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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: momtogirls on 2006 March 05, 19:52:26

Title: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 05, 19:52:26
as a side note, the "forcetwins" cheatcode did cause twins.  I used the pregnancy test, confirmed there was one, and then used forcetwins, and took the test again...lo and behold...twins.  Well, the poor mother went into labour in the middle of her home business, and the family bar said the twins arrived, but she was still very very pregnant, her dresser would only let her change into maternity.  She was able to "take a spin" in her car, and the babies were no where on the lot.  It didn't even  give me an option to quit, with or without saving the lot.  Now I have to go through the whole thing again, and wait until the stupid twins come before I start the store. (she has a lifetime want of graduating 3 kids from college, and she only has 11 days until elderhood, I figured twins was the easiest way to go with that one.)

So, at least all the twerps that kept trying twinzrcute or whatever that stupid fake code was can actually force twins now.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 05, 20:35:12
I think the forcetwins cheat might corrupt the pregnancy.  It administers a token during the pregnancy wich I believe is bad.  A token should be administered before the pregnancy so the pregnancy controller doesn't go koo-koo-bananas and force itself into errors.

Did you play with debug mode on?  Did an error come up?

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: gali on 2006 March 05, 20:46:03
 The Prima Guide write this:

(Cheat Section):

"Pregnant sims can have twins if they eat Cheesecake. Unlike the Forsetwins cheat, it isn't sure thing, but the probability significantly increases"

Does it help?


Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 05, 20:48:49
She wants to know why the birth stopped, sending her sim into perpetual pregnancy.

I think that cheat needs some looking at, if anyone knows where the codes for the cheats are.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 05, 20:51:58
The Prima Guide write this:

(Cheat Section):

"Pregnant sims can have twins if they eat Cheesecake. Unlike the Forsetwins cheat, it isn't sure thing, but the probability significantly increases"

Does it help?                                                                                                     

According to Pescado, this is a myth. He says there isn't anything in the code that gives special properties to cheesecake.  Sorry....


Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 05, 20:54:11
No no no...that's spaghetti, or chips, or cookie, cheesecake actually does do that.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 05, 20:57:04
No no no...that's spaghetti, or chips, or cookie, cheesecake actually does do that.

Can you prove it?  Pescado has looked at the code and he says this is a myth.  Look here:

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 05, 21:00:24
Huh...seems time for THE CHEESECAKE CHALLENGE!

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: gali on 2006 March 05, 21:00:56
No no no...that's spaghetti, or chips, or cookie, cheesecake actually does do that.

Can you prove it?

I don't think Maxis will allow that the  Prima Guide will contain  "gags" in it's Cheat Section - it's reputation is on stake...:).

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 05, 21:03:07
I don't think Maxis will allow that the  Prima Guide will contain  "gags" in it's Cheat Section - it's reputation is on stake...:).

But no one has ever claimed that everything in the Prima guide is 100% accurate.  Especially since the guide was written weeks before the game came out, and things may have changed in the final version. 


Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 05, 21:04:26
I just checked the War Room

You could eat cheesecake until you explode and still not have twins.  Maxis once again fumbles the truth.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 05, 23:20:22
I tried again, and she didn't have the babies again.  SOOOOOO....perhaps I'll have to get her pregnant, and get an ugly baby from the adoption pool.

Kind of stinks that forcetwins doesn't actually work, when you have a reason to do twins...(seeing as that I actually HATE having twins)

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: bubbs on 2006 March 06, 00:12:15
I have sort of done the cheese cake challenge.  Out of 4 pregnancies, only 1 was twins.   ???

My problem so far is the game freezes on the load family screen of my previous families.  It sat there for 10 minutes once before I got pissed and rebooted. 

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 06, 00:37:31
my family load screen did that too, so I moved them all to the simbin, and then to a new house.  it solved that problem

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 March 06, 01:59:54
You didn't have a Renyu Senso Orb on any of those lots, did you?

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 March 06, 03:58:32
The Prima Guide write this:

(Cheat Section):

"Pregnant sims can have twins if they eat Cheesecake. Unlike the Forsetwins cheat, it isn't sure thing, but the probability significantly increases"

Does it help?                                                                                                     

According to Pescado, this is a myth. He says there isn't anything in the code that gives special properties to cheesecake.  Sorry....


They're both right. There really code is in the game for cheescake to force twins (which I just found tonight), but it's broken due to a bug in the code and will never work. Also, it's coded to be a sure thing (if it worked).

The forcetwins cheat does work, and all it's doing is changing the number of babies and won't screw up your game.

@momtogirls - did you have the business open or closed at the time of birth? Did you try the opposite of the way it was?

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: sanmonroe on 2006 March 06, 04:12:53
as a side note, the "forcetwins" cheatcode did cause twins.  I used the pregnancy test, confirmed there was one, and then used forcetwins, and took the test again...lo and behold...twins.  Well, the poor mother went into labour in the middle of her home business, and the family bar said the twins arrived, but she was still very very pregnant, her dresser would only let her change into maternity.  She was able to "take a spin" in her car, and the babies were no where on the lot.  It didn't even  give me an option to quit, with or without saving the lot.  Now I have to go through the whole thing again, and wait until the stupid twins come before I start the store. (she has a lifetime want of graduating 3 kids from college, and she only has 11 days until elderhood, I figured twins was the easiest way to go with that one.)

So, at least all the twerps that kept trying twinzrcute or whatever that stupid fake code was can actually force twins now.

Those aren't twins. They won't come out because it is a giant tumor, complete with hair and teeth.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: cabelle on 2006 March 06, 04:15:07
The Prima Guide write this:

(Cheat Section):

"Pregnant sims can have twins if they eat Cheesecake. Unlike the Forsetwins cheat, it isn't sure thing, but the probability significantly increases"

Does it help?                                                                                                     

According to Pescado, this is a myth. He says there isn't anything in the code that gives special properties to cheesecake.  Sorry....


They're both right. There really code is in the game for cheescake to force twins (which I just found tonight), but it's broken due to a bug in the code and will never work. Also, it's coded to be a sure thing (if it worked).

The forcetwins cheat does work, and all it's doing is changing the number of babies and won't screw up your game.

@momtogirls - did you have the business open or closed at the time of birth? Did you try the opposite of the way it was?

Great.  ::) So Maxis finally makes a food for twins and the chance of it happening from it is broken? Great temples of Mike! Why am I not surprised? Is this broken code something you'd be able to (or even want to) fix? I have to wonder if this is Maxis' revenge for all of those stupid twins threads. They give us a food that doesn't even work properly!

I've used the "forcetwins" cheat and had no problem. The sim I used it on yesterday had her boy-girl twins this evening and everything's fine.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 March 06, 04:35:39
Fix for the cheesecake bug:

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 06, 06:22:03
I did forcetwins 2 or 3 times, and it got stuck, both with an open business and a closed business.  So I had her eat cheesecake, and she got pregnant with twins, they got stuck, so I took out all my hacks, and it still got stuck, so I reinstalled the whole damn thing.  Hopefully that helps.

I did download the 50%hack.

I have a medicine cabinet that has a "pregnancy test" that tells if a sim is pregnant, by who, and how many babies..but it's from a german site, and I don't know if its really clean.  so I took that out (thinking that it's the only somewhat pregnancy related hack I had)  Does anyone know if there is an OFB compatable pregnancy test hack? (I like knowing)

thanks for the imput, and all your hard work.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 06, 06:23:23
Those aren't twins. They won't come out because it is a giant tumor, complete with hair and teeth.

that made me laugh aloud.  My father said all the time, that babies are the worlds largest tumors...they're foriegn bodies that grow, and suck the life out of the host.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 06, 08:54:14
I thought tumors were domestic bodies. If they're foreign bodies that suck the life from their host, they're called "parasites". Which they most certainly are, seeing as they certainly provide no benefit to the host organism and are not harmless.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 06, 09:23:54
It wasn't necessarily a hack that caused the pregnancy to get stuck - stuck pregnancies are one of those things that sometimes just happens in the game. I had it happen last year with only Uni installed. I used SimPE to fix it, but I am pretty sure that by turning on testing cheats (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat window), shift-clicking the sim and selecting "Spawn... Tombstone of L&D", then clicking on that and choosing to advance the pregnancy should work. Not sure what the last option would be, exactly, it's been ages since I've used it.

Anyhow, after that is done make sure to delete the Tombstone and turn testing cheats off if you don't usually run with them on.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 March 06, 10:20:33
I thought tumors were domestic bodies. If they're foreign bodies that suck the life from their host, they're called "parasites". Which they most certainly are, seeing as they certainly provide no benefit to the host organism and are not harmless.

Tumors are pretty much "domestic" bodies in the sense that they are actually "host" cells, or cells that belong to the host itself and typically not cells from a foreign organism. Something "foreign" such as ultra violet light or radiation or free radicals might trigger the condition wherein cancerous cells are unable to enter the state of apoptosis. As a result, the cells grow continuously and almost indefiniately forming a cluster known as a tumor.

So yeah... babies would be better classified as "parasites" instead. ;D


Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 06, 12:58:23
ok, parasite it is....and it doesn't stop after their born, either.  I've got 2, and they STILL suck the life out of me. (way to totally change the direction of a thread, right)

Again, thanks for all your help.

Syberspunk-I tried the testingcheatsenabled, but I forgot about the spawn option...I forgot what that one did.  Next time, I'll try THAT before I totally nuke my game.  (by the way, the only thing I haven't re-added to my d/l file is risky woohoo-is that yours?  and is it clean?-)

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: cabelle on 2006 March 06, 14:46:34
Fix for the cheesecake bug:

Thank you TwoJeffs, you're the best! I bow down to your awesomeness! :-*

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 March 06, 16:32:17
ok, parasite it is....and it doesn't stop after their born, either.  I've got 2, and they STILL suck the life out of me. (way to totally change the direction of a thread, right)

Again, thanks for all your help.

Lol. no problem. ;D

Syberspunk-I tried the testingcheatsenabled, but I forgot about the spawn option...I forgot what that one did.  Next time, I'll try THAT before I totally nuke my game.  (by the way, the only thing I haven't re-added to my d/l file is risky woohoo-is that yours?  and is it clean?-)

Actually, it was Renatus who was kind enough to offer that suggestion. The Spawn... option allows you to spawn several Maxis made cheaty debugging tools such as the Sim Modder, the NPC & Townie Maker, and the Tombstone of L&D as Renatus said. Sometimes forcing an error on objects will unstuckify them, but I'm not sure what would happen with a pregnant sim. If it would actually unstuckify the pregnancy or terminate it altogether. *shrugs* Your best bet would probably be to follow what Renatus said.

As for the risky woohoo, I made updated versions for NL. I have yet to check for complete compatibility but I do have a tentative thread over here ( Upon initial scan, the risky woohoo mods appear to work, with a possible change needed for the Quiet Pregnancy mod. Someone already reported on the official thread over at MTS2 that the Quiet Pregnancy mod seems to work for them. There may simply be some minor "behind the scene" changes needed, but it might work fine as is for now. :)

I'm hoping to find time later today to actually take a closer look at things that may need updating after I get home from campus.


Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: momtogirls on 2006 March 06, 17:29:13
Well, then, thank you Renatus, for reminding me of testingcheatsenabled.  I don't tend to do alot with boolprop in general, so it doesn't often occur to me.

Title: Re: My poor sim never gave birth..
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 March 08, 00:15:35
Interesting. I didn't use any special cheat codes or eat any cheesecake yet I have this problem.

My female was in the "basement" when it was time to give birth, she stopped her meditation and began the birth sequence however the cinematic didn't happen and the baby didn't appear in her arms. Instead, there is a baby listed with the residents and she's still pregnant.

I'm not sure how to get out of this oddball situation since I accidentally saved the lot and the same problem exists when I re-enter the lot. The child can't be made to appear in any way that I know of, yet it is still listed ("Baby Boy Soandso") and she still has the pregnant body type.

Any ideas?