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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MistMeUK on 2006 March 08, 11:31:27

Title: Hack request/ideas : please
Post by: MistMeUK on 2006 March 08, 11:31:27
Hey everyone, I wanted to submit 2 ideas for hacks because these are driving me crazy.

The first which I believe is like many other 'no autonomy' hacks which is somthing to stop poeple just fighting on community and home bussiness lots. I have a home business and at least once everyday its open I get 1 idiot who chooses some to pick on and gets into a fight with them for the rest of the sim day, This anoys me because the take up space in my shop and both go home with a negative image of my shop because they didnt have a good time. I think I saw a hack like this before, but since the release of OFB i havent been able to find it again.

The second I would think wuld be a much more complicated, but then again I cant do even a small hack so to me it would be anyway, I hate the fact that when people go to comunity lots at say 09:00 and spend most of the day there with all their stats draining accordingly but then return back home where it is still first thing in the morning and they have to live the rest of the day with low energy levels, This totaly messes up my sims natural clocks making them get up at ridiculas hours or going to work shattered. I wondered if it would be posible to make a hack that once a person chose 'Go Home' on a community lot and the game reloaded the hsims Home that it would wait until the time he left the community lot before the taxi droped them off at home, for example
Sim leaves home at 09:00
sim spends hour at community lot and decides to comes home at 18:00
home lot relads at 09:00 allowing you to control other sims
the sim who went out returns to the home lot at 18:00

I know the second would probably be a big project to take on but I would be very much appreciative if these could be done or at least some feedback indicating to me that its not posible.

ps this is topic #2000, which is cool

Title: Re: Hack request/ideas : please
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 08, 13:42:13
The hack which reduces autonomous fighting is HERE, in Crammyboy's section. The second is probably impossible.

Title: Re: Hack request/ideas : please
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 March 08, 13:56:12
Yep less autonanous fight is OFB compatible and I suggest you get also "no force watch fight" along with it.

There are hacks already that can raise Sims motive easily that you can use when your Sim come back from community lots, I am thinking of Merola's painting (unfortunately I don't have a link for you) which can do many useful things including raising the motive to either drain/medium/high , you can also use Maxis cheat "maxmotives" but it will raise the motives of all the members that are present on the lot.

Impossible to have 2 different hours set on the same lot.

Title: Re: Hack request/ideas : please
Post by: mistymage on 2006 March 08, 14:06:32
My suggestions relate to your second query:

Why not stick a flamingo of happiness/contentment on either the community lot or get the super caffeinated coffee pot ... one sip will boost or lower whatever stats you want plus the sims will use it autonomously.. at least I have had sims go grab a cup of the "complete needs" powder. for the flamingo's.. found under downloads->Downloads salvaged from Livin-It-Up before it closed. for the coffee pot. There's also an espresso machine but I don't have that one  ;D

Here's a hacked fruit basket where you casn do a quick boost too: and click on the remote control picture to get to Merola's multi function painting.


Title: Re: Hack request/ideas : please
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 08, 14:51:04
Request no. 2 has been asked many times.  JM said that it's not really possible, or would cause big problems, so you can pretty much x it out.

I use 2Jeff static energy scultures on the comm. lots.  It prevents energy from being drained.  Everything else drains as usual.  This way it doesn't feel too "cheaty" to me.  Since time is frozen, I don't see why energy wouldn't be frozen as well. 

Title: Re: Hack request/ideas : please
Post by: MistMeUK on 2006 March 08, 14:58:24
Thanks for the replys guys,
when I looked crammyboys less fight kacks werent up for OFB but it was probably due to my brouwser not refreshing. And i have chosen to use the static energy sculpture as I know I would be too tempted to use the coffee pot and painting hacks too much.

Thanks again