More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: windy_moon on 2006 February 25, 18:45:46

Title: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 February 25, 18:45:46
Man, this is time consuming.   :P  Having recently lost my entire Sims game and downloads due to sheer stupidity, I've been busy recreating my downloads folder, at least enough to be able to play the game without being driven crazy.

Most of my critical downloads are Awesome, so the initial shopping was easy..FFS, TwoJeffs, Crammyboy. Throw in Inge & Merola.... I thought I was ready to play, but after a few Sim days I couldn't take it anymore.

Here are the things I forgot until I had no downloads:

1)  Maxis hair sucks.
2)  Maxis athletic wear sucks more.
3)  Maxis elder clothes suck more than all of the hair and athletic wear.

Shopping, shopping, shopping, many hours later I think I am ready to play the game again.  It's amazing how spoiled I had become.

Oh, and I will never forget the name of dizzy's "Breakfast at Midnight"  hack again.  I couldn't remember it to save my life and searched google and Sims sites seemingly endlessly until I finally stumbled upon it. ("eat dinner anytime" didn't work.  ;D  )

You anal retentive people who write everything in a notebook have one up on me.

Ever had to start your downloads from total scratch....once you'd played with a full aresenal of downloads and knew how the other half lives?

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 25, 18:59:35
I know exactly what you mean.  I recently deleted my Downloads folder due to the size making me uncomfortable (no other good reason), and then starting over.  I figured it would be easier to just say no the stuff out there by thinking that I never used an item before, rather than looking at it in-game and deciding I might not ever use it.

Needless to say, I was totally dumb and I regret doing it.  :-\  My downloads folder is still over a gig, and I only lost half a gig of stuff with the reorg, and I didn't necessarily lose the stuff I didn't want either.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: holly on 2006 February 25, 19:05:14
yep at least once every 6 months , and everytime i do it i swear im going to be organised next time . but it never happens

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 25, 19:22:44
I did downloads were so frigging messy...I recategorise everything till. It took me 3 days and 2 bloody weekends. talk about no lifer.
It is neat now.

The only things to suggest to ya.

1. Be fussy. Don't download everything you like. That will kill ur folder asap. Get only the essentials.
2. Label ur folders well.

Maxis Elder shape sucks more than the clothes. I fixed their body shape with some clothing mesh. They look normal now but I wish they could at least walk faster.
Its a pain to see them walk. Its worse than zombies babbling about brains.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 February 25, 20:04:54
I did downloads were so frigging messy...I recategorise everything till. It took me 3 days and 2 bloody weekends. talk about no lifer.
It is neat now.

The only things to suggest to ya.

1. Be fussy. Don't download everything you like. That will kill ur folder asap. Get only the essentials.
2. Label ur folders well.

The only consolation I have is the labeling.  I had never reorged after installing whichever expansion pack or patch that allowed folders and subfolders on the important stuff....and, I was such a noob when I started downloading, I let the installer rename a lot of files with the famous and ever-so-handy "625438a5852c9565p385748" kind of names.  ::)

I know what my crap is now.

Still, if I had to choose between starting from scratch with hyper organization or having my old %$@@$ downloads folder back, it wouldn't be much of a contest.



edit ps -- as far as essentials go, that's a different definition for every player, isn't it now.  If I don't have enough hair and clothes choices to fit the personality and story lines of my individual Sims, I can't stand to play.

Oh, and male facial hair!  Most of my guys sport it in some fashion.  Standard issue is just okay for one or two, but they can't all look the same.

Furniture, shrug, I'll get around to downloads eventually, but Maxis does just fine for me in TS2. 

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Ambular on 2006 February 25, 20:48:08
This is why I occasionally go through and burn all my downloads, neighborhoods, etc. to CD.  Come to think of it, I'm due to back them up again...

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 25, 21:21:25
One thing I find essential, even though it's more work.  For every item I download, I will also download the pic.  I store them with the items in its folder.  Otherwise there is no way in hell I will ever remember what it is. 

I often use a program call Flash Got All to download the pictures of a site.  Some sites like MTS2 force you to click on a link to download, so the program doesn't help me for downloading content, but it will work to download jpgs for most sites, including MTS2.  I click download all, remove all the thumbnails and extra crap, and download the pics.  It's especially useful for MTS2, because it take like 5 minutes to open each picture sometimes. 

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 23:15:50
I keep a back-up folder on my 2nd HD which has everything I've ever downloaded and still use (ie haven't thrown out because it was crap) stored by site.  i don't keep the original zips and rars, everything is unpacked and filed with photos so it's easy to access should I want it again.  For example, if I have a mesh set Living room plus six folders of recolours, they all get lumped in together.  But it works for me.

I'm also splitting all my downloads up now, and running themed games.  That way I can limit myself to 2GB of Downloads per set of Game Folders, and still load the game in the time it takes to play a game of Spider on the other PC.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 26, 02:36:04
Saving the photo also helps if you want to organize the objects in the same way as the photo did. Also is helpful for rememberinbg what objects come with what sets.
I would think that having too many subfolders means that the game took a longer time to load since it had to search more in depth for the cc rather than retrieving them from a lumpy messy folder.

I do burn all my downloads onto a DVD. I don't run theme games (don't see the point)  :-X

Sure, everyone's defn of essential is different but if you sit down and think about it, Do you really need that facial hair that looks so similar to that other one I have?
Do I really need 10 recolors of this dress? Do I really need that stupid potted plant which comes with Modern Living Mesh Set?
That's it. That's how I kept my downloads down to 5000...which I think is a healthy number.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 February 26, 04:12:39
Saving the photo also helps if you want to organize the objects in the same way as the photo did. Also is helpful for rememberinbg what objects come with what sets.
I would think that having too many subfolders means that the game took a longer time to load since it had to search more in depth for the cc rather than retrieving them from a lumpy messy folder.

I thought this would be true too, but my game loads faster and I am the QUEEN of subfoldering. Ask BlueSoup, who hates me case of this. :-)

I have heard it from several folks taht subfoldering causes faster loading. The game does to have to search all over for recolors to meshes, perhaps? I don't know...


Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 04:14:23
The folders I was referring to were my saved files, not the ones in game.  and I do subfolder my downloads, and haven't noticed the game lagging - but I can find stuff!  An enormous, messy downloads folder just freaks me out!

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Dea on 2006 February 26, 04:34:11
Oh, and I will never forget the name of dizzy's "Breakfast at Midnight"  hack again

I cant tell you how long I looked for that hack bc I couldnt remember Dizzy's name and the name of the hack.  I think it finally clicked in my head when I saw a post by Dizzy somewhere.  I went to MTS2 bc I knew it was atleast there and finally found it.  I think I thought it was on of Monique's hacks at first and thats why I couldnt find it.  Im throwing out my downloads folder(onto my desktop at least) in a couple of days when I get DSL and Im starting over.  The only folder I am keeping is my hacks folder.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 26, 04:37:57
I subfolder all my downloads and I time religiously. I think there is a slight increase of 1 min or less for my subfoldering. I don't know how many levels you guys go through.
Especially Jade ...can you elaborate or show me the way to urs and bluesoup's discussion if its a open one?

I only have 2 levels of sub folders for each main folder (I must have like 20 main folders).
I am not sure if havnig a messy lump or organized lump helps to load faster/ slower for everyone. For me, its a wee slower and I live with that but I was thinking if if I have 20 sub folders, would it slow the loading? Anyone any ideaS?

And by the way, does categorising hairs into correct bins help to increase/ reduce loadng times? Any impact> I am thinking if its worth to sort out hair using datagen or simpe.but it seems pretty consuming and I been reading the threads here.

by the way, how many downloads do you guys have and whats the loading time? would love to hear from especially Jade here  :)

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 26, 04:44:22
Especially Jade ...can you elaborate or show me the way to urs and bluesoup's discussion if its a open one?  &

And by the way, does categorising hairs into correct bins help to increase/ reduce loadng times? Any impact> I am thinking if its worth to sort out hair using datagen or simpe.but it seems pretty consuming and I been reading the threads here.

I dunno if it reduces them or not - I haven't noticed a difference from before and after.  And recategorising hair is tedious, but not hard.  I would do it, just because it all looks so pretty in the right bins, and that way you can create them right from CAS with custom hairstyles, but not have them pass on bass-ackwards genetics.

by the way, how many downloads do you guys have and whats the loading time? would love to hear from especially Jade here  :)

I have 1.5 gigs, and my loading time is about 6 minutes to get into the neighbourhood view.  From there, I can get into a lot in about 2 minutes.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 04:47:08
I have two gigs, and it takes me less than 6 minutes to load, and about a minute to enter a lot, less if it's a small lot.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 26, 04:54:21
I have 1.5 gbs. It takes me 3 mins to get to neighbourhood screen and 1 minute odd to enter a medium sized lot with 5 simmies wearing high poly hair and having a house full of cc objects.

ETS: try timing ur loadings if you have time. take out the folders etc and try different combinations of loading. It helps to know what increases/ reduces loading times. Give u an idea of how to max ur downloads and min ur loading times. Sorry but I am kinda a stats freak when it comes to this.

And Jade's subfoldering is truly more awesome than mine. Mine is organized but simplistic compared to hers truly.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 26, 04:56:09
/me has a craptastic computer.

But since it's only that slow due to the downloads folder size, I refuse to upgrade it.  Really, that will just allow me to get even more stuff.  Which is appealing, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself lol.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Verona on 2006 February 26, 04:57:54
I've got 1.97 gigs and it loads in less than 4 minutes. I took out the intro movie which helped even  more.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 26, 05:26:28
I've got 1.97 gigs and it loads in less than 4 minutes. I took out the intro movie which helped even  more.

how to take out that movie? :o

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Verona on 2006 February 26, 05:47:06
The movies are in     C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Movies   you simply delete the "s" on Movies.  Next time you start your game, no dancing, etc.

It definitely cuts a little time off loading.

Edited to change DATA to Data...sorry

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 26, 09:56:59

Ever had to start your downloads from total scratch....once you'd played with a full aresenal of downloads and knew how the other half lives?
Oh yeh, so many times I lost count..I did think it was a good thing at first, you know start afresh, don't get stuff you don't really need etc.  Bullshit.  I spent hours looking for those elusive D/L's, the ones I couldn't live without and ended up with more!  Funny but, I never did find those I couldn't live without.... ???

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 26, 13:13:51
 Hah, when I redid my folder I remembered to save to my desktop most of the things I wanted to keep, and managed to find many of the others I forgot to save but there is this one rug... I have have spents hours looking for it!  Funny how one little thing like that you don't think is all that important, until it's gone, and then you realize just how much you really liked and used it  :P

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 26, 13:20:21

Ever had to start your downloads from total scratch....once you'd played with a full aresenal of downloads and knew how the other half lives?
Oh yeh, so many times I lost count..I did think it was a good thing at first, you know start afresh, don't get stuff you don't really need etc.  Bullshit.  I spent hours looking for those elusive D/L's, the ones I couldn't live without and ended up with more!  Funny but, I never did find those I couldn't live without.... ???

Thats cool. I have several sets of downloads I cannot do without.
In fact because I am so picky at downloads, I would say about 60% of my downloads are 'essentials'.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: holly on 2006 February 26, 13:21:48
ok i checked how big my downloads folder is and its 2gb fortunaty my game still loads in about 5mins ,

do one of u organised people want to come and live with me and sort it out for me

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 14:15:20
Hah, when I redid my folder I remembered to save to my desktop most of the things I wanted to keep, and managed to find many of the others I forgot to save but there is this one rug... I have have spents hours looking for it!  Funny how one little thing like that you don't think is all that important, until it's gone, and then you realize just how much you really liked and used it  :P

Maybe if you could find a picture of the rug - maybe it was in a pic you took in game? - and posted it, someone would recognise it?

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 26, 14:57:57
Desc the rug and how big it is. What kind of material etc if you dont have a pic. I see if i have it. I have hundreds of rugs.
Ok, rug recolors are my no1 non essentials. :-X

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 26, 15:34:47
I bought Nightlife a week ago while I was in Athens (Greece, not Georgia!) for a convention (prices in the god-forsaken town I live/study are sky-high!), so I finally put some order in my downlads folder! Before that, I only had the hacks and wallpapers/floors in subfolders and EVERYTHING else in a big pile in the main folder. Even with this rudimentary organization into subfolders it took me two days to get the files in their corresponding subfolder. Plus I had to redownload all the hacks to make sure they're NL-compatible (that was fairly easy though, 99.9% of them are found here!). I always keep the compressed archives in a separate folder btw, never know when you'll need to get the orginals back. Then I had to make all the custom hairstyles, eyes and skintones genetically correct, which took another day and a half! The past two days were spent going from house to house to check if everything is ok, get them their custom jobs back, add an occasional driveway, etc. I still have five or six houses to check, and then I'll get to play the game in earnest again! Luckily it hasn't slowed down much compared with core+Uni, the lag in the residential lots is minimal, but it really crawls in downtown community lots, argh! I've also noticed a slight increase in loading times. It took two minutes from the moment I fired up the game till I was inside a house and ready to play the family (always bypassing the intro video of course), now it takes three, but some of these houses have some pretty high-poly vehicles which I just HAD to get (just like in RL, european cars deliver more but also ask for more, hehe). Downloads folder is approx. 1 GB big.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 26, 16:42:47
Desc the rug and how big it is. What kind of material etc if you dont have a pic. I see if i have it. I have hundreds of rugs.
Ok, rug recolors are my no1 non essentials. :-X
Thanks for offering to look all, but alas, no pics saved and all I can say is that it was peach/salmon with an offcentered maroon floral design and no border. Sort of a modern design with an asian flare. I used it in practically every asian themed room I had. Not very helpful is it?? I've had it for ages and I've checked all my usual haunts so I'm afraid I picked it up off some obscure little site that is now defunct  :'(
 On the bright side I am having tons of fun visiting every little unheard of sims sites there is and it interesting to rediscover sites I had totally forgotten about.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 16:52:08
There are a large number of rugs at Sims2Play.  Have you checked them all?

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 26, 17:15:25
 Thanks ZZ, been there and those are very much the style I'm talikng about, but that's not it, 'tho I did just DL a bunch more  ::) 
 Part of the reason I dumped my first folder was the hundreds of rugs and pictures I never used, but they were so pretty how could I NOT download them?? Can you say junkie :P

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 26, 17:29:22
"Junkie!" ;D (Points finger and laughs!)

"Junkie!" :'( (Looks at own downloads folder and cries!)

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 26, 17:37:39
"Junkies!" (grabs beers for all of us...)

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 26, 18:10:36
Beer? Let's get serious about this...make mine a Wild Turkey! :D

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 27, 02:00:44
Desc the rug and how big it is. What kind of material etc if you dont have a pic. I see if i have it. I have hundreds of rugs.
Ok, rug recolors are my no1 non essentials. :-X
Thanks for offering to look all, but alas, no pics saved and all I can say is that it was peach/salmon with an offcentered maroon floral design and no border. Sort of a modern design with an asian flare. I used it in practically every asian themed room I had. Not very helpful is it?? I've had it for ages and I've checked all my usual haunts so I'm afraid I picked it up off some obscure little site that is now defunct  :'(
 On the bright side I am having tons of fun visiting every little unheard of sims sites there is and it interesting to rediscover sites I had totally forgotten about.

Sorry I don't have a rug like that. In fact, I hate salomon color so I can be sure that I didn't have that rug.
I hope someone else will find it for you. Is it possible for you to photoshop a similar design so that if we saw it before and know where it is, we could point you there? Its better than just having a desc since ur desc is very brief.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 27, 02:01:37
"Junkies!" (grabs beers for all of us...)

Count me in.  I just added 50 non essential eye brows shapes/colors to my game. I am so obsessed with getting my dollies look right :(
And I got like 300 paintings which I am sure I didn't use them all....

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 27, 02:13:06
My essentials would be ummmm.....EVERYTHING ;D

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: Lackey on 2006 February 27, 02:26:08
this should be called rugsrus

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 27, 04:43:24
this should be called rugsrus
Gads, I know, that is where I got most of my rugs the first time and I'm really trying not to download every single rug all over again. Really, I swear!

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 27, 06:12:11
I DARE you to look at their walls...        *drool*

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 27, 06:18:30
I had a lot of their walls, but I've found recently I'm happy only with the walls from Holy Simoly and WDS.

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 27, 06:26:30
Oh...well.... Um I...have now, gotta make dinner..

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 06:58:46
My most used walls are from Juniper Sun!  And they all, every single one, come as package files!

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 27, 07:02:11
My most used walls are from Juniper Sun!  And they all, every single one, come as package files!
Tease! where's the link?
(same juniper sun that post here sometimes?)

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 27, 07:13:03 (

You have to download from File Planet, but they're enormous files, it's not like having to download one wall at a time!  The shoji walls in particular, are wonderful!

And she's ptekgirl, and it's the Juniper Sun that's been around since Sims1!

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 27, 10:13:36
Beer? Let's get serious about this...make mine a Wild Turkey! :D

There's a sensible lad who isn't sucked into the bird flu virus paranoia! And will you people stop shooting links around?! I'm on a downloads folder diet here! Though I need one more than my d/l folder, heh!

Title: Re: Recreating downloads folder
Post by: windy_moon on 2006 February 27, 11:51:41
Count me in.  I just added 50 non essential eye brows shapes/colors to my game. I am so obsessed with getting my dollies look right :(
And I got like 300 paintings which I am sure I didn't use them all....

Wait a minute, Mister or Missy!

Aren't you the one who was advising me about "essentials" earlier in the thread? :D

* passes Wild Turkey *

Well, I'm only at 290MB, but I've just had a week to start recreating....