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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: greeneyedsims on 2006 February 23, 17:50:02

Title: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 February 23, 17:50:02
I'm hoping someone here can give me some suggestions.  My young nieces are coming over this weekend to play my game.  Me and my sister, their mother, have been putting them off for months now, due to schedule conflicts.  We finally planned for this weekend, and I can't get my censor blur back!  LOL!  Uhherrrm, I have some detailed custom skintones, and need that blur to cover them.

I have been playing "blur free" with no problems with the "See Them 2" program.  When I tried to turn the blur back on...and loaded up my game, the blur was still off.  I thought maybe it was because of the downloaded house I was playing, so I went into a couple other houses in my neighborhood.  The blur is off in all of them.  ( I never used "See Them 2" with my game loaded.  I had checked the box with the nude sim, and turned the green check into a red x).

So, I thought maybe I had it confused, I quit out of my game, and went back in and turned the red x into a green check...the blur was still off.  I tried it again the first way...still no blur. 

So, I deleted the "See Them 2" program off of my computer.  The ReadMe said to just delete it from my computer.  I emptied my Recycle Bin, rebooted my computer, still no blur!

Can someone please help me?  Thanks in advance!    --green

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: JenW on 2006 February 23, 17:55:16
Try turning it on with SimPE...there's an option there for that (somewhere, I'm not sure where :P) and that might give you the blur back. You also might want to run Clean Installer to see if you have accidentally installed a blur-removal hack.

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: gali on 2006 February 23, 17:59:22
All I know about the blur is, that the blur file is in the "config" folder. May be you should check there for this file.

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: Bruce Banner on 2006 February 23, 18:01:12
 :) I think See Them uses Quaxi's censor remover . If that's so there should be a file in your downloads folder called ' censor ' . If there is take that out and then reload up your game and hopefully the blur will be back :)

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 23, 18:06:32
:) I think See Them uses Quaxi's censor remover . If that's so there should be a file in your downloads folder called ' censor ' . If there is take that out and then reload up your game and hopefully the blur will be back :)

if thats the one then yep that will do it

also lookin the startupcheat file to see whats there

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 18:09:19
Also, if your nieces are likely to be frequent visitors, it might be an idea to create an account for them, makes yours password only, and then give them a copy of the game to play which is theirs.  You can either give them suitable downloads, or allow them to find things themselves (while keeping a watchful eye, of course).

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: JenW on 2006 February 23, 18:30:21
Oh good idea ZZ. I do that for building and it would work great for the neices. Note, though, that if you use a startup cheat to remove the blur (if you have NL that won't work) then it's going to affect their game as well, because that file is stored under Program Files, and that game directory is shared across user accounts. Quaxi's censor would be better in that situation because it lives in the downloads folder, which of course isn't shared.

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 23, 18:34:34
Oh good idea ZZ. I do that for building and it would work great for the neices. Note, though, that if you use a startup cheat to remove the blur (if you have NL that won't work) then it's going to affect their game as well, because that file is stored under Program Files, and that game directory is shared across user accounts. Quaxi's censor would be better in that situation because it lives in the downloads folder, which of course isn't shared.

My start-up cheat is my config folder which is in the My Documents folder and not the program folder, so I have different start-up cheats for each XP user login.

Nevermind. Only read 1/2 your post before I responded.  :-X  :-[  You're right about Quaxi's censor sitting in the download folder and that would be a btter option.

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: JenW on 2006 February 23, 18:52:28
Oh, it does go in My Documents? I haven't messed with mine in ages so I forget where it goes :P hee hee

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 February 23, 18:53:13
Also, if your nieces are likely to be frequent visitors, it might be an idea to create an account for them, makes yours password only, and then give them a copy of the game to play which is theirs.  You can either give them suitable downloads, or allow them to find things themselves (while keeping a watchful eye, of course).

Bruce Banner, thank you!  I opened up Clean Installer and found the culprit "censor" and removed it!  It was hidden in there.  I loaded my game and funky Eldon Fuller got outta bed and took a shower and the blur was back!!

ZephyrZodiac, that's an EXCELLENT idea!  Thank you sooo much!

And to all the rest of you, thanks for your help!!  --green

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: Ambular on 2006 February 23, 18:57:01
Well, depending on the ages and how the girls' mom feels about such things, you might not even need the blur enabled if the girls have their own separate account and Downloads folder; just make sure there's no "adult" custom content in there and you're back to Barbie and Ken mode.  Of course the blur is always a safe bet, especially if they're going to be downloading their own stuff, in case they accidentally pick up an unidentified adult skin off the Exchange or something (I've had that happen!)  But it won't, unfortunately, stop the sometimes-too-detailed thumbnails that show up in CAS.  I hate those, though admittedly they make it a bit easier to identify those types of skins more easily so they can be removed.  :p

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 February 23, 19:07:39
Yeah, I think I'm gonna keep the dreaded blur (at least for now)...This ordeal was way too stressful and time consuming....I had to go through all of my downloads in Clean Installer and I just *happened* to see "censor" I almost missed it!

They don't tell you with "See Them 2" that it leaves a little sumthin-sumthin behind after you delete it.  At least I don't think it said anything about it. 


Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 19:24:57
Well, Quaxi's censor remover is good enough on its own.  And it's easy to remove.

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 23, 23:46:32
Yeah, I think I'm gonna keep the dreaded blur (at least for now)...This ordeal was way too stressful and time consuming....I had to go through all of my downloads in Clean Installer and I just *happened* to see "censor" I almost missed it!

Do you have NL installed?  If so, you can put stuff in sub-directories under Downloads.  Move the "censor" package to its own sub-directory, and you can easily find it and  enable/disable it with clean installer.

Title: Re: I Need My Censor Blur Back
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 23:52:54
Or simply move it out of Downloads to a folder on the desktop.  If the kids don't know what's in the folder, they wouldn't know to look, and probably wouldn't realise what it's purpose was anyway.