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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Tgdrysix on 2006 March 09, 00:44:20

Title: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 March 09, 00:44:20
has just started happening in my game.   This is a new hood....used Delete all Characters after I place a uni and nl downtown areas (and have the noreg hacks installed too)....made some y/a's .....20 to start off with ( I'm starting from scratch in uni)...and as I was playing today I noticed one of them rolling a "make friends with themself" want....I know there have been issues in the past with the hand helds and the little game thingy but I don't have any sims buy these objects at all ever....they don't have cell phones either....I did "patch" my game with the 2nd patch....haven't installed ofb yet....and I have the no jagged lines memory fix....could this be patch related?   thanks, tgdrysix

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 March 09, 04:01:22
This is an old issue that no one really knows the cause of, It thought to have to do with the sim not knowing anyone else to "be friends with"

I had this happen to a child right after she became friends with all the other children that lived at the orphange with her, she hadn't met any other kids to "be friends with"

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 March 09, 06:41:47
I'm not sure if this is related, but a few months ago I had a teen sim who constantly rolled up the fear of her own death.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 09, 07:26:08
Meeting yourself is bad, and generally a precursor to BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 March 09, 12:29:42
This is an old issue that no one really knows the cause of, It thought to have to do with the sim not knowing anyone else to "be friends with"

I had this happen to a child right after she became friends with all the other children that lived at the orphange with her, she hadn't met any other kids to "be friends with"

Well this is a very new hood and no one, well most of the sims, knew the others unless I "created them together"....some I did some I didn't.... :-[   

Meeting yourself is bad, and generally a precursor to BFBVFS.

I was afraid of that...your suggestion would be to just "start the hood over before it does this itself by turning into a BFBVFS?" or is there something I can may fix or ward off this happening? :-\.....what if I "nuke" the memories in Simpe and just start them all over like they never met or anything?   I haven't gotten really far in this hood...basically just got them all matched up and in the groups I wanted them to be in....I have 4 that are seniors that I played yesterday but the rest are pretty much just fres. and soph.....I wanted to use this hood for ofb but if it's doomed already I just a soon not "waste" any more time on it....I would like to possibly save the sims from it if at all possible.....thanks again you guys and gals....really appreciate the responses....tgdrysix

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: sanmonroe on 2006 March 09, 13:45:08
Is this thread a euphamism?

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: C.S. on 2006 March 09, 23:55:41
I installed OFB yesterday and got this too. John Burb rolled up a want to be friends with himself, I looked in his memory and sure enough, there's a 'Met John Burb'. It's not as if he doesn't know enough people or have enough friends already! Before I saw that want, I had sold his handheld game. Everything was fine and dandy, then I installed OFB and suddenly, this is happening again. I thought the handheld bug is back, but wait a minute, John had never even used it. I bought it for him just for the heck of it, but sold it in OFB because sim inventories are getting overcrowded with stocks of goods for sale, and I'm trying to have to scroll less :P.

Too bad SimPE for OFB isn't ready yet, but oh well, I'm treating it like a test game and if it blows up before I get to fix it, I still have a backup to go back to. Hopefully, that backup isn't corrupt and in danger of blowing up too :P.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Ashleigh on 2006 March 10, 16:05:36
Meeting yourself is bad, and generally a precursor to BFBVFS.


Seriously, first thing that happened after I read this thread? My Sim got a memory of meeting herself.


Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: C.S. on 2006 March 13, 08:21:14
I think I know how this happened. It's caused by using electronic gadgets.

I sold all the handhelds but kept the MP3 players, removed TJ's 'Handheld & MP3 No Autonomy', and the sims who had a memory of meeting themselves had been autonomously listening to the music player when they were standing around with nothing to do. That's the only thing I can think of, that why sims in other families doesn't have it (because I haven't played them and gave them a chance to use the MP3), and why some sims in the same household had it but the rest don't.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Simlover on 2006 March 13, 08:26:21
Don't know if its related at all or not but i just bought my sim their first mp3 palyer and now he goes around talking to a ball with a hat all the time!

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: C.S. on 2006 March 13, 08:29:47
"a ball with a hat", I'm having trouble visualising it, but it sounds hilarious :D.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: dusty on 2006 March 13, 08:42:52
Don't know if its related at all or not but i just bought my sim their first mp3 palyer and now he goes around talking to a ball with a hat all the time!

isn't that the popularity aspiration failure behaviour?

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Simlover on 2006 March 13, 09:06:23
"a ball with a hat", I'm having trouble visualising it, but it sounds hilarious :D.
Yeah like that tom hanks movie where he was stranded on an island and was talking to a soccer ball with a face marked on it

And Im pretty sure hes not a popularity sim and his aspiration is in green and so is social, the thing is hes never done it prior to the getting the mp3 player.  Maybe just coincidence or glitch, his wife is family sim and everyone keeps getting luv hearts and fluttering around her like she's a romance sim.  It is the buggiest of all my lots but I love the family!

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 13, 15:47:44
Did you design the house?  If not, you might want to move the family out, bulldoze the lot, and rebuild.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 13, 15:55:59
Don't you get floaty hearts around a thought balloon of a sim even if they're not a romance sim in NL? It could just mean they find her very attractive.

I have two fortune sims and two family sims that keep swooning and doing that "Ssst, hot!" thing they do to each other all the time.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: nectere on 2006 March 13, 16:00:52
apparently you can cause a met and fell in love with self by using the sim modder thats in debug. If you choose all to all I think and likes -  I got a fell in love with self, but it was weird because the sound and floaty icon it made was one of falling out of love, but the memory didnt indicate that, just that he was in love with himself. Last night I had him fall in love with another sim and it didnt seem to adversly effect him, yet anyway, we will see tonight when I play his lot from his point of view and look at his memories.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 March 13, 16:05:41
Heh, that would be funny if he got furious with himself for cheating on himself.

*hums "You're So Vain*

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 March 13, 16:08:06
I think I know how this happened. It's caused by using electronic gadgets.

I sold all the handhelds but kept the MP3 players, removed TJ's 'Handheld & MP3 No Autonomy', and the sims who had a memory of meeting themselves had been autonomously listening to the music player when they were standing around with nothing to do. That's the only thing I can think of, that why sims in other families doesn't have it (because I haven't played them and gave them a chance to use the MP3), and why some sims in the same household had it but the rest don't.

Yes I have read threads on this however...I have never bought these items for any of my sims....never ever this hood they don't even have cell phones yet....they are ya's in university....I used  delete all characters after I added uni and I only have npc's plus the few sims I created in cas...20 in all.....I haven't install ofb yet either...I'm going to continue to "play" this  hood and get them graduated and just wait and see if it becomes a BFBVFS....I'm kinda planning on using it as a "test" hood anyway for when I install ofb cause after reading all the threads here on it I may need to do this to learn how it works.... :-\ least most of the hacks will be or already are ready for when I do install it  ;D....tgdrysix

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Batelle on 2006 March 13, 19:22:05
I had a sim meet himself before Uni even came out.  My Johnny Depp sim was woohooing with his wife in the hot tub and he suddenly jumped out with the cheat symbol above his head and started slapping her.  When I looked in his memories, I saw "Met Johnny Depp" and then the cheating memories.  It was like some bizarre out of body experience.  I never firgures out what cause it, it was a custom neighbourhood with about 25 CAS sims.  That house had no remote control car or hacked objects.  It was all very odd.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 March 14, 00:17:39
I think that was caused pre Uni by switching sims while they were woohooing.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: Metalkatt on 2006 March 14, 06:49:05
Do you use Insiminator?  I've had that issue come up after I clicked "friends with everyone here" before.

It was late, I was bored; I wanted to see what would happen when I played with random settings in my test hood.

Title: Re: Sims having a "met themselves" memory....
Post by: C.S. on 2006 March 14, 09:17:57
It was quite a while ago, but IIRC, it was Uni that introduced the 'met self' and have a crush on another sim they played the handheld with bugs, but then JMP came up with the handheld fix and all was well. Then the patch came out and supposedly fixed those 2 bugs, I haven't had a sim meeting themselves since then. Then we got a new one about 'making out with self', which as mentioned, was supposedly caused by switching sims in romantic interactions. So, ok, I stuck to one sim initiating all the romantic advances and no trouble. Then OFB came along, some sim used the MP3 and suddenly, sims are meeting themselves left, right and centre. Naturally, I assumed the new EP broke what was fixed, but Tgdrysix says s/he hasn't installed OFB, it's still happening in NL without any electronic gadgets.

I have yet to try out the sim modder, but I do play in debug mode. So, what is going on here ????