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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Elvie on 2006 March 08, 20:25:31

Title: Unfillable wants
Post by: Elvie on 2006 March 08, 20:25:31
My Sim had a want to promote one of his employees to management.  The want was worth 2500 asp, 0 influence.  He promoted her, but didn't get the points, and the want didn't scroll.

This was a community business, by the way.

Anyone else ever have this problem?  I had another unfillable want (same Sim, same lot) but can't remember what it was  :(

Maybe I just need to bulldoze and start over?  Pretty easy, considering that it's Malcolm Landgraab.

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: TreyNutz on 2006 March 08, 20:31:54
I was playing Malcom and he had a want to make a sale to a particular sim.  So I had him make a Basic Sales pitch.  Later the sim bought the object, and Malcom even rung them up, but didn't get the want fulfilled.  I don't know if that's a glitch or something I just didn't do right.  I'll have to look in the Prima Guide to see how to fulfill that want.  I'll keep an eye out on his wants too.

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: LFox on 2006 March 08, 20:35:40
Sounds like some of the wants may be iffy.  Don't know how to solve it but if your after your reward you can turn on boolprop and ctrl click the want, that'll make it be completed and you gain influence, points ect.

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: cyperangel on 2006 March 08, 20:50:58
I was playing Malcom and he had a want to make a sale to a particular sim.  So I had him make a Basic Sales pitch.  Later the sim bought the object, and Malcom even rung them up, but didn't get the want fulfilled.  I don't know if that's a glitch or something I just didn't do right.  I'll have to look in the Prima Guide to see how to fulfill that want.  I'll keep an eye out on his wants too.

As far as I have noticed, the Sell something want on a specific sim, means you have to sales ->one of the options, and fill their buy bar, so they boy the item as a result of your sales pitch. Just doing a basic sell, and then wandering off, without the bar filling, wont fill the want.

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: TreyNutz on 2006 March 08, 20:55:52
I thought that might be it.  I hadn't tried it yet since I stopped playing Malcom and then new sim I'm playing hasn't gotten that want yet.

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 March 08, 20:56:16
I noticed the Soak in Hot Tub want would never fire in NL, either. They'd sit there in it forever and the want would never go. I wonder if that got fixed...

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: LFox on 2006 March 08, 20:58:20
I noticed the Soak in Hot Tub want would never fire in NL, either. They'd sit there in it forever and the want would never go. I wonder if that got fixed...

It always forfilled for me.

Title: Re: Unfillable wants
Post by: Tina G on 2006 March 08, 21:08:07
I was playing Malcom and he had a want to make a sale to a particular sim.  So I had him make a Basic Sales pitch.  Later the sim bought the object, and Malcom even rung them up, but didn't get the want fulfilled.  I don't know if that's a glitch or something I just didn't do right.  I'll have to look in the Prima Guide to see how to fulfill that want.  I'll keep an eye out on his wants too.

As far as I have noticed, the Sell something want on a specific sim, means you have to sales ->one of the options, and fill their buy bar, so they boy the item as a result of your sales pitch. Just doing a basic sell, and then wandering off, without the bar filling, wont fill the want.

Yep. That's the way it works.