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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sintrinity on 2006 February 24, 03:45:30

Title: Runaways
Post by: sintrinity on 2006 February 24, 03:45:30

I read a story somewhere about someone making a halfway house for their "bad" teens and decided to do that myself in a newly started Pleasantview.

Having Inge's teleporter I figured it would be relatively simple to transfer custody.  I have used it before when the parents lived separately due to divorce or risky woohoo and I wanted the dad to have the kid.  That worked out rather well although it is quite annoying that if the father is not at the house when the baby is born he has NO relationship with it whatsoever whereas one living at the house gets freebie relationship points even if he never even holds it.

But anyway - I get this huge house, create a CAS family Sim (Madie Poppins), and move her in to start the teleporting of her teens.  I did Meadow first because she was friends with Dustin and I knew he would get the want for her to go to college when he went anyways.  Teleport and move her in to find that she is in aspiration failure.  Before I can even interact with her she runs away.  I tried various things but couldn't figure out how to get her back or at least let her out of my selectable family.

I decided to take Lilith Pleasant next since I had already played the Pleasants and I knew she was platinum.  Teleport and move her in and she runs away too!!  I thought they wouldn't do that if they were platinum.

So now I am perplexed as to how I should proceed getting these teens.  Any ideas?

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 February 24, 04:32:49
Don't know if this will work for you but try calling the police. That is what I did when I moved a teen townie into one of my families once and he ran away. They brought him back and he cried and had the memory of running away but after that he was fine.

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 24, 04:33:59
well to get them back you could try having Madie Poppins *giggles* call the cops, the cops may find them and bring them back.

For your next teens, teleport them to the lot and jack the relationship up between them and Madie ASAP!  I (of course) suggest using InSIM for getting the relationship up because you can do it quickly and in-game  ;)

After they have a decent relationship set, Then add them to the family.

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 24, 04:35:23
I believe they run away if they have a bad or no relationship with everyone in the house... you may need to adjust their relationships a bit before unpausing. (Ah, Sleepycat said the same thing, heh.) I aged a nanny down to teen, once, and she ran away immediately...

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: sintrinity on 2006 February 24, 04:40:00
Ahhh, that explains it.  They hadn't even met Madie so I couldn't "adjust" their relationship with her (which I planned on doing anyways).  Guess I was just spoiled and didn't notice in my old neighborhood where everyone already had at least met everyone else.  Easy solve, thanks! 

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 25, 02:23:51
I had a similar problem that I posted in another thread today.
Unfortunately I had forgotten to call the cops right away and when I did have one of them call a few Sim hours later, the cops came searched the house looking for an intruder, didn't find any of course,yelled at them and then he fined them 500 for making a false call. Now they all have a bad memory of it and some still cry over it.
My question is because this happened in University, will I ever get them back? They had no relationship with any of the Sims at the dorm . I had rapidly aged them from toddlerhood to teenager via a hack then immediately sent them to college. Using Igne's transporter I transported them to the dorm then had them move in right away. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.

Are they bye bye for good? :-\

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 25, 02:25:13
I don't know if they'd be gone for good.  Typically, they come back before the transition to adult.

And off-topic:  Wolfee, read your PM's.

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 February 25, 02:29:41
I believe they run away if they have a bad or no relationship with everyone in the house...
I've always wondered about that.  I should force that sometime just to experience a runaway.  But then, I've never actually seen any of those aspiration failure animations like the flour baby either.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 25, 02:31:26
I don't know if they'd be gone for good.  Typically, they come back before the transition to adult.

And off-topic:  Wolfee, read your PM's.

Just did, thank you so much Blue!
on-topic: they will? Oh good, I was worried I'd never see them again since I never had one runaway on me before and I feared since it happened while they were at college I was  SOL  ;D

ETA: Off I go to Ignes's site to download that runaway hack. I really don't want that to happen again

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 February 25, 16:10:00
I think the problem with the teens at college could have something to do with the fact that you transported them to the dorm instead of moving them in normally. Once they're made into teens, there's no need for a hack to get them into the dorm -- sending them to college puts them into the student bin. If you were trying to get more than 8 students into a dorm, maybe it'd be less broken if you moved them into a different dorm the normal way first, so that they age transition properly. YAs don't run away.

Title: Re: Runaways
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 25, 17:25:29
Well, when I last played the Pleasants, I moved everyone out bar Angela (who was dead) and Lilith.  Lilith promptly ran away.  The cops brought her straight back again - and there wasn't anyone to call them!