFB since you can't remember who made them.

If you list them someone might be able to tell you who made them  ;)

Title: Re: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 March 11, 02:59:54
Get rid of the ones of unknown origin.  See if you still have the problem.   My guess is that you won't ;)
However if you do, try turning on boolprop and see if an error log is produced.

Title: Re: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: Flipant on 2006 March 11, 06:44:49
I had that problem today, I removed the teen woo hoo mod and it worked like a charm.  Sucks no having the mod but at least it's all normal again.

Title: Re: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 March 11, 06:49:29
Remove any hacks that you cannot identify that have been transferred in lots.  Their names will be 0240923859231850.package or something, but if it came with clothes it's easier said than done.  I believe the clean installer will help you distinguish hacks from clothing if they're named like that.

It also could be a problem with using an invalid version of the kitten killing InTeenimater hack, or another one of those teen woohoo hacks.  There's bound to be problems if you have more than one installed at once, or if it's for the wrong expansion set.  Remove these and see if this condition still exists in your game.

Also, you could have too many sims in the neighborhood causing 0x85 errors.  I've heard that can cause objects to act up, and if that's the case your neighborhood is FUBARed.

Title: Re: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 11, 06:53:41
The pre-OFB version of Jenflower's Teen Woohoo is not OFB-compatible, but jase has posted in a few places that there's an OFB update for it on the inTeen site. (inTeen itself has not been updated for OFB that I know of, but I don't use it.)

Title: Re: OFB - Hot Tub and Bed Jump Bug?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 11, 06:54:12
The problem, as usual, has been tracked to something definitively non-awesome. This issue is thereby considered resolved.