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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DrBeast on 2006 March 09, 11:43:34

Title: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 09, 11:43:34
I know many of you peeps have jumped on the OFB train, but I'm a slow mover. I recently acquired Nightlife, and after making sure I've got all my hacks NL-complied I started playing with my old, pre-NL sims. All's well and good, but...
No matter what, no sim gets the option to Slow Dance. 99% of my hacks are MATY-certified, which means their creators are: Pescado, TwoJeffs, Crammyboy, and Syberspunk. The odd 1% are from Inge, Merola (the multi-painting and the mirror), a couple of Carrigon's (no alien pregnancy for men after abduction and safe indoor grill), Wintermute's newspaper, phedge's potty hacks, and Monique's stay later. I run with testingCheats enabled, no error messages whatsoever. Like I said, the option is not there, and I've tried with sims with different levels of relationship, from just met to just married 100/100 soulmates, and also different levels of outgoing and/or playful attributes. Ah, and the game is patched with the second patch (the only one available when I got the game).


Oh, I tried out a vampire last night just for the heck of it, and he too lacked a (pretty vital this one) interaction: bite! Again, tried with different levels of relationship. Something bugs the interaction pie menu it seems...?

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 09, 11:45:22
Eep! Sounds like your game might be slightly bugged....slow dance works for me, but takes forever to cancel out the interaction. I don't know about the vampire one, because I haven't even seen a vampire since OFB was installed! :D

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 09, 11:59:12
Yah, I might try the uninstall/reinstall approach. That's what I had done when I had gotten Uni. Installed everything from scratch. This time I got bored though!

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 09, 13:13:20
Well, the missing options are on the Sim pie menu, so if it is a hack conflict, it'll be a pre-NL version of something which affects that menu, and all you have to do to test whether it's a hack or a glitch is doublecheck with Clean Installer to make sure you've got everything rounded up, and then remove your hacks and see if you get the option.

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 09, 13:37:11
Well, the missing options are on the Sim pie menu, so if it is a hack conflict, it'll be a pre-NL version of something which affects that menu, and all you have to do to test whether it's a hack or a glitch is doublecheck with Clean Installer to make sure you've got everything rounded up, and then remove your hacks and see if you get the option.

Yep, that's on top of my "to-do" list as soon as I get home (in less than half an hour that is). With the advent of NL I've sorted out my hacks in subfolders according to their creator's name, so I'll yank all of them out first to see if there IS a hack conflict or a bad install. If it's a hack conflict, it's one subfolder at a time. Ugh, hope it ain't one of Pescado's hacks, they're lots and many of them!

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 10, 08:59:36
Quick update and end of story: true enough, the culprit was a conficting hack, Shaklin's lightsabers or rather, their global controller. Finding it was easy enough, it was just begging to be removed sitting there among other 10-15 hacks in my Various Hacks subfolder, where I pile non-awesome hacks, hehe! As it turned out, ALL NL interactions were being blocked by this bugger, and on top of that, I didn't get the swordfight option after moving it to that subfolder! Guess it was picking a fight with Pescado's noroadpillows. Guess who won! I'm SO NOT gonna miss the lightsabers!

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 10, 09:17:27
Haha glad you got it sorted out ;)

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 10, 09:34:50
Haha glad you got it sorted out ;)

I was lucky I guess... it took me less than 15 minutes all in all, including four game restarts inbetween folder swaps. Man am I glad I finally organized my Downloads folder! Had this happened with Uni, I'd still be searching for the culprit!

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 10, 10:56:54
Well, when you're worried about a hack conflict, the first thing you should always try is removing all non-awesome things! It's always a non-awesome thing for some reason....

Title: Re: Slow Dance Gone AWOL: possible hack conflict?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 10, 11:19:26
Well, when you're worried about a hack conflict, the first thing you should always try is removing all non-awesome things! It's always a non-awesome thing for some reason....

...and that was exactly my course of action! First, remove all hacks to see if it's indeed a hack conflict. Then, put all hacks back sans the Various subfolder. Then, find the one among those that caused the conflict. I nailed it at the second pruning (first candidates were Carrigon's and Wintermute's stuff, but they turned out to be OK). There, four restarts of the game and I was home free!