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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: arielle on 2006 March 10, 06:27:23

Title: Playing in the bathtub
Post by: arielle on 2006 March 10, 06:27:23
I had a hack once upon a time that stopped this, but now since I got OFB, they're back to playing in the bathtub again.  I HATE them playing in the tub.  I even sold all the tubs and put showers in because it pisses me off so bad.  I don't know if I accidentally deleted the hack or if it just is not working, since I took a bunch of hacks out prior to installing OFB.  I have no clue where I got the hack originally.  Was it from here?  Anyone pointing me in the right direction to stop the madness of adults playing pirate in a bathtub will get a Warm Fuzzy. 

EDIT:  Woot, I found it under TwoJeff's Old Crap - thank you thank you thank you!  You saved what little bit of sanity I have left!