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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 00:03:31

Title: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 00:03:31
When i heard that you would be able to charge customer per hour in your business i was very happy! :D I would be able to open a cybercafé, which i think its pretty cool :D Well...guess what? Its not exactly working right.
I bought like a dozen computers for my lot but seems like customers don't really want to use them! They prefer to chat between them or dance on the radio (which of course, isn't enough so they leave inmediatly). I though they would find them fun because of the games but nope...
Am i doing something wrong?  ??? Its kind of dissapointing

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: trancejeremy on 2006 March 06, 00:26:42
You might try taking away everything else fun.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 06, 00:32:57
It's odd, I remember in Sims2 that visiting friends could even use your sim's home computer, and then that changed in Uni so they would only use the computer if they were being influence to write a term paper.  But I can't see any reason why they shouldn't use the community lot ones, although since I had NL I noticed that dormies also no longer use the computers in the communal rooms.  It's all very mystifying and rather annoying too!

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 00:36:53
A mod would be great for this then  ::)

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 06, 00:41:29
I wonder if you ran OFB with only the base game if you would be able to do it?  I'm seriously considering doing that on my other computer.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 00:46:59 shouldn't be able to run a community business with base game only...

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 06, 00:52:06
The computers have to be for visitors to use them, they can't turn anything on.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 00:55:08
And how do i do that?

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 06, 00:58:24
I wonder if you ran OFB with only the base game if you would be able to do it?  I'm seriously considering doing that on my other computer.

As far as I know there's no law saying you have to have Uni and Nl in order to install OFB!  Of course you can have OFB with just the base game, just as you can have Uni and the base game, or NL and the base game!
The computers have to be for visitors to use them, they can't turn anything on.

I think Lil brudder means that you would have to have a sim use the computer, so then the computer is on unless or until it gets turned off.

Odd, though, they walk into other skims houses with TV remotes in their pockets, can turn it off while your sim is watching, just because  they don't want to watch any more, but they can't turn on the computer!  Oh, the wierd, twisted logic of Maxis!

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 00:59:30
Ah thats what yo umeant  :D Sorry about that, you don't want to know what i was thinking :P
Now i'm intrigued by what Lil brudder meant O_o

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 06, 01:00:12
Get your owner to turn on each computer.

Then people might use them.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 01:06:01
That doesn't seem to be working neither.  They even sit in front of the pc..and do nothing. Guess they just want a chair because they don't find anything else to do.
Of course, the reason is they wont interact with the pc. This is killing me

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 06, 01:10:12
Get one of ur playable sims to start playing comp games first then invite the rest to join LAN (if you have uni). This might work.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 01:20:55
Nope, that option isn't showing up, and i do have Uni.  You've all been really kind but i'm starting to think there is no solution for this one.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 06, 01:23:12
Nope, that option isn't showing up, and i do have Uni.  You've all been really kind but i'm starting to think there is no solution for this one.

You mean you dont have that option at all in community lots or not at all anywhere?

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 01:24:24
Just community lots, the one with the cyber specifficaly.. Let me test at UNI.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 01:47:09
I don't seem to be able to do that on UNI dorms either. Should i do it on a specific way or place?

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 06, 02:03:11
You can do it anywhere. I do it at home all the time. You just need more than one computer on the lot (Which I am sure you have).
Are you using a maxis computer or a cc one? Try using a maxis one and see if the option comes up. It might be that ur cc computer is not updated for uni.

Sory but this is the only idea I can think of for now.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 02:20:27
It doesn't seem like you can invite someone to join a lan party. If someone is playing a computer in a dorm, when you try to use yours you get that option, but thats it.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 06, 02:34:24
I can start playing and I can invite the others to join. At least that's how it works in my game.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 06, 05:14:57
Presumably all it needs is a computer that's visitor-enabled.  I find it strange that some of the downtown lots have several computers (especially Sims Gone Wired), but no one can use them other than controllable Sims and they don't seem in the least bit interested in them anyway.  Would look good to see several Sims on them.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 05:42:45
Do you think that will ever be possible?

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 06:52:34
I think i've done it. I modified a computer so it is now visitor enabled and made several of it functions pretty autonoumous. :D It works pretty well.
If anyone is interested i can post it...

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: cyperangel on 2006 March 06, 07:12:48
Yes please, post it, I had the same brilliant idea of opening an internet café, but that idea got as much airlift, as a brick ballon....

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: cwykes on 2006 March 06, 08:17:50
I wonder if you ran OFB with only the base game if you would be able to do it?  I'm seriously considering doing that on my other computer.
That's what I'll be doing, when my copy arrives from London.
I think i've done it. I modified a computer so it is now visitor enabled and made several of it functions pretty autonoumous. :D It works pretty well.
If anyone is interested i can post it...
Please post it.  I want a cyber cafe too and don't have Uni.  I guess I won't suddenly get to have a LAN party, but I need visitor enabled PCs.

Title: Re: Cybercafé not possible then?
Post by: Pyrobon on 2006 March 06, 09:12:38
Okey. Posted it on the peasantry, please let me know if it works well for you.