More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 21:59:12

Title: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 21:59:12
I've just realized cow plant + dormies = endless enjoyment, but I've also noticed that the cow plants are spawning tombstones with no owners. Because I was terrified it would be spawning unknown sims. I jumped into simpe to make sure, but that doesn't appear to be happening.

So far it doesn't seem to be causing trouble, but one appears every five sim minutes and that's... wow, when they go to sleep.

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 February 24, 22:05:21
Maybe its eating those dang invisible drivers!  Has any of your objects been not working at all?  You probably have drivers on your lot.  Or your cowplant is just crazy.  Does it make milk?  If it does, drink it, look in the memories, and see who was drank.

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 22:07:24
Nope, no milk when the ownerless tombstones appear. Oddly, I can't milk them even when they eat a owner. But this is likely because I'm in a dorm and it's disabled.

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 February 24, 22:10:08
Pick a different cowplant.  Does the cownplant go through the whole 'smell the victim over' procedure?

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 24, 22:15:48
Wow, that's a new one. Does it produce any ghosts too? How many tombstones has the cowplant produced so far?

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 22:19:47
When left alone, it will fill the entire lot with ownerless tombstones. There is no animation when these tombstones appear. It also doesn't matter if I have one cowplant or ten, the tombstones appear at the same rate. All the complants do there normal thing if a tombstone isn't blocking them.

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 February 24, 22:25:00
Are you attached to the building?  If not, VACATE IMMEDIATLY!!!  Buldoze, and send those cowplants to Hell!

Play in boolprop?  If you do, do any errors come up?

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 22:28:01
Interesting enough, I deleted all the cowplants and the tombstones immediately stopped spawning. I put the cowplants back and it spawned one more ownerless tombstone and didn't make another. I'm now feeding them dormies to see if the ownerless tombstones will start appearing again.

All together, I've made 70k from selling the tombstones. XD

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 February 24, 22:34:20
hope it is fixed.

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 February 25, 02:51:48
Interesting enough, I deleted all the cowplants and the tombstones immediately stopped spawning. I put the cowplants back and it spawned one more ownerless tombstone and didn't make another. I'm now feeding them dormies to see if the ownerless tombstones will start appearing again.

All together, I've made 70k from selling the tombstones. XD

Seriously the way you are killing ur sims, arent u afraid ur game will explode?

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 25, 02:57:44
Well I have JM's no regen mods, so it really isn't hurting killing them off. The only think I worried was the ownerless graves were creating owners, which would be very bad. Fortunately they weren't.

Title: Re: Cow plants spawing tombstones with no owners... oh my!
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 25, 03:50:58
Speaking of reducing the surplus dormie population, I inadvertently hit on another way to do an almost mass wipe-out. The cafeteria worker in one dorm was bugging me for various reasons, so I used InSim to have him die of old age.  Well, of course there wasn't anyone to serve food for at least 2 days if I didn't have one of my playables in the dorm serve food instead of cooking for him/herself. Towards the end of the second day, one playable popped up a 'see X's ghost' wish; it confused me because my sim was actually friends with X.  I looked around, and there was an urn on the second floor (I have the no invulnerability hack installed).  Within a couple of hours, 2 more dormies died of hunger.  Fortunately, I didn't like or have plans for any of them, but at that point I deleted and replaced the stove to force it to regenerate a new cafeteria worker.

So now that dorm has an urn and three tombstones to generate some ghosts for my knowledge sims. :)