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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ChibyMethos on 2006 March 09, 21:59:13

Title: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: ChibyMethos on 2006 March 09, 21:59:13
I was wondering if there was a way for kids and teens to use the paper, which they will pick up and read anyway, to find a group activity like joing a baseball team, or taking ballet, on the weekends only.

A van? or carpool of some sort would come and get them. We couldn't follow them, like when people get abducted, but they'd be earing body points, logic skills and/or charisma points while they are doing the activity, instead of money.

They'd only be able to go on the weekends, but they're kids and teens so long, maybe they should go after school a couple of aftermoons a week, too.

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: holly on 2006 March 09, 22:15:43
thats a great idea ,

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 March 09, 22:16:43
Isn't it tho. I would love that!

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 22:17:31
Implausible or impossible to code for children. Could be done for teens, to a certain degree, as a custom career.

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 March 09, 22:29:11
Are you sure it's impossible to code this for children? I mean can't one make the kids think that they're teens or adults just when you want the carpool to pick them up and drop them off? Isn't that what the inteenimator does? Make the teens think they're adults in order to enable woohoo, pregnancy etc? Perhaps this only works for interactions, though and not career type objects. I don't know anything about coding though so I'm just guessing. Anyway, if it's possible I would love to see this, especially for kids. They don't have anything to do otherwise.

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 22:35:56
I suppose something could be rigged up like private school where they go and randomly get skill points, but then would it really fundamentally be any different than a kid going to private school other than being called something else? I suppose the chance of gaining skill could be made higher or even 100% of the time.

Thing is, it sounds fairly complicated and ideas are, quite frankly, a dime a dozen but people to program them are not. I guess anything's possible though. I remember when university came out I posted an idea that maybe someone could make the vanity mirror so that a sim could give other sims makeovers for pay and start a beauty salon. No modders picked up on the idea, I guess I didn't really expect them to, but Maxis eventually did now a year later with OFB so you never know.

Having been on both sides of it, both suggesting ideas for mods/hacks and having ideas suggested to me (moreseo in the Morrowind community, but a few times even in the TS2 community) I can tell you that it's a lot easier to suggest than it is to make.  ;) Most modders have a pretty full plate already as they are generally few and far between and seeing as they are doing it with their own time, it only makes sense to do what they WANT to do and not what someone else requests.

Also, since a new episode just came out, there's loads of other things to do, updating existing hacks, fixing new bugs and annoyances etc. I don't even think most modders will have the time to do optional add-on type of stuff for a while.

Something I've also learned is, if you want something done bad enough, figure out a way to do it yourself. I know a lot of people will say 'Oh I could never do that' and I used to say that to myself about a lot of things but when I really tried and set my mind to it, I suprised even myself with what I could do. Believe me, I am the last person who thought I would EVER be able to use a 3D program. The first time I ran one I was like  ???

Other things I wanted but not bad enough to spend the time to research it, learn it and make it, so it all depends on your priorities.

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 March 09, 22:41:30
It doesn't hurt to ask... someone might think it's fun and a good idea. Tho... it might be wise to go ask over on Inge's forum as it seems the kind of thing she'd be more likely to be interested in than JM... or even TwoJeffs... but ne'er can tell :)

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 22:43:46
Actually, asking can hurt here. It can be quite dangerous to your lips.  ;D

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 March 09, 22:48:19
<laugh> well mine seem determined to be ripped up either way, so then it's at least no worse ;)

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 23:43:37
The fact that I'm not sure whether it's possible is why I said 'implausible or impossible'. I don't write my own mods (yet), but I have a general idea of how things work, enough to be able to figure out in many cases whether a mod would be simple or complex. That would be a complex mod.

Like I said, though, most of that functionality could be made available for teens with a custom career. I have even seen driving lessons for teenagers set up as a custom career, which costs money instead of earning it (since driving lessons normally do cost money). The skill gain would be a little more difficult to work in (although not impossible, since there are always chance cards), but otherwise all the functionality described could be done with a custom career.

Title: Re: Is it possable to do this?
Post by: ChibyMethos on 2006 March 09, 23:47:04
Thanks guys ;D

My computer isn't at a point yet where I'd be able to do this kind of thing w/o crashing I. Also, most of the tutorials that I find are WAY too confusing for a beginner with no code writing experance. I'm still trying to figure out all the stuff I can do with SIMPE.

I was talking to my sister (and fellow simmer) about it the other day and though I'd just toss it out there. Ya never know.

 . . . functionality could be made available for teens with a custom career. . .

I was sort of thinking along that line. That would really be the only way to do it.