More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 03:50:39

Title: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 03:50:39
Would it be possible to have sims teleport straight to work with a hacked objects, then have them teleport back to the object when work is over? Could this be done with children for going to school?

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 24, 03:54:53
Why? ??? :-\

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: sintrinity on 2006 February 24, 03:57:38
Would be great for large families with lots of owned cars.  Can get to be a traffic jam.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 24, 04:01:08
I getcha!   :)

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 24, 04:49:37
Would be great for large families with lots of owned cars.  Can get to be a traffic jam.

I just assumed he wanted to make an island or a space station.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 24, 20:25:14
Would be great for large families with lots of owned cars.  Can get to be a traffic jam.

large families are bad enough with one car as the carpool. it just results in the Dance Around the Car thing

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 21:09:41
Well, if you don't put the driveway that extends out into the road, the car will just teleport onto the road - that saves time and all that slowdown you get doesn't happen.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 24, 21:55:56
I didn't know about that. That's one way to do it. It's a shame we can't make like a 1X1 chair to be considered a car, and have them just sit down in it and vanish to work with the chair, then just appear back later in the chair. XD

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 00:15:57
Why can't you?  You can make it, if you know how to make custom cars, but the game would still consider it a car, and your sim would look rather odd driving to work in an armchair!

Why not just send them all in the car pool and the school bus?

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 February 25, 00:19:07
I'm entirely too amused by this "magic armchair" idea. We already have Quidditch brooms and flying carpets in addition to bicycles, so why not? It still wouldn't make them teleport, though.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 00:22:32
As I've said before, it's a pity that some of them can't just walk to work or school!  It would make sense in downtown (and where exactly is the school anyway?

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 25, 00:24:19
I'm entirely too amused by this "magic armchair" idea. We already have Quidditch brooms and flying carpets in addition to bicycles, so why not? It still wouldn't make them teleport, though.

Why wouldn't it? The brooms might do it as well. I think the issue is that people are still placing the driveway "correctly". Use moveobjects on and place the driveway extension somewhere on the lot, not in the street and not attached to the regular driveway. Won't they just teleport then?

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 00:30:09
Didn't I already say this?

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 25, 00:32:51
Didn't I already say this?

Yes you did but from the response after, I thought it was worth rewording.  ;) :)

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 00:35:56
You're probably right!  Nobody ever reads my suggestions these days! ;D

But the car would still actually land in the road and zoom off!

I think what the original poster needs to do is put all their sims in the police career, then once they are all captain heroes they can all teleport to work!

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 25, 00:43:26
Man i didn't know you could use move objects to place a driveway extension for the car.  Thanks guys now i can connect my garage proper to my house.  What's better is my vampire sim doesn't have to brave the sun AT ALL to get to the car.

I couldn't have the stupid thing on a foundation like the house which makes it look out of place, now i can.  Guess i'll just add some stairs at the doorways, it's not a slope but it's the closet thing there is.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 00:49:33
There's a tutorial somewhere on building your garage underground - maybe that would suit your vampire? (

How's that for service? ;D

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 25, 00:53:01
There's a tutorial somewhere on building your garage underground - maybe that would suit your vampire?

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 25, 00:53:21
There's a tutorial somewhere on building your garage underground - maybe that would suit your vampire?

Nah the house i got with my vampire doesn't have a basement since i don't really need one.  I plan to have her live through the generations watching her childrens childrens children grow and age ect.

Any other nifty things u can do like that driveway trick?  I know by using move objects you can place some objects inside each other and it makes it look like a while new object.

Edit: Thanks for the tuts maybe i'll take a look at them later.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 00:56:14
I imagine if you use the diagonal cheat, you could have your driveway at an angle, but I never tried it!

Also, useful to know if you have a pre NL house that hasn't much room for a driveway, the edge tile (which the car doesn't actually use) can be placed under the foundations.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 25, 00:58:19

Any other nifty things u can do like that driveway trick?  I know by using move objects you can place some objects inside each other and it makes it look like a while new object.

In the peasantry section here, look for JadeEliott's tutorial on making street parking.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 25, 01:00:02
I imagine if you use the diagonal cheat, you could have your driveway at an angle, but I never tried it!

Also, useful to know if you have a pre NL house that hasn't much room for a driveway, the edge tile (which the car doesn't actually use) can be placed under the foundations.

That's handy to know.  Most of my houses have the cars in front of the house with nice bushes around em.

simmiecal: I've looked through the street parking tut and i personally would rather not edit my game files.  I try to stick away from that kind of stuff in case Maxis should somehow change something then it causes the house to become corrupt or something.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 25, 03:23:28
just back up the original and then replace the modded bit when the time comes to add a patch or EP

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 28, 10:41:45
just remembered....i have a career which does teleport the worker to the job so it is possible to do
it's the Apothecary career by wintermutei1. looks cool :)
i've had it in my game sometime but not assigned it to anyone, which is why i forgot about it till i gave it to a sim yesterday.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: nocomment on 2006 March 01, 11:43:27
Somebody mentioned a flying carpet.  Does anyone know where this is available for download?

I also like the idea of a sims teleporting to work, but ideally I would want them to disappear amidst a sea of sparkles, right after saying,  "Beam me up, Scotty."

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 March 01, 13:14:31
Magic Carpet is here:

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 March 01, 14:05:39
I avoid custom careers, especially after hearing about so many people having problems with them when patching or installing new EPs.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 March 01, 14:24:33
I'm with you rainbow I stay away from custom careers. I read so much about other people haveing troubles with them.So I avoid them

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 01, 17:19:09
They worked fine with just the base game installed, and it didn't matter so much that they were in the "wrong" career then, with no LTWs.  But I wouldn't have them now, either.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: anelca on 2006 March 02, 04:43:30
you need to be picky about whose careers you download, a few on MTS2 are very reputable and i have never had a problem with them.
the problem comes when you install a career which isn't compatable with your particular EP. it causes the lots not to load. the solution is simple...just remove the career

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: vcline on 2006 March 02, 16:14:07
Which ones on MTS2 are the good ones?  Just in case I ever want a custom career.

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 March 02, 22:37:53
Which raises the question - have they done anything about LTWs for the EXISTING Uni careers in OFB?  Not to mention everyday wants, like actually getting a job in that career!

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: anelca on 2006 March 02, 22:57:21
Which ones on MTS2 are the good ones?  Just in case I ever want a custom career.

ones by p00jkins and SuperFly

Title: Re: Poof! Teleport straight to work!
Post by: vcline on 2006 March 02, 23:04:25
Thanks, anelca.  I'll check them out.