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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PlayLives on 2006 February 26, 03:59:31

Title: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 26, 03:59:31
I posted awhile back about moving a grave once a sim returns home from university. I was able to have the sim move back to the old residence
put his grandmother's grave in his inventory and move him to another lot. Before moving the grandmother never haunted. Now the 1st night moving
into the new residence she came out with the thought bubble of the grave marker. Then she started to wave her arms, yell and do the furious stance.
What is wrong with her? Why is she upset all of a sudden?

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 04:09:17
Did you sell her bed?

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: Dea on 2006 February 26, 04:29:06
Lol, that was my thought from just reading title...Maybe she is mad bc he grandson moved her to a lot she never lived on...The only time I saw a ghost get like that is when I sold their bed or when Mortimer and Bella got remarried Cornelia acted the same way until Bella moved out...Ghosts dont seem to like change so that could be it...

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 February 26, 04:31:55
Ghosts don't like it when you move their tombstones.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 04:37:28
Well, I moved the Monty urns when I moved the family to a more playable house, and not had any hauntings.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 26, 07:40:58
Lol. Why would they get upset about selling the bed, they can't use it anyway?
Anyway, no, I didn't sell her bed intentionally. When my sim moved it probably got sold with the rest of the belongings.
The next day she didn't haunt at all. Are the ghosts supposed to show up each night? I hope she is not corrupted
due to me putting her tombstone in the inventory.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 February 26, 10:27:08
When sims die, they leave some sort of marker on a object, that object can be anything from a coffee maker to a tolet. That is the object that they used most in their life, and when get gets sold or stolen or turned into rubble they get mad.

I think I seriously butchered that, but that's how it seems to me. :)

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 11:56:02
I've moved tombstones and urns that way with no problems.  Maybe if you can remember what sort of bed she had, you could get another one but I don't have a clue as to whether that would help.  If she does continue to haunt, and you'd rather she didn't get into the house, try making a foundation in the garden with no stairs up to it, paving it nicely, fencing it round and then putting the tombstone on it.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 26, 12:38:07
If it's the item they used most in life that's used as a marker the bed makes sense, so maybe if the bed is sold the day before they die and for the last night of their life they sleep in a different bed, presumably they'd pick on something else that isn't likely to be sold, such as a toilet?  I remember reading somewhere how to locate this marker in SimPE and change it, but unfortunately I can't remember where or how, but I know it's possible.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 26, 17:06:30
When I said she haunts I didn't mean she haunts an object. She just appeared out from the grave walking around the outside of the lot. The lot is on a foundation so I don't think she can get in. Maybe she's just upset because she was moved?

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 17:08:21
Possibly.  Have you had your sim grieve for her?

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 February 26, 19:21:31
If it's the item they used most in life that's used as a marker the bed makes sense, so maybe if the bed is sold the day before they die and for the last night of their life they sleep in a different bed, presumably they'd pick on something else that isn't likely to be sold, such as a toilet?  I remember reading somewhere how to locate this marker in SimPE and change it, but unfortunately I can't remember where or how, but I know it's possible.

Oooh, now I understand why most of my ghosts are P.O.'ed. And most of them have a bed thought bubble.  :-\

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 26, 19:44:37
I've been working on figuring out ghost actions and why they do it. I'm starting to wonder if aspiration and personality effect how the sim will act after death. I notice knowledge sims seem to haunt the least after they die, but those popularity sims seems to come out every night and party.

I do know that enviroment around the tombstone has a effect on how often they haunt, and that dead sims can become attatched to a object that was bought after their death, so having a first generation ghost get pissed because his eight generation relative sold a bed that bought long after the dead sim passed on, is possible.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 19:55:33
Wonder whether it would be possible to give ghosts a Grilled Cheese aspiration? ;D

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 27, 04:28:54
Darleen Dreamer's not happy about having a grandson.  At least that's what she seems to be telling me when she looks pissed off with a thought bubble of little Derek with a big red 'X' through it.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: Hegelian on 2006 February 27, 06:01:36
In principle, you're not supposed to move tombstones using the inventory, but rather by using the Move function (when you click on the tombstone). Using the inventory apparently causes problems, although I don't recall what they are at the moment.  :P

I've done this within a neighborhood, but I don't know if you can do it between a university neighborhood and it's main neighborhood. But its worth a try.   :)

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 07:10:19
Are you sure Derek's not in the bathroom when the ghost gets the red X?

And I already mentioned, I moved the Monty ghosts, no probs, Antonio then resurrected Claudio, again no probs.  Remaining Capp tombstones were also moved when I relocated old Capp, and - no more haunting!

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 27, 18:46:16
Possibly.  Have you had your sim grieve for her?

Yeah I did. Is that supposed to really do anything? They just weep or get upset for about 2seconds then go about their business.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 18:55:41
Yes, they seem to have toned it down a lot in Sims2!  Just thought maybe the ghost would know....

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 27, 21:49:25
Are you sure Derek's not in the bathroom when the ghost gets the red X?

And I already mentioned, I moved the Monty ghosts, no probs, Antonio then resurrected Claudio, again no probs.  Remaining Capp tombstones were also moved when I relocated old Capp, and - no more haunting!

Pretty sure, she's been doing it since he was a baby and bathrooms were not required!

She also has the family 'desperation' thought bubbles while she's floating around.

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 22:44:32
Poor thing, perhaps Derek should resurrect her and give her a chance to get perma plat!

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 27, 22:57:29
Even faster, I may get Dirk to change careers into paranormal... ;D

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 22:59:27
I'm sure he'd love that!  But then, you'd probably have to resurrect Darleen too.....

Title: Re: Why is Ghost upset?
Post by: miramis on 2006 February 28, 23:42:33
Thyguy, I've never seen or heard of a ghost getting attatched to objects purchased after they die. 

Ancient Sim..
  That's exactly what happens when you sell their bed just before they die, at least my old legacies all picked the toilet in those circumstances anyway  ::)  These days I typically get the bedrooms and comfortable beds in place before the first gen kicks the bucket.