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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: mistymage on 2006 March 09, 14:42:34

Title: an "I wish" thought
Post by: mistymage on 2006 March 09, 14:42:34
I wish that instead of having to keep buying and selling my beds.. that there was an option to purchase better comfort/energy for the beds I have. Instead of having to change the room's theme each time just to have a better night's sleep.  The amount could be equal to or more than buying the next bed.. I wouldn't mind paying extra for a new boxspring and mattress.. it's just silly having to buy a new frame each time as well.

The same could go for all the furniture.. couches, chairs, toilets/tubs. Then for stoves/fridges the hunger values could be increased. For surfaces the environment score could go up a little. 

I think this way one could have the look one desires and keep sims happier.


Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 15:23:45
Would be nice. I hate the fact that I'm limited to one set of items if I want to maximize effeciency. Sometimes it just doesn't go with the decor. Even if we couldn't upgrade the beds we have, it would be nice if every bed had several variations that differed in price and comfort/energy so we could pick the styles we liked and that matched our homes.

I tried to make a hack to do this once, but Pescado pointed out that I only changed the value displayed in the catalog and not the actual value.  :-[ I never did get back to figuring out how to change the actual value. I know there were a couple of other hacks like this too, but I'm pretty sure they just did the same thing I did and changed only the value displayed in the catalog and not on the actual bed.  :(

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 15:52:13
I'd settle for just not seeing so damn many pretty new-mesh beds with extremely low energy and comfort. :P Downloaded some of Sunair's from TSR and quickly realized that I WILL NEVER USE THEM, EVER, because an at least half-decent bed is fairly high on my priorities even for Legacy Sims, and they're barely better than the floor.

Actually, here's something that might work nicely: completely invisible recolors of the frame of several different beds (making them appear as just a floating mattress when that frame recolor is used), and a set of decorative-only frames (on Echo's rug bases, perhaps?) which could be used with any of them by way of moveobjects on?

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 15:58:50
And on the other end of the spectrum I have some really nice custom beds that give super high energy and comfort and are dirt cheap.  ::)

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 16:01:46
Hah, well, I have a few of those too, although I really ought to check to see if the one that's labeled 10/10 in the catalog is really anywhere close to that good.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 16:06:11
Hmm, true. I bet they just changed the value in the catalog and thought it changed it on the bed.  ::)

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 16:18:30
Yeah. Think I'm going to do some testing and prune beds in a big way soon.

Being able to use any bed I wanted (or at least a wide range of designs) with any energy and comfort level according to price really would be nice, though. Pity I haven't got a tame object mesher to pass on that decorative frame idea to. ;)

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 16:24:34
We wouldn't even need a mesher really, we could just change the values of some of the existing custom and Maxis beds we already have. It should just be a matter of finding and changing the value in SimPE. Problem is, I'm not sure which one it is.

If anyone knows how, I wouldn't complain if you posted a tutorial. (HINT HINT) lol

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 16:38:53
That's true. I'm not especially well-versed in SimPE yet, but at least I'm no longer uncomfortable editting individual packages. I was thinking of something that just about anyone could use, though.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 16:41:46
If I knew how, I'd clone some of the low and mid range Maxis ones, give them higher values and price and post them. I'm not messing with custom stuff though, people get really touchy about that.

One of these days I really need to sit down and figure this out.  ???

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 March 09, 22:34:53
I have a Soma bed by windkeeper with the energy level pushed up. (At least I think it works, I've never actually timed it or anything) Maybe you could ask her how she cloned the maxis bed and then raised the energy level. The only bad thing is that it's really cheap. It feels like cheating to buy it.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 22:37:55
I have her bed too, I have the whole set in fact. It's one of my favorites, I love that they match and all draw the same textures, but you are right, it does feel like a cheat. :(

I know the energy and comfort rating is higher, but to be honest, I'm not convinced it really is and not just the description that was changed. I guess I will have to time it. I wish there was an easy way to tell.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: blackjacksims on 2006 March 09, 22:50:52
I didn't want every lot to have the Medieval double bed, but did want every sim to sleep with premium stats. So, I cloned two of my favorite double bed Maxis meshes and put in the higher bhav stats and catalog information. It works but it is by no means elegant modding or awesome in any way. Behavior Constant: Tuning - Sleep is one of two values you would be wanting to change. I'm afraid my level of knowledge is too low to instruct very far.
You should be able to do this with any custom mesh you would like for your own game.
Motoki, I could send you the packages if you are interested in testing them.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: blackjacksims on 2006 March 09, 23:01:28
These should be the BCON for Medieval that you would be looking to replace in your chosen clone.

Behaviour Constant: Tuning - Sleep
Line 0x0 Dec 80
Line 0 is comfort
Line 0x1 Dec 100
Line 1 is max comfort
Line 0x2 Dec 38
Line 2 is energy per hour

The catalog information should be in OBJD under an entry like "Bed - Double - UM" without additional letters. Raw Data and Decimal view will get you where you want to be.
CTSS will change the text for the catalog description in game.

I'm sorry if this information is wrong in part or in entirety.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 09, 23:23:31
Thanks! I'll give that a try. :) I appreciate you posting that.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: veilchen on 2006 March 10, 02:57:03
It really would be nice if you could figure it out Motoki. (hint, hint, right back at ya) :D

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 10, 03:07:57
yep no meshing needed for that, simple cloning and tuning with price adjustments. Shouldnt take you more than a few minutes for each item.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: veilchen on 2006 March 10, 03:19:57
Yeah, for you Nectere LOL. (smiley free zone)

I couldn't do that myself, but as the others said, it would be nice if I could keep the matching decor items but sort of 'upgrade', with the appropriate payment due.

My first priority, whenever they make enough money, is for me to get the best bed. Unfortunately the selection of the really good beds is rather small.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 10, 03:33:51
well the downside is that you end up with a catalog full of the same stuff over and over at different ratings and prices. Now if there was a way to use the collections folder so that it removed things from the catalog and that they only appeared in the collections folder that would be ideal and worth doing on a large scale. Then you could have collections based on ratings/prices.

There is my "I wish"

(p.s. its only seems hard the first time...)

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 10, 03:42:21
well the downside is that you end up with a catalog full of the same stuff over and over at different ratings and prices.

Yeah, that's the other reason why I like the idea of making the frames separate.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 10, 04:57:14
well the downside is that you end up with a catalog full of the same stuff over and over at different ratings and prices. Now if there was a way to use the collections folder so that it removed things from the catalog and that they only appeared in the collections folder that would be ideal and worth doing on a large scale. Then you could have collections based on ratings/prices.

There should be a flag somewhere for that. I mean, people have made buyable collections for things not in the catalog like the mailbox, pizza boz etc. I know there's a flag value where depending on how you set it, the item shows up under residential, community or both. I bet there's a 'neither' value too. There is for clothes, that's how I made my elder mod, just changed the flags on the clothing that was hiding them so they show up as buyable. I bet you can do the reverse for buy mode stuff if you know the right value to change.

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 10, 13:47:18
There's a tutorial at MTS2 for enabling an item to show up as buyable on a community lot (or you could do the opposite and remove it from showing up). It has pictures and there's some buy mode flags and stuff around the same area so sounds like that's the area to poke around with. Maybe compare Sims a Little Dream a Lot's buyable pizza and mailboxes to a regular buyable item and check that area out and see what flags are different.

Anyway, here's the link:

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 10, 17:40:55
Thats a great idea Motoki,  I forgot about that, you are right. I will have to check it out, thanks!

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: mistymage on 2006 March 11, 15:28:06
I went to sleep thinking about this thread  ;D

I don't have OFB yet (we're in the midst of moving so Sims for mr isn't a high priority... yet ;-) .. but I was reading about the snapdragons.  They raise energy slightly and only in a small area vs the whole lot, yes?

If that is true.. perhaps some clever modder could take the snapdragon and mod it into a rug that could be placed under any bed (using move_objects on, if necessary) and tweak it to also slightly raise comfort.

A total of X rugs to cover from the cheapest, least comfortable to the most expensive, comfortablest beds.  Thin and small to fit under any bed shape and size. Each one increasing in the amount of local comfort/energy.

The rugs might even work under sofas, toilets, tubs living chairs etc.. larger rugs could be placed under dining room tables/chairs.

Sometimes dreams come true  ;D

Then again I'm talking about the Sims.. nightmares seem more appropriate!

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 12, 05:23:21
snapdragons dont effect energy levels, at least not in my game, only the other levels

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 12, 13:40:14
Supposedly I've heard it claimed that it slows the rate of energy decay. I can't seem to verify this in the Prima Guide (surprise, surprise  ::) ) and I've tried to watch out for it myself but it's hard for me to notice if it's making a difference or not. *shrug*

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: miramis on 2006 March 12, 14:49:06
Sometimes I could swear they make energy decay faster. 

Title: Re: an "I wish" thought
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 12, 16:36:03
Well there's evil stinky snapdragons that are supposed to smell putrid and make all the needs go down instead of up.  ;D