More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mike on 2006 March 07, 06:54:33

Title: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: Mike on 2006 March 07, 06:54:33
Theres a pair of lips with an X through it under my name. Have my lips been ripped off or does than mean something else?  :-X

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: MsMaria on 2006 March 07, 06:55:51
Your lips have officially been ripped off. It's a good thing :P

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 07, 06:56:34
It means you have made enough posts to qualify for a pair of ripped lips :)

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 07, 07:07:15
It means he has the power to burninate people :D Especially stupid people...

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 07, 07:25:24
Practically, I tot that one ripped lips = 5 more PMs allowance...

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: Zoltan on 2006 March 07, 07:40:20
How could that possibly be good? Pescado has flames under his name. What do the flames represent?

I suspect it's Dante's Level of Hell he inhabits   :D

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: sanmonroe on 2006 March 07, 21:04:46
I have lost 2 sets of lips, and somehow my employement has been revealed!

Title: Re: Have my lips been ripped off?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 08, 01:04:45
Hey, how can you lose lips once you gain them?

Speaking of which, I wonder how many posts would gain me my next pair of lips. I am tired of deleting PMs so often.