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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: dusty on 2006 March 02, 08:06:34

Title: Graduated from uni problem
Post by: dusty on 2006 March 02, 08:06:34
I had a sim, Polly, graduate from uni with seemingly no problem. Combined her with her family, then went to her fiance's house to get them married. Teleported Polly to the lot, had the guy "throw wedding party", but then the wedding arch was unclickable. I also couldn't have the guy click on Polly and "propose" anything.

I made Polly selectable in debug mode, and the game appeared to consider her a senior in college, although she had a memory of graduating and growing up and moving out.  I exited the lot without saving and went to play Polly on her own lot. Same trouble, although after a couple of minutes on the lot, Polly grew up to an adult, but only had 5 want slots and her age time line showed no YA stage.
I fixed her up with the lot debugger and redid the wedding and she appears fine, but has two grew up memories in a row.

I've never encountered this before, and other sims that graduated with her are fine.  Any ideas what went wrong?

Title: Re: Graduated from uni problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 02, 09:18:23
Did you actually play her on her parents' lot, or did you just move her in and then teleport her straight out again?

Title: Re: Graduated from uni problem
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 March 02, 15:40:03
The house that Polly was moved into, was it a house that existed before you installed Nightlife? And if so, was it loaded and saved after Nightlife was installed but before she moved in? Some people have had similar problems with that. Mine had want slots that vanished, but I think the YA sign was still on their lifeline.

Title: Re: Graduated from uni problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 02, 15:47:52
I actually got the impression that all dusty did was to combine the families and then move to the boyfriend's lot without actually entering Polly's family home.  I think this might cause some kind of wierdness, because she wouldn't have been properly saved to the lot she was supposedly living on.  (Just as YA's when they return to the neighbourhood aren't properly there until you actually close their old lot and move to the neighbourhood.)

Title: Re: Graduated from uni problem
Post by: dusty on 2006 March 03, 04:35:49
Yes, Zephyr I did what you said. Lazy me, trying to avoid loading extra lots as it is so slow on my computer. Thanks for the advice, I'll avoid that in future.

Title: Re: Graduated from uni problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 03, 04:47:56
Just had a feeling, from what you said......Maybe if you use the Lot sync timer, it will take a bit of the hassle out of loading lots for you - at least you won't keep having to return to the hood!