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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 07, 17:18:44

Title: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 07, 17:18:44

Okay, last night I was learning how to play with robots in my game in OFB. It went really well at first. I had a cleanBot in the house, a cleanBot and a hydroBot outside and a sentryBot outside. I thought they were so neat auto-cleaning and watering away. Nice.

One night I noticed that as my sims went to sleep that the fast-forward clock was moving really-really-really slow. Slower than live-time. So I looked around and sure enough the robots were ALL going crazy outside. One was spewing water and the other one was spewing garbage everywhere!! So I panicked and put the last cleanBot outside to clean up the mess until I could figure out what to do. Well within the hour the new cleanBot went crazy too.

So because I must be a huge idiot I pulled out my trusty Prima guide and read up on malfunctioning robots. It says: Malfunctioning robots cannot be turned off with the "turn-off" interaction--they'll shut down on their own eventually....blah, blah". So I decided to call a maid and just let things take their course.

After that things go even crazier. I mean insane! I waited 48 hours in Sim time with the clock creeping by in slow motion. The whole friggin' propery was covered in garbage, weeds, and water puddles. People were piling up on the sidewalk with "gross" interactions over and over again. Pretty soon the robots just ran out places to dirty so they just ran-amok sparking everywhere.

I finally just gave up and decided to see if I could manually shut them off with my sim and sure enough it worked. *Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* WTF?! Stupid bleeping hint guide. *puts out a hit on Prima* I could have just shut them down in the first place. Argh!

Anyway it took two more sim days to clean up the mess. On top of that at one point the maid had died during this whole fiasco. I found his grave out amongst the garbage piles. Apparently he walked over the garbage so much that he spawned a death-by-flies!! Haha!! He kept cleaning up one pile of garbage and then to have come along a robot to spew up more in it's place.

Then after all that the whole place was crawling with bugs and the exterminiator took three more days to even get rid of those. My sims have so much "Vermin!" memory spam I think my game might explode! On top of that everyone in the whole neighborhood has the flu now. *sigh*

Then to my insurmountable idiotness I started up a Servo just to see him breakdown within 24 hours and run amok. Really.

Anyway the point to all this is, is there any hacks out yet, or in the works to make it so robots do not break down anymore? That would be really nice. The malfunctioning robot thing was funny for like the first 3 minutes or so.  ::)

Anyone else had this happen? Maybe not to my degree of idiotness anyway I bet.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: lowlucious on 2006 March 07, 17:30:22
I had servo go wild on me but that was because everytime she queues up chores if the shower was broken she get all wet and power down. In the morning she would be running amok thank goodness it did not affect the other robots.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 07, 17:33:15
I had servo go wild on me but that was because everytime she queues up chores if the shower was broken she get all wet and power down. In the morning she would be running amok thank goodness it did not affect the other robots.

Maybe that is what happened to my servo. He suddenly ran outside and powered down for no apparent reason. I had not been watching so I was not sure what happened. He seemed like he had a ton of power not a few minutes before hand.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Scotty on 2006 March 07, 17:34:13
I agree, robats break down way too often. I would also like to see a hack that will make Servo waterproof. So he can at least go swimming without going crazy. I had to remove the diving boards and ladders in my pools, because Servo wants to go swimming.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: lowlucious on 2006 March 07, 17:48:27
I think when ever servo touches water like swimming, washing dishes, or fixing broken sinks and showers It will run amok which defeats the purpose (almost) of owning a servo. You can never really fire the maid but servo is very good with babies and bringing in extra money.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 07, 17:52:12
I think when ever servo touches water like swimming, washing dishes, or fixing broken sinks and showers It will run amok which defeats the purpose (almost) of owning a servo. You can never really fire the maid but servo is very good with babies and bringing in extra money.

Yeah, so Scotty is right we need a water proof servo mod. Plus a break-down-less-often or not at all hack. How about all bundled into one super robot hackaroonie.  ;D

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: angelyne on 2006 March 07, 18:15:51
Anyone else had this happen? Maybe not to my degree of idiotness anyway I bet.

Dunno about idiotness, but it sure made for a great story lol!

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 07, 18:19:25
Dunno about idiotness, but it sure made for a great story lol!

Yeah! I wish I had thought to get a screen shot of my acres of garbage and all the sims piled around holding their noses! Lol!  :D

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 March 07, 18:29:59
Great story.  Wow!  I have a business called Benny's Bots - selling the hydro, clean, sentry, munchie bots and working on building skills to get up to Servo.  Sales only - haven't used any except the cleaning bot - and got rid of the smoking, sparking toy bots lest the place burn down.

Maybe the next EP will be See You In Sims Court, to litigate all the liability issues associated with the sales of these "crafts."

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: LordHellscream on 2006 March 07, 19:00:16
Servo cannot be turned off when it goes crazy but you CAN turn off the other robots
just turn it off it will return to the pad and u can repair it
i wish they tune down the chance of gone crazy for the non-servo robots cuz they break way too often

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 March 07, 19:13:16
That is the funniest thing ever..... ;D.....although I'm sure at the time your weren't very amused.....I haven't installed ofb's still sitting in my desk....this story of yours sure makes me want to check out all that fun....but I have ya to graduate first and don't want to install ofb till I get them in the neighborhood.... ::) :D....hope things go better for you....tgdrysix

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 07, 20:44:03
Great story, laughed out loud reading it.  So far my Servo is functioning perfectly well - he went to work for the first time today, he's an Inventor at the moment.  For some reason he keeps asking to buy new clothes, which seems a bit silly.  The main problem I have with him is stopping him cooking meals nobody wants, eating them himself and getting fat.  He's forever having to work-out.  He probably won't do it anymore now I've installed Pescado's No Chores hack.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: ChibyMethos on 2006 March 08, 18:32:14
 :D ;D

That's hysterical!! I have no plans to get OfB, but good luck with it!

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 March 08, 18:59:14
Dawnkeeper, I know it's no help, but I could not stop laughing. The maid dying was the icing on the cake! ;D

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 09, 04:10:04
Dawnkeeper, I know its know help, but I could not stop laughing. The maid dying was the icing on the cake! ;D

I was actually quite amused when I found the dead maid. I have never experienced a death by flies in my game before so this was a first for me. :)

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Andygal on 2006 March 09, 04:38:07
Jfade has a "robots break less" hack, it's at greensims. Might want to check that out.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Scotty on 2006 March 09, 04:40:38
Linky? Ive never heard of that site.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Hook on 2006 March 09, 04:45:54
jfade's stuff.


Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Regina on 2006 March 09, 04:49:10
Oh, that was great!  While times like that can be so frustrating, I've found usually in the end they were worth the havoc just to watch! LOL

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: witch on 2006 March 09, 05:22:10
Thanks dawnkeeper, I laughed at your story and I'm really looking foward to trying out the malfunctioning robots.  ;D

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 09, 15:54:01
jfade's stuff.


Thanks for the info guys. :)

Although.... Has anyone tried this hack yet? I am very cautious when it comes to non-awesome hacks. I really want it but I am not sure I want my game to blow up in a ball of fire visible from space.

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 10, 15:21:35
What are you talking about? Robots break less? Robots are SUPPOSED to go crazy. That's what makes them robots, their hidden, innate urge to DESTROY ALL HUMANS. You're lucky your sims SURVIVED!

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: dawnkeeper on 2006 March 11, 17:38:59
What are you talking about? Robots break less? Robots are SUPPOSED to go crazy. That's what makes them robots, their hidden, innate urge to DESTROY ALL HUMANS. You're lucky your sims SURVIVED!

Although the maid did die. ;) I was infinitely amused by this death. It was rather ironic really.  ;D

Title: Re: Malfunctioning Robot Insanity!!
Post by: Venusy on 2006 March 12, 05:43:40
What are you talking about? Robots break less? Robots are SUPPOSED to go crazy. That's what makes them robots, their hidden, innate urge to DESTROY ALL HUMANS. You're lucky your sims SURVIVED!
That reminds me, why is the memory of "Robot Ran Amok" red for Servo(s)? Shouldn't it be green?