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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Myth on 2006 March 06, 02:40:26

Title: New PC Advice
Post by: Myth on 2006 March 06, 02:40:26
I am getting ready to purchase a new computer to run my graphics applications, Sims 2 and other applications.  My boyfriend purchased the following computer to run his applications and Battlefield 2.  I would like to get a computer that I would not have to upgrade for quite sometime but is easy to upgrade when I'm ready but am weary of a dual core processor for Sims 2. 

The computer I'd like to get is a:

HP a1350n (
Athlon 64 X2 (T) 4200+ 2.2 GHz
250 GB HD
1 GB RAM (will upgrade to 2)
ATI Radeon Xpress 200 (will upgrade to x1600 (

Another option is the:

HP a1340n (
Intel Pentium 4 processor 640 with HT Technology (3.2GHz)
250 GB HD
1 GB RAM (will upgrade to 2 GB)
ATI Radeon Xpress 200 graphics (will upgrade to x1600 (

The only difference is the the processors and that the a1350n can be upgraded to 4 GB RAM and the a1340n maxes at 2.

I know that I could build my own, but neither have the patience nor the time.  Any advice between the two processors leaning towards how they would work with the Sims 2, since I know that they will be fine for my other applications would be appreciated.

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 06, 09:36:26
I am not completely computer literate, but the second one looks the better option, and is what I would choose :)

I want a new pooter :'( This one is crabby and old, and keeps being hijacked by my rotten kids :D

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: sanmonroe on 2006 March 06, 09:52:52
The athlon is the better of the two.

You can't use Ghz for processor speed any more. It is still listed because consumers are retards and INTEl still puts it on thier chips to try to look like their lower level chips are great.

Look at the benchmark tests. The athlon 64 4000+ consistantly outperforms the Intel 3.4 Ghz chips by 10-20%.

Plus the top one can be upgraded to 4 Gig Ram.

I would recommend turnign and running from HP at top speed  of the internets. They build crap designed to break down and need replacing so they can sell more. Hell, I have more respect for e-machines than HP.

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: Myth on 2006 March 06, 11:41:23
I know the dual core is the better one of the two, and wi;; be great for future gaming.  I am wondering about it's compatibility with Sims 2.  I've seen a few posts that lead me to think the Sims 2 software does not run well with it.

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 06, 14:23:17
Dual processors have been around for a long time and have never really caught on. It's always been my understanding that software (including operating systems) need to specifically be written for dual processors to take advantage of them. AFAIK know, most games, including Sims 2, don't take advantage of dual processors.

Ultimately, I wouldn't use it as a consideration and I personally would go for the AMD system.

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: Myth on 2006 March 06, 16:57:17
Thanks Motoki.  That's the information I was digging for.  Researching it more I have found that while the software may not be completely compatible at this time the dual core is where the gaming industry is leaning and software will be more compliant within the next year.

Battlefield 2 (which is a highly graphic intensive EA product) has patches for the game to accommodate dual core users.  So the technology through EA is available. 

I'm going for the dual core system and if I have issues between software and system I'll just have to raise the biggest rant I can to get an accommodating patch.  ;)

Quote from: Emma
I want a new pooter  This one is crabby and old, and keeps being hijacked by my rotten kids

Sounds extreme but in my house there is a pc for me, my beau and my son which all stemmed from my selfishness of my computer, hands off sort of thing.  I do a lot of graphic work on mine as well as my Sims hobby and am very selfish about it.  I had bought my son a base computer years ago that was just to run his games.  When my beau moved in I converted my Marine into a gamer with Call of Duty and other battle type games.  He went from not knowing anything to quite the gaming guru in less than 2 years.  He never minded sharing with my son because neither of them are on as much as I am, but he wanted a better machine and went for it, so we just bought a bigger desk for them to accommodate the second station and they have their side of the room and I have mine.  I keep all the pcs in the same room more to monitor my son and so that I can throw popcorn if the mood ever arises. 

Computers are so cheap and getting cheaper all the time with the growing technology.  If you have your mouse, keyboard and monitor and only need the station only you can get something more than decent for $500 and then upgrade your graphics and memory. 

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 06, 17:25:46
Sounds extreme but in my house there is a pc for me, my beau and my son which all stemmed from my selfishness of my computer, hands off sort of thing. 

That doesn't sound extreme to me at all. Sharing a computer sucks. :p My bf had this bright idea when we moved crossed country that we'd only need to take one computer and now we are both regreting it. :(

Title: Re: New PC Advice
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 06, 17:40:18
I made my husband buy me my own as may have saved our marriage.  when we get a new place, the kids will have one too...right now, there isn't enough space.