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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DMDye on 2006 March 03, 05:30:02

Title: New sync-timer (OFB)... must we "remove" the previous one?
Post by: DMDye on 2006 March 03, 05:30:02
Or can we just install 'over the top'?
Must we uninstall with all the interesting tid-bits that come with uninstalling it?

Title: Re: New sync-timer (OFB)... must we "remove" the previous one?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 03, 05:49:42
Uhh, the last update for the Lot Timer was February 15.  I didn't realize there was a new version?

Title: Re: New sync-timer (OFB)... must we "remove" the previous one?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 03, 07:41:06
Installing OFB will likely destroy your settings unless you take some precautionary measures first (move your neighborhood folder OUT of the EAGAME~1 tree until custom content is reenabled!).

Other than that, the sync timer is self-contained and has no conflicts.

Title: Re: New sync-timer (OFB)... must we "remove" the previous one?
Post by: Karen on 2006 March 03, 08:17:40
Installing OFB will likely destroy your settings unless you take some precautionary measures first (move your neighborhood folder OUT of the EAGAME~1 tree until custom content is reenabled!).

Other than that, the sync timer is self-contained and has no conflicts.

I didn't even remove my downloads folder when I installed OFB, and when I entered the neighborhood for the first time (after enabling custom content and restarting the game), all the lot sync timer settings were exactly as I'd left them before installing OFB.  It's working just fine.


Title: Re: New sync-timer (OFB)... must we "remove" the previous one?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 09:31:57
Wouldn't an update just overwrite the original anyway, same as the Debugger?  I've never had to replace the debugger when it's been updated, it just updates the existing one on every lot.

Title: Re: New sync-timer (OFB)... must we "remove" the previous one?
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 March 03, 10:40:11
I was on day 6 with most of my families, and some were still on day 3 before I installed OFB.  I left the sync timers where they were, at each house, (in the backyard).

I backed up my Sims 2 folder, just in case.  And I "cut and pasted" my Downloads folder onto my desktop and installed OFB on top of my existing game/neighborhood.  I let it load up, and actually played Pleasantview's Bluewater Village for a minute (Delarosa's Flower Shop), then quit out of it without saving.

I then placed my downloads back in...leaving out the hacks.  I loaded my game and enabled CC then exited.  I then came here and made sure to only put back in the hacks that were OFB ready (I re-downloaded most of the OFB ready stuff on Pescado's list, including the sync timer and let it overwrite the one that existed in my Hack Folder.) 

I loaded the game up and this time I went into my created neighborhood, Simmington Hills, and to the house that was next in my rotation...the sync timer was still in place, at Day 3...I played the 3 days and it said Day 6 and all the listings for each family were intact.  I didn't have to do a thing to it.
