More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2006 March 03, 02:56:27

Title: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 March 03, 02:56:27
Post #6 - "Lot full of sims" not compatable with OFB

Not at my game computer right now (stupid work  :P ) but isn't this the hack that allows more than 8 to live on a lot? Brynne - you just got me hooked on huge households. Say it ain't so.

Anyone with OFB using the hack that allows more than 8 on a lot?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 March 03, 03:13:12
OH NO! Darnit, I was liking it too. So what happens to the house with excess people living there? Do a lot of them disappear?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 March 03, 03:55:02
My house with 16  residents is working so far I have not discovered any problems yet but I havn't tested everything yet either.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 04:04:53
Personally, I'd suggest not playing that hood until the mod is updated!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 March 03, 04:08:53
I know ZZ I just put it in so I could go in and see if they are still there .I am going to take it out again until I here more about it. It is the only house I have that many in. It was basicly A test house for that mod anyway. But I have kinda grown fond of the little pixels now so I don't want them to go poof :)

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 04:18:20
From what I gather, Phantom isn't saying that the mod isn't compatible, he or she is saying that it shows up as overriding game behavior, which is what all global mods do.  Whether it's compatible is something Doc Doofus will have to investigate.  If it's not compatible, hopefully, he will update it.  So I wouldn't panic just yet.  :)  Personally I am going to hold off on the new EP until I know that most of the mods I use the most are updated.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 03, 07:45:37
You know, if you're a really clever cat, you can even take the scanning tool found in the Bowels of Trogdor and check your own hacks for compatibility yourself. Just be sure you understand what the output actually means.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 07:52:08
I just might do that sometime.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 03, 14:54:26
My house with 16  residents is working so far I have not discovered any problems yet but I havn't tested everything yet either.
Could you tell me where I can find that mod?  I was thinking about coming up with a Breeder challenge that required that you fulfill the "Have 10 babies" want without the Elixer of Life, and with little or no help parenting.  Such a challenge would require relaxing the 8 Sims limit to be really interesting.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: veilchen on 2006 March 03, 14:58:47
Gus, this is where that mod is. I have only skimmed through, but it seems Doc has updated it to work for all ep's. Good luck to all you brave people, I can't even deal with 5+ sims on a lot without coming close to murderous intentions (all directed toward the simmies, no worries ;))

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 03, 15:02:48
Could you tell me where I can find that mod?  I was thinking about coming up with a Breeder challenge that required that you fulfill the "Have 10 babies" want without the Elixer of Life, and with little or no help parenting.  Such a challenge would require relaxing the 8 Sims limit to be really interesting.
The only way to have 10 babies without life extension is to either spawn twins or be male. Twins is obviously a crapshoot without cheating, so that leaves being male as the only reliable method.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 15:11:05
This makes sense, considering the adult lifespan is 29 days, and each pregnancy is a little over 3 days long.  So even if you kept your poor female perpetually pregnant, that's still 30+ days to fulfill ten babies.  You'd have to adopt some, although I'm not sure if they count or not.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 15:28:29
I don't think it makes any difference to the gaining of permaplat, but it would depend on the rules of the challenge.  Now, in my experience, Romance sims are much more likely to have twins.......  On the other hand, they don't get the LTW!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 03, 15:47:19
The only way to have 10 babies without life extension is to either spawn twins or be male. Twins is obviously a crapshoot without cheating, so that leaves being male as the only reliable method.
Yah, that's obvious.  It's even ridiculously easy if you use multiple lots.  You can fulfill the want on day 1 of a Sim's life, just by running all the females on other lots and inviting the target Sim over for procreation.  Thus, the incentive to force the player to do it all on one lot, without moving any of the children out.  That's the only way to make it interesting.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 16:16:03
Wouldn't he be a busy little simmie, then!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 March 03, 16:25:15
I read on another site that OFB is suppossed to now allow more than 8 sims on a lot.
They got the information from the guide, this is the quote,

Addneighbortofamilycheat [on/off]: With this cheat activated you can shift + left click on an NPC to add one to the current household. This won't work on service NPCs engaged in their jobs (i.e. maid cleaning, gardener gardening, etc.) but will work if that same sim is visiting socially or hanging out after finishing tasks. You can even add sims in excess of the customary eight-Sim family limit. Won't work on special NPCs like the grim reaper or Mrs. Crumplebottom.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 March 03, 17:42:55
Doc Doofus' hack allows you to try for a baby with 8 or more sims in the household.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 19:28:20
I could add members in excess of 8 even without OFB by using TL&D or Inge's teleporter shrub.  I never tried saving though.  You still couldn't try for baby, get married, or propose move in.  Doc Doofus' hack allows all that.  The only thing you can't do is combine households from the neighborhood screen if a house has 8 or more sims or create families in CAS with more than 8 sims.  That is apparently hardcoded into the game executable.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 March 03, 19:40:29
In my 16 member houshold these are all ingame conceived and born into this house.They are the product of Alien abductions.As Rainbow said you can't add members  through the combine households option.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 19:48:09
Presumably, though, if you don't have any of these hacks in your game, a knowledge sim living in a full house could meet the aliens as often as he wants with impunity!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: shezoe on 2006 March 03, 19:51:01
Post #6 - "Lot full of sims" not compatable with OFB

Not at my game computer right now (stupid work  :P ) but isn't this the hack that allows more than 8 to live on a lot? Brynne - you just got me hooked on huge households. Say it ain't so.

Anyone with OFB using the hack that allows more than 8 on a lot?

i've been playing my lots that i have used that hack on n they still work fine as far as i can tell.  Do you know what's not compatible about it?  All my people are still there-everyone seems to be fine.....

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: shezoe on 2006 March 03, 19:58:02
"All the world's a Neighbourhood, and all the men and women merely Sims." Zephyrzodiac

ROFL!  i just noticed this in your siggy. i guess i'm not the only one who's been 'hmmm-ing" about that (per my siggy) :P (sorry-off topic-AHEM)

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 20:40:32
No, I don't have the EP, yet. I'm thinking I may actually wait a bit until some of the kinks (whatever they may be) are worked out, hacks updated, etc. I've always been able to play with much more than 8 sims thanks to Inge's shrub, but, like Rainbow said, I love that Doc Doofus' hack allows the "try for baby" option, among others.

At the risk of getting a billion "Your game is going to blow up" responses, here is a screenshot of my current family of 24 (check out that male/female ratio! Obviously sim Val has been taking advantage of the "try for baby option"):

Picture removed. Too scandalous, I'm hearing.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 March 03, 20:43:44
 Dang Brynne! I want to live in that lot! Who wouldn't want to live with all those hunks?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 20:46:55
LOL! Many of those hunks are the fathers of the kids. Sim me has a REALLY GOOD TIME.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 20:49:21
Is that Shep who is at school?  It looks like a little school icon there by one of the sim's pics in the top middle.  I thought Shep was an adult now?  And I can't figure out why one would be at school and not anyone else.  I'm probably over analyzing things again.  :-\

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 20:50:49
Shep is a young adult, silly. He's at class. There are only 4 adults  in the house.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 03, 20:53:37
Oh man,  there goes any last vestige of my preconceptions about women being more monogamous than men.  Such gluttony!  "Sim me" has never had more than 3 spouses lusting after his body.

Shep is a young adult, silly. He's at class. There are only 4 adults  in the house.
Oh, so it's not so extreme after all.  Well, it's extreme, but it's gluttony for offspring, not spouses.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 20:55:11
Shep is a young adult, silly. He's at class. There are only 4 adults  in the house.
Are they living at Uni?  Cuz that's what confused me.  I thought if he were a young adult, he wouldn't be in the same house.  I don't remember you ever telling me how you did that?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 March 03, 20:58:37
Shep is a young adult, silly. He's at class. There are only 4 adults  in the house.
Are they living at Uni?  Cuz that's what confused me.  I thought if he were a young adult, he wouldn't be in the same house.  I don't remember you ever telling me how you did that?

pst! kitten killer

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Hegelian on 2006 March 03, 21:04:27
Dang Brynne! I want to live in that lot! Who wouldn't want to live with all those hunks?

Um, me.   ;D

OTOH, in my neighborhood Radiophonic is in a house with six women; that's my kind of house!

BTW, his housemates are Danni, Dewshine, Lindaetterlee, Lynnmar, Ness, and Sandilou. Radiophonic is happy.  :)

My self-sim household is currently Reggikko, Brynne, Kit, Emma, Sleepycat, and Phedge's brother Dirk. I like it, although some are moving out soon to make room for Blue and Veilchen.

Eight sims on a lot is fun in a perverse kind of way, but it's rather exhausting after a while (especially when five of them are teens).

Anyway, back to OFB. . . .

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 21:05:28

Are they living at Uni?  Cuz that's what confused me.  I thought if he were a young adult, he wouldn't be in the same house.  I don't remember you ever telling me how you did that?

Yes, I converted a dorm into a residential lot. So we're all just one humongo family happily living at Sim State. If you spent more time reading my forum, you'd know this, goofy.  ;)

Gus, oh yes it's gluttony. Sim Val doesn't age discriminate. Many of the young adults are fathers of the offspring. And before you say it, I know that makes the ages a bit off. I don't care. I play the game my way! :D

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 03, 21:06:41
Shep is a young adult, silly. He's at class. There are only 4 adults  in the house.
Are they living at Uni?  Cuz that's what confused me.  I thought if he were a young adult, he wouldn't be in the same house.  I don't remember you ever telling me how you did that?
pst! kitten killer
Ah ok.  I know Brynne's sims don't age anyway. ;)  Joe Bayfield looks just as good at 121 as he did at 21.  :D

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 21:09:11
Ah ok.  I know Brynne's sims don't age anyway. ;)  Joe Bayfield looks just as good at 121 as he did at 21.  :D

 ;D Yeah, hottest great grandpa ever!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Katze on 2006 March 03, 21:23:32
Brynne I see you have your own harem. :)

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 21:27:05
Yes, I sure do!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 22:27:30
What I want to know is, how do you remember which is which?  Or doesn't it matter?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 03, 22:34:46
Of course it matters! I don't age my sims past adulthood, so I get to know them really well. I have absolutely no problem remembering who they are. Joe's been around from the day I got the game. So has his brother, Gary. His son, who is my sim-self's hubby, Justin, for example, will have been in my game for a year this May. Shep and Scott? Since last summer. And etc. Remembering who they are is not even an issue for me. I play slooooooooooooooowly.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 04, 03:57:43
Hey, waitaminute.  What happened to all the girl children?  Infanticide?

 - Gus

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 04, 04:06:40
Noooo, Brynne wouldn't kill her sims!  She has some girls around somewheres.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 04, 04:08:24
I think Brynne puts the babies out on the hillside in the snow, and if they're still alive in the morning, then she lets them live!  (And all the girl babies got eaten by roving llamas!)

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 04, 04:16:20
Brynne's too much of a softie to do that.  But I did see some of her little girls.  They were very cute.  They're probably just living in another house.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 04, 04:22:48
She segregates them, does she?  Or are they all nuns, and living in a convent?  Or just at a girls' boarding school?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 04, 06:23:26
Oh, good lord you guys. I have daughters (Rachel, Savannah, Collette and Cosette FYI) that are happily living in a sorority house.  Call that segregation if you wish. The youngest are all BOYS. Pure "luck", nothing more, I'm sorry. I'll just keep my game playing to myself from now on.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 04, 08:44:10
Please don't!  I'm sure a lot of people would miss the updates!

I guess you got stuck with the "all babies are one sex from now on" bug!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 04, 08:45:37
I think Brynne puts the babies out on the hillside in the snow, and if they're still alive in the morning, then she lets them live!  (And all the girl babies got eaten by roving llamas!)
That sounds more like something we would do in my family.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 04, 08:52:59
You mean you don't?

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 04, 10:30:47
Please don't!  I'm sure a lot of people would miss the updates!

I guess you got stuck with the "all babies are one sex from now on" bug!

Quite possibly, yes.  :)

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 04, 12:35:02
 ;D  Wonder why it happens in some people's games and not others!  Or maybe it's something to do with being too prolific!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 04, 13:29:51
I'll just keep my game playing to myself from now on.
Sorry, I wouldn't have teased you if I'd known it would bother you.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Brynne on 2006 March 04, 18:01:00
Nah, don't worry about it. You didn't offend me. I have stuff going on in real life that is affecting the way I post, apparently. Please accept my apologies for giving that impression.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 04, 22:52:12
Sorry to hear that - keep playing your sims and ignore RL!

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 04, 23:29:43
Sounds like at least some people have been able to open lots with more than 8 Sims on them (and OFB is even supposed to have some partial provisions for households with more than 8 anyway, isn't it, with that cheat to add household members?), and given all the lot-opening problems in general there's no guarantee that the people who've had trouble opening lots with more than 8 didn't have some other issue.

Question is, has anyone examined the hack to see exactly what might be incompatible about the actual function of the hack, which is not to maintain lots with more than 8 Sims, but to allow people to get more than 8 Sims on the lot in the first place. I'm not sure if any of the functions which the hack affects (try for baby, adoption, inviting people to move in or marry in) have been changed significantly.

(Also, what's the most likely place to check for updates? I got that hack off MTS2, but is that where it's being maintained, or does Doc_Doofus hang his hat somewhere else?)

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 05, 02:06:20
I think that was the official thread on MTS2.  I haven't heard of him being set up anywhere else.  Someone needs to run it through Hackdiff.  Someone with an objects.package from OFB, that is.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 March 05, 02:20:30
The only message so far has been this:
I've put it back in my game which I'm testing alongside other hacks.  I'll load up a family of 8 with adult couples to test it out.  I'll post results later.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 05, 03:23:37
Thanks, sandilou. I don't even have any households actually using that hack yet, but I was planning to start using it very shortly for the household I got it for -- wanted to be able to keep the Curious brothers in the same house and still let them all marry and breed. If the hack doesn't work, I'll have to put off indefinitely either that plan or installing OFB. :(

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 March 05, 16:19:52
Well, the I playtested the Breeder challenge, and it was a bust.

The draft rules were:
The goal is to meet the "have 10 babies" Want, and successfully raise them.
Must play with the no sim limit mod.
Start with a new family Sim, or one fresh out of college.
You may not use life extension in any form.
TwoJeff's Adult / Elder age duration hack is acceptable because it doesn't change total lifespan.  This is the only way to play this challenge with a female sim.
You may only move Sims in via "propose | move in" or marriage.
Sims you move in must be townies, or playable adult Sims with $5,000 or less.
You cannot issue any direct commands to Sims you move in.
You may select Sims you move in to examine their wants and needs.  You may lock wants if you wish.
Indirect commands like "call to dinner" and influence are legal.
Getting caught cheating results in a signficant negative penalty.
You cannot issue any direct commands to Toddlers.
All toddlers must learn to walk, talk, and use the potty.
You may issue orders to Children and Teens.
College costs money.  You must buy scuptures worth $10,000 for each teenager sent to college.  Put these sculptures in the inventory of the teenager going to college.
College scholarships reduce college cost.  Subtract the total value of a teenager's scholarships from the $10,000 tuition fee.
Teenagers who go to college do not come back.
Teenagers who transition to adults without going to college must leave the lot immediately.  They may not take anyone with them.

I didn't work out formal rules for points, beyond failing on any of the important points being a big negative, and the final score being the number of children who make it to college.

Initially it was promising, because maintaining 3 or more Toddlers and Babies is difficult with a single adult.  Training two Toddlers at a time is difficult, and gives you a reason to really need the Smart Milk and the Thinking Cap, rather than them being conveniences.  You don't have much time left for career advancement or wooing additional spouses.

If you don't have No Baby Harass installed, the babies may end up killing the pregnant mothers.  They'll stand around like morons holding the baby while hunger, fun, and energy all bottom out to red.  They'll go feed the baby when they're in hunger crisis.  You have to spend a certain amount of time distracting them so they'll take care of themselves and not the baby.

The problem is that you can't really have the children and teenagers be hands-off.  That pushes the difficultly level over the edge when the child population gets higher, and there's the issue of homework.  Using "help with homework" isn't practical with so many other time demands on your primary sim.

Children make it a bit easier, but the difficulty fades away once you have a teenager or two to help with the primary Sim's burdens.  I suppose I could write a set of rules forbidding some commands to teenagers, but in general the challenge didn't have the flavor I wanted.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 September 16, 19:10:36
/repeats herself

the one by Doc Doofus works with OFB, I've used it. I only stopped using it cause I always ended up with way to many kids.

Right now I'm trying out one by Squinge that allows 12 (he has another version that allows 10)

/end repeat

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 17, 03:53:52
This challenge sounds fairly trivial. You will need cheesecakes, and lots of them, because even chained end to end, 10 single birth is 30 days, which is longer than you get. Naturally, you won't want to move anyone in, because those people will be useless and simply get in the way.

Title: Re: Say it ain't so - Brynne, you got OFB? - more than 8 on a lot
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 September 17, 14:00:37
Wow, talk about necromancy.

It's bad, m'kay?