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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: shezoe on 2006 March 09, 03:31:07

Title: Can't change lot zoning in OFB?
Post by: shezoe on 2006 March 09, 03:31:07
Has anyone tried to change lot zoning in OFB yet?  Were you successful? :-\ I've tried to change a residential to a commercial and a commercial to a residential. It SEEMS to work-it's listed in the neighbordhood as changed, but with the residential~>commercial-i couldn't enter it either by calling and going to a commercial lot because it was greyed out and told me i couldn't go there because there was a saved game in progress. i couldn't enter it from the neighborhood because it said there was a family visting it right now (which there wasn't) then i tried to turn commercial to residential, cuz i'd decided i wanted my sim to live above his business.  Again-it SEEMED to change to residential. He could buy it from the neighborhood-it loaded with his lil picture like normal, but when it opened-he wasn't there.  Go back out to the neighborhood and the lil green plumb bob is there-saying he lives there-but no sign of him from within the lot-The Character icon is greyed out like in build mode before anyone buys it.  Does anyone know anything about that? Am i missing something really simple?  And why on earth would Maxis make a "run your own business" game and still not allow cars on commercial lots so you can have a car lot?  >>>frustration level rising about now<<<  Big thank you's to anyone who knows what's up  :)

edit: k-i keep forgetting about wholesale mode so you can place odd things, so that frustration was my own stupidity. Is my other frustration the same?  :P >sigh<

edit #2-i sold my sims business back to the community prior to trying to change the zoning. i figured trying to change the lot zoning on an owned business would cause a glitch so that can't be it.... or maybe it is...errrr.....

Title: Re: Can't change lot zoning in OFB?
Post by: VyeOlin on 2006 March 10, 03:33:40
Hi, I have the same problem with a lot but didn't try to change it. I was going to see if I could get someone to move in the lot and start a business if that would change it in the event they moved out.  Or would it just reset back to a residential lot.  Oh well, will have to experiment on this one.