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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PlayLives on 2006 February 23, 23:03:43

Title: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 23, 23:03:43
Is there a hack that doesn't allow Univ grads to start so high up on the career tracks?
I thought I saw this somewhere.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 23, 23:13:39
The harderjobs hack, which I believe is still in the testing section.

Edit:  Yes, it is:

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 23, 23:31:08
ok thanks. I knew I saw it somewhere.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 23:31:32
Use the newspaper too, instead of the computer.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 23, 23:35:35
Right, the newspaper always starts them at the lowest level of the job.  Though even with that, most Uni grads climb the ladder fairly fast, since they already have a good set of skills and friends.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 23:43:22
But some jobs, every time they get a promotion, they get it before they have two consecutive days off - that slows them down a bit!  (Others, of course, notably the Slacker career, they get home with a promotion, time for a quick shower, then it's back to work again!)

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 23, 23:46:57
But some jobs, every time they get a promotion, they get it before they have two consecutive days off - that slows them down a bit!  (Others, of course, notably the Slacker career, they get home with a promotion, time for a quick shower, then it's back to work again!)

And when you think about it - isn't that a little backwards?  :D I mean a slacker would gladly take a couple of days off before starting a new level/job.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 23:54:02
True, but this is Maxis we're discussing here, not an institute devoted to the higher reaches of LOGIC!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 24, 00:03:53
Personally i turn on boolprop and just select the job through the newspaper.  They get the job i want and they start at the lowest level, how nice is that?

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 00:13:21
There's also the fact that, if they have a specific job want, they can wait several days for it to actually appear!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 24, 00:46:12
I must admit that I cheat and get them whatever job they want via the Inseminator career spawner thingy within seconds of them moving into their new lots, which often results in them going to work at Level 9 and coming back with their LTW's fulfilled before they've even been in the house 24 hours.  I really should start using the computer again, or even the newspaper, but I've got very lazy with some aspects of the game, this being one of them.  I got irritated by the fact that the more custom careers I had, the less likely the wanted career was going to show-up, but I didn't want to get rid of my custom careers.  As I only have a couple now, that argument doesn't really hold water anymore!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 01:04:54
Well, in my current game, all my (8, up to now) adults in The Wasteland were created in CAS at Uni.  the only one to complete his LTW while at Uni was Kane, who is a romance sim who had the LTW to woohoo with 20 different sims.  It seemed sensible to let him fulfil that while still at Uni and before settling down!  The rest of them were to some extent rushed through with the College Clock, and didn't build an enormous number of skill points, so they still had to work to get their promotions.  So far, River has become mayor and Aron (a knowledge sim) has become Captain Hero.  The rest still have a way to go to reach the top of their career ladder.  and none of the rest are anywhere near permaplat!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: AllenABQ on 2006 February 24, 02:16:51
I must admit that I cheat and get them whatever job they want via the Inseminator career spawner thingy within seconds of them moving into their new lots, which often results in them going to work at Level 9 and coming back with their LTW's fulfilled before they've even been in the house 24 hours.  I really should start using the computer again, or even the newspaper, but I've got very lazy with some aspects of the game, this being one of them.  I got irritated by the fact that the more custom careers I had, the less likely the wanted career was going to show-up, but I didn't want to get rid of my custom careers.  As I only have a couple now, that argument doesn't really hold water anymore!

Well "Open For Business" should present an interesting challenge for you then!  :)

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 02:19:11
Oh, I've no doubt the Insiminator will help ancient's sims become tycoons in no time! ;D  Once it's been updated, of course!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 February 24, 03:08:20
I must admit that I cheat and get them whatever job they want via the Inseminator career spawner thingy within seconds of them moving into their new lots, which often results in them going to work at Level 9 and coming back with their LTW's fulfilled before they've even been in the house 24 hours.  I really should start using the computer again, or even the newspaper, but I've got very lazy with some aspects of the game, this being one of them.  I got irritated by the fact that the more custom careers I had, the less likely the wanted career was going to show-up, but I didn't want to get rid of my custom careers.  As I only have a couple now, that argument doesn't really hold water anymore!

So I'm curious, what have you done with your young permaplat Sims then?  Are they then boring to play, or do you then focus on and enjoy the parenting aspect? And when they're permaplat and age to elder, they live so long... all I can say is, I'm really looking forward to OFB...

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 February 24, 03:26:19
I must admit that I cheat and get them whatever job they want via the Inseminator career spawner thingy within seconds of them moving into their new lots, which often results in them going to work at Level 9 and coming back with their LTW's fulfilled before they've even been in the house 24 hours.  I really should start using the computer again, or even the newspaper, but I've got very lazy with some aspects of the game, this being one of them.  I got irritated by the fact that the more custom careers I had, the less likely the wanted career was going to show-up, but I didn't want to get rid of my custom careers.  As I only have a couple now, that argument doesn't really hold water anymore!

I looked at a few custom careers, but it looked like a lot of them had quite a few misspellings. I know a lot of people who do hacks are not native English speakers, but I can't have pop ups in my game like that, it would drive me crazy. That's one little thing I like about hacks from here--I have never seen a misspelled word. It's like seeing a jet fly over in a western movie--it takes you out of the action a little bit. I need to figure out how to make my own....

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 03:30:18
I agree, poor spelling annoys me too - not sure if it's the years I spent as a teacher, or the years I spent working in offices that's to blame though!  But what do you do about Maxian spelling mistakes?  You can't just shrug and say, oh, well, that's another download bites the dust!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 February 24, 03:31:49
What drives me crazy is the misspellings in Maxis' text. I can't recall all of them now, but I've seen at least 3 or 4 misspellings. "General Practioner" is the first one that comes to mind.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 24, 03:32:49
That's one little thing I like about hacks from here--I have never seen a misspelled word.

Well, actually, I have seen two misspelled words:  In the Lot Sync Timer, it's supposed to say, "All Pescados Suck"   :P  and in the Phone Hack, when you call after 2am, it says, "Phone harassment is bad, 'mkay."  A minor thing, but I thought it was supposed to say "m'kay."

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 03:35:19
"All Pescados Suck"

"Pescados" is a misspelling for "Blue Soup"?  that's some great big spelling mistake!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 February 24, 03:36:08
Maxian spelling mistakes? I totally believe they exist, but I've never noticed one. I think I think about spelling less when I am using the non-hacked parts of the game, because I am expecting a higher-quality, spell-checked product. (Yes, I also believe in the tooth fairy.  ::)) I am much more critical when it's new, outside products that I randomly downloaded.

Can you think of any glaring mistakes off the top of your head? I'm curious.

And I totally understand, ZZ--I am a librarian and used to do editing work.  ;D

ETA: Aha, I am two slow and two people have replied while I was thinking. Interesting!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 24, 03:37:01
Yes, he totally meant to say All Pescados Suck.  Just a typo.  ;)

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 03:40:01
I'll believe that when I see it!  And it's definitely BlueSoup in the newsbox today!  (What on earth did you do to get up his nose like this?  Kick him somewhere where the sun don't shine?)

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 24, 05:00:13
Oh that's not me annoying him - that's his way of showing affection.  ;)  Seriously, I asked him to change it, that's what he changed it to.

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 05:08:43
Strange ............. ;D

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 24, 05:27:18
Yeah well, we have a strange friendship going on.  :P

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: cheriem on 2006 February 24, 05:41:01
I'm just going to chime in with my two cents worth here.  Ha, ha, ha, ha....  :D :D

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 February 24, 06:00:17
(What on earth did you do to get up his nose like this?  Kick him somewhere where the sun don't shine?)

If he's in a bunker as the rumor says, then "where the sun don't shine" could be anywhere!

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 February 24, 06:01:18
I usually look through all of the job listings if there's a specific job that they want just to see if that job is availiable right now.  And if its not there then I make them get one that's availiable and make them check the job listings everyday untill and opening in the career they want pops up.

Once upon a time, way back in the base game and uni, if the job they wanted didn't show up then they stayed unemployed unitll it did show up.  I did this for a while untill I made a new Knowledge sim, who of course wanted a job in the science career.  But he was low on cash so the only way he could find a job was with the newspaper.

A week and a half later a science job finally came up.  The poor guy only had $4 to his name by then...

Title: Re: Univ Grads career track hack
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 11:13:06
That's what the money tree is for!  And a Knowledge sim with loads of time on his hands should be able to make enough that way to survive!  Or make Creativity his goal!

(What on earth did you do to get up his nose like this?  Kick him somewhere where the sun don't shine?)

If he's in a bunker as the rumor says, then "where the sun don't shine" could be anywhere!

Ah, but he goes out rabbit-hunting and deer-stalking!  Now, when someone is deer-stalking they spend a lot of time crouched down in the undergrowth.......