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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: holly on 2006 February 26, 17:32:10

Title: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: holly on 2006 February 26, 17:32:10
my grim reaper is acting strange , ive recently been on a nanny culling spree . as per jm destructions on how to get lobo nanny thing to work ,

when the grim reaper shows up and  takes the nanny he then leaves a message somthing like , now the house is empty you  can move another sim in , or the "who is grim reaper speech about how his ideal date would bring 3 other sims for his friends, and after that he goes and watchs tv and my sim joined him they had a nice little conversation (lots of little plus signs) then he gets up and vanishes , somtimes he reappears with a string of flowers round his neck before disapearing again , and another time he used the toliet , the sim in question now has a memory of "met grim reaper" ,

im assuming this is some kind of hack, but i dont know where from casue i dident download it , and i havent downloaded any houses for ages ,
can anybody enlighten me .

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 17:38:30
It's normal Grim Reaper behaviour, I think.  I know it happened in my game pre-hacks or patches, and the only thing that didn't happen was the chatting while watching TV as he was the only sim on the lot at the time!  But I'd imagine that if he went to watch TV with a sim already watching, then they would score relationship points!

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: holly on 2006 February 26, 17:43:11
lol i guess i dont let my sims die often enough , ive been playing the sims2 since it came out and ive never seen that before ,

boy do i feel dumb

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 26, 17:45:32
I've only seen Mr. Grim behave that when I perform "mass-murders" (kill off more than one sim) via the Tombstone of Live And Death. If only one dies (either via the Tombstone or...erhm...with a little nudge in the back by me!), Grim picks up the loot...eeh!...body and whiskers off. I'm done with the killing though (I killed off all the townies and dormies back when I got Uni and created my own), so I haven't tried it out in NL (unless JM comes out with a nodowntownieregen hack, hint-hint).

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 17:49:14
Well, it happened in a new house with a new couple I'd only just made back in the days when I didn't know much.  The couple got stuck in the car pool and died.  Enter GR,  who packages them up, then goes off to watch TV and then visit the bathroom.  Needless to say, I didn't save - I'd only just spent an hour creating this couple, I wasn't going to lose them!

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 26, 17:52:56
Ah, another case of more than one deaths simultaneously. Ever happened during a single death?

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 26, 17:55:26
You don't need a nodowntownieregen hack - notownieregen works.

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 17:57:40
Not in my game, I don't think.  Maybe it's more hard work when he has to package up two or more, and he needs to relax?

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 February 26, 19:18:36
Oh sure, I've had him stick around for many sim hours at a time. Playing pool, using the toilet, having drinks at the bar, watching television, etc.

It seems to happen more often when you're involved in a "last sim on the lot" situation, however.

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 26, 19:37:59
I've had him chat to my other sims on the lot also. Interesting enough, you can call him on the phone after that, but you get a hula NPC saying that he's at work, no matter what time you call. lol He does not appear on the computer for chat, and it won't let you e-mail him.

I've seen him make a meal on a no autonomous fridge, which was quite hilarious, because I wondered what would happen if he caught it on fire, but he made his mac and cheese, ate it, then vanished.

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 27, 13:51:49
You don't need a nodowntownieregen hack - notownieregen works.

Good to know. I've put up TwoJeffs' pictures in all community lots banning them from those, and my sims are set to disallow townies at home. If anyone somehow manages to slip past those...WAAAAAAAR ENSEMBLEEEEEEE!!!!

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: Athena on 2006 February 27, 23:33:56
Happened before in one of my dorms.  I stuck a professor in a room with no doors, but the room had a toilet, fridge, and bed.  A ghost scared the professor three times in a row, and he died.  The Grim Reaper came, called on his phone, left the professor's urn, then went to use the toilet :x  He left after he finished.

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 23:37:45
I have visions of him using the karaoke or the dance-wheel! ;D

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 February 27, 23:46:51
I have visions of him using the karaoke or the dance-wheel! ;D


Now that would be worth a picture or two!!  :D

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 23:53:36
First person to post one gets a ?

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 February 28, 00:01:34
Corrupted Game!

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: miramis on 2006 March 01, 00:51:12
I'd much rather a picture of him doing the smustle - that would be priceless!

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 01, 00:54:30
Never thought of that, but yes, it would! 

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 March 01, 01:01:51
Maybe if the stereo is on when he comes it could happen!  :o

I agree, it would hilarious to see the Grim either thrown out of the dance sphere, trying to sing at the karaoke machine or dancing the smustle. 

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 01, 01:09:42
Only thing is, the dance sphere and the karaoke are autonomous, smustling isn't.  You'd need to control him with the mirror, and you can't do that if all the sims on the lot are dead!

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: miramis on 2006 March 01, 01:29:26
Damn shame  :(

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 01, 11:43:43
However, if there was still a child on the lot, then you could get the child to smustle and ask him to join!  (Before the arrival of the social worker, of course!)

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 March 01, 13:04:59
I thought the grim reaper wasn't supposed to behave like that unless there was no one left alive on the lot? Is death that buggy?
Could it be faked out by the fact that the nanny is the last one alive in her own, separate family?

Title: Re: mm whats with the grim reaper ?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 01, 13:13:27
I don't know the answer to that one - you'd need to try it and see!