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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 10, 18:53:27

Title: Servo human face mask....
Post by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 10, 18:53:27
I only seen one of my servos wearing the mask once when i first changed her into formal and then i have never seen her with mask again
and none of my other servos ever wear a mask (all them dress in formal)
is this only me? anyone else seen a servo wear mask?

Is it possible to make a hack to enable change appearance and all the dresser options for servo? i know servo and humans are basically the same and those options are only disabled, because when the servo joined my other family the sim of my other family can dress the servo formal outfit....

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 10, 19:05:33
I wish they had more than one formal outfit, I am having a hard time telling them apart.

But I have never seen a mask yet and I use a lot of robots.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Maria on 2006 March 10, 19:17:27
Pescado's clothing tool ( can be used to assign clothes and a human face to your servo.  On community lots, sometimes the servo will show up in the assigned human look, and sometimes as his/her robot self, not sure why.

--oops, I forgot to add that my first servo had a human face mask (but her normal robot eye over it) that she put on with her formal dress.  Creepiest thing.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 10, 19:49:08
The Servo look seems to be mostly an outfit mesh and a hair mesh. I'm hoping once people get settled with the new EP, SimPE is updated, etc., someone will come up with a good way to alter their appearance -- I have a really nice robot skintone I picked up off MTS2 that I was already planning to use to create an occasional live-in robot maid well before I heard anything about playable robots in OFB, and I'd love to be able to make Servos use it.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Zaphod on 2006 March 10, 19:55:40
I agree, there are some nice robot skins out there.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 11, 17:37:12
I can't wait to make my servo's look more human.  But so far I am loving them.  I made one servo and she came with a gold robotic badge!.  So I made her create a mate for herself, since she is a family bot?  But once I activated her for romance, I discovered she has two bolts for my male sims.  Lol.  I'm not going anywhere with that, while she still looks like a heap of metal. That's just too weird. But if I could change her skin, then ....we will see.

My second servo (BetaBot, how original) is a knowlege bot with a gold re-stocking badge.

I am going to have to investigate how to apply a face mask

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 11, 17:39:14
Does anyone have any pictures of the servo with the mask? I'd love to see ;) I haven't created any robots yet. Actually I haven't even played OFB properly yet!

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: miramis on 2006 March 11, 17:46:05
You can click on servo and select wear formal or something like that.  You might need it selected and then click on him/her.  I noted the option, but haven't tried it because the photo's I saw really looked freaky.  I hope never to see my servo's wearing a mask, it's just too scary *shudders*.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 11, 17:52:55
with pascado's clothing tools, i changed servo to human clothing but once i change his appearance (hair etc), he looks completely human (the robot eye disappeared) now he just look like every other human, though still retain the robot voice.
he looks pretty funny when hes power down or being recharged
I wish someone can come up with a servo-enabled plastic surgery machine, cuz i think every servo has the same human face

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 11, 18:56:14
That's what I discovered playing around.  You can make them look totally human.  So it's pretty clear that the robot is just a skin with a mesh. 

I found some great potential replacement robot skins, but I guess nothing will happen until the new SimPE is out and we can actually manipulate the files. 

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: notovny on 2006 March 26, 01:09:50
Is there any way to get rid of the human face mask? One of my Servos  has it whenever he's in formal wear, and I've been wondering how to get rid of it for days. I want the clean regular robot head.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 26, 01:15:14
I think this may be the answer to your problems:  Servo Change Appearance Package -

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 26, 01:16:51
Possibly. I managed to nuke it for my servo recolor. It will require some editing in SimPE though if you're up to it.

Ancient: That will help him make a servo look human but not vice versa as far as I know.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 26, 01:24:11
I assumed it would have the option to change them back, the screenshots show them as totally human and also as half-and-half.  I'm assuming the Insim will have an option to alternate between the two soon anyway, the same as it does for zombies and vamps.

I'm keeping my first two Servos as robots, but the next one will be an android (have to use that amazing skin linked to on another thread - yours I think, Motoki).  I'll try this mod out then and see if I can change back and forth.  I hope some way is provided soon to change them back to human temporarily, so my bot females can have babies.  I refuse to accept the fact that male robots can father kids, but female robots can't conceive them.  This is pure metallic sexual prejudice and I simply won't tolerate it and neither will my female Family Sim servo.

Title: Re: Servo human face mask....
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 26, 01:36:17
Well I know the servo heads are technically hair as far as the game is concerned, but Maxis hid them. When I was trying to figure out how to distribute my pink servo recolor I ended up just having to upload her with a lot because even when I unhid the servo head 'hair', the darned human face mask would always get stuck on her face when I changed it via the mirror and I ended up having to manually replace a value in SimPE to get rid of it.

Let me know if you have any luck with that hack though.