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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PlayLives on 2006 February 22, 23:08:37

Title: Why did he cheat?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 22, 23:08:37
First I have JM's romance mod.

I have a male knowledge sim who is engaged to a female knowledge sim and they have 3 bolts for each other and a 100/100 relationship score. During his graduation party, in which is fiancé was present, he queued up to make out with a dormie.
I let him to see what would happen. At first the fiancé didn't get upset, I guess because she was queued up to dance with him. After he made out with the dormie he queued to squeeze her. This made the fiancé upset and she slapped him. Of course their relationship score dropped and they became furious with each other but they remained engaged. The option to break up was there but I didn't select it.

My question is why did he do this? I thought they were supposed to be faithful when in a committed relationship?
Granted, he did go on a date with the dormie once before becoming engaged and they have 2 bolts for each other but at the time this happened their relationship score wasn't that high.

Can someone explain this?

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 22, 23:16:27
I wonder if that committed relationship counts with Romance Sims? I had one who was all over another lover and was steady with someone else, but then again she was in love with the other lover too so the hearts probably overrode any kind of flirt rejection.

It certainly works WELL when non-Romance Sims are involved, anyway - I was trying to get a Sim to ask out another whom he had three bolts with, and he was up to 45 STR with her, but she kept refusing because she was still going steady with a teenage love. I selected her and had her ask and HE refused - once I had her break up with her old steady, they dated immediately and all was happy (for them).

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 22, 23:35:41
yeah but the sims involved are Knowledge sims. The girl he cheated with is a Family sim.
Also what gets me is, his turn-ons are black hair and fit, which his finace is both. The family sim he cheated with has blonde hair and is not fit.  ???

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 00:26:50
I have a feeling that while they are still at college they don't see being engaged as a committed relationship.

I have two romance sims who never got engaged at uni, when they moved back to the neighbourhood I moved them into separate houses so they could do their own thing, but they were forever visiting each other, so in the end I moved them in together.  They then had twins and were both excellent parents - they got all the potty training etc. wants between them - and even though they do flirt with old flames in front of each other (which is not a problem thanks to the romancemod) and occasionally have a public woohoo with one of them in their photobooth, their thoughts seem mostly to centre around each other!  Oh, and they still aren't engaged!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: gali on 2006 February 23, 00:35:05
My opinion is, that the simulator "hints" you to graduate that dormie, and to marry the new couple, and not the old one. I experienced it a couple of times, when one of the engaged couple showed a wish to flirt with a townie or a dormie, inspite of the 3 bolts he had with his fiancee.

I think the game globally encourages you to match between your sims and the townies, making these matches very successful.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 00:40:38
Well, my present game hasn't got a lot of dormies and no townies at all, but most of my sims seem to be pretty happy with whoever I've paired them up with!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Regina on 2006 February 23, 06:57:30
I have a knowledge sim that was dating another sim and I believe they had crushes on each other.  I decided she wasn't for him because I had someone better in mind so edited their relationship with SimPE and changed his turn-ons (which put these two down to a 1- or 2-bolt relationship).  Then while on a date with his 'perfect match' sim, he rolled up the want to fall in love with the previous gal!  Go figure!

Family sims do love knowledge sims and vice versa.  If they have 2 bolts without having turn-ons set accordingly it's basically a match made in heaven.  My most devoted couples are knowledge/family pairs.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 February 23, 07:13:10
I've noticed a few strange things with "Make Out".  I've had many couples that only had crushes on each other, but their LTR was well above 70.  And when I had them make out they didn't fall in love.  I'm pretty sure I even had a couple who were just best friend make out and they didn't even get crushes.  Its enough to make me think that "Make Out" somehow isn't a romantic interaction.  But then I see one sim spazzing out because they've just caught their wife/husband making out with someone else on a community lot.  So it obviously IS a romantice interaction...

This game just confuses me sometimes.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Regina on 2006 February 23, 08:17:05
If my sims are at crush level and make out they go right into love every time.  Hmmmm.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 February 23, 08:21:53
My sims never fall in love when told to make out...hmmm.  :-\

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 08:35:22
Maybe they just don't like being told!

I find it interesting that, from what I remember, public woohoo with a best friend in the changing booth results in two hearts, but public woohoo in a photo-booth can leave both sims untouched!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 23, 10:30:57
I don't understand the way all this works.  I just moved two couples back to the neighbourhood after graduating, both of them having 3-bolts for each other.  One of the couples includes my Sim self, who went to Uni with her teenage sweetheart (a playable Sim).  They had eyes only for each other the entire time they were at Uni and got engaged while they were there, yet as soon as they move into their new house in the neighbourhood, MY fiance (the cheating rat) decides he wants to flirt with a dormie he doesn't even have any bolts for.  He sprang this want up as soon as he arrived in his new place.  He is best friends with her, but up until then he'd had no interest in her whatsoever.  He's Family, which may go some way to explaining it, because they're more capable of cheating than Romance Sims sometimes.  I have one family where the husband is family and the wife is Romance and in the loading screen, it's the husband who's stood behind the wife making the cheating sign, not the wife.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 23, 11:37:31
My question is why did he do this? I thought they were supposed to be faithful when in a committed relationship?
Granted, he did go on a date with the dormie once before becoming engaged and they have 2 bolts for each other but at the time this happened their relationship score wasn't that high.
Well, this is certainly true if he's the TARGET. As for why he queued it on his OWN...I'm confused by this as well. Some old code I had overriding it stomped the advertisements of romantic behaviors, but Make Out is a very weird interaction as of NL: It doesn't cause sims to fall in love when they do it. Did your sim already have preexisting love/crush hearts with aforementioned dormie?

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 23, 13:30:54
I have one family where the husband is family and the wife is Romance and in the loading screen, it's the husband who's stood behind the wife making the cheating sign, not the wife.

???? What's the 'cheating sign'? I've probably seen it, but haven't recognized it...

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 23, 13:37:13
I have one family where the husband is family and the wife is Romance and in the loading screen, it's the husband who's stood behind the wife making the cheating sign, not the wife.

???? What's the 'cheating sign'? I've probably seen it, but haven't recognized it...

Also known as "bunny ear" sign. The index and middle finger form a V and the hand is positioned on top of someone's head. In some countries it's a sign of playfulness, in other a sign of infidelity. There was a discussion about this in some thread in here quite some time ago. BTW, is the romance mod done for NL?! If so, where?!? I finally got NL a couple of days ago, and this mod is one of the "I'm not installing the EP if I don't have this mod!" items!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: cheriem on 2006 February 23, 13:44:22
Dr. Beast, romance mod is included in the directors cut.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 23, 13:55:15
Ah, the 'bunny ear' thing -- yup, yup, yup.  Seen it a couple of times, just never made the connection between it and the fact that the person making it was either cheating or thinking of cheating.  I'll have to keep my eyes open for it from now on -- it'll be a useful reminder. :)

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 23, 13:58:54
Dr. Beast, romance mod is included in the directors cut.

Well I'll be is indeed! YES!!! Finally I'm go for the install! Thanx for the quick reply cheriem! Love your dog btw. Samoyed, eh?

Ah, the 'bunny ear' thing -- yup, yup, yup.  Seen it a couple of times, just never made the connection between it and the fact that the person making it was either cheating or thinking of cheating.  I'll have to keep my eyes open for it from now on -- it'll be a useful reminder. :)

IIRC I don't think it stands for cheating in the loading screen, but playfulness. Then again, my memory span is getting shorter and shorter day by day...

Edit: oops, wrong avatar, hehe! Yours look like a spaniel cheriem, it was jsalemi's that looks like a samoyed!  ::)

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 14:05:08
I have a romance sim who's been cheating since day one of his relationship (went  perma-platinum at Uni).  Partner Aron who's Knowledge has cheated once, but he's the one who makes the bunny-ears sign!  (And this was before he ever cheated!)

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 23, 14:13:53
The association between the "bunny ears" and cheating are completely false, because I've had sims firmly in monogamous relationships, neither party a romance sim or cheating on anyone, still do it. I do believe it's associated with playfulness as well,, but there's definitely no connection to cheating.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 23, 14:14:19
I have a romance sim who's been cheating since day one of his relationship (went  perma-platinum at Uni).  Partner Aron who's Knowledge has cheated once, but he's the one who makes the bunny-ears sign!  (And this was before he ever cheated!)

How Playful is Aron? Maybe I remember correctly after all. Oh, and the thread I mentioned is here in MATY, right?

Edit: now that I've stumbled on JM, is the romance mod updated for NL then? Or does it need some tweaking but still works with NL?

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 23, 14:18:24
Edit: oops, wrong avatar, hehe! Yours look like a spaniel cheriem, it was jsalemi's that looks like a samoyed!  ::)

American Eskimo, actually, with some Pomeranian mixed in. 

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 23, 14:19:57
Edit: now that I've stumbled on JM, is the romance mod updated for NL then? Or does it need some tweaking but still works with NL?
It works. It's not as ironclad as it used to be, but it works adequately enough to deflect NPC attacks.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 14:21:47
I have a romance sim who's been cheating since day one of his relationship (went  perma-platinum at Uni).  Partner Aron who's Knowledge has cheated once, but he's the one who makes the bunny-ears sign!  (And this was before he ever cheated!)

How Playful is Aron? Maybe I remember correctly after all. Oh, and the thread I mentioned is here in MATY, right?

Edit: now that I've stumbled on JM, is the romance mod updated for NL then? Or does it need some tweaking but still works with NL?

Aron is a serious, not very nice Knowledge Sim, but he is very outgoing and active.  However, with the romancemod installed, he still gets jealous, so he doesn't reach the 15+ Playful/Outgoing/Nice score by a long way!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 23, 14:26:51
Edit: oops, wrong avatar, hehe! Yours look like a spaniel cheriem, it was jsalemi's that looks like a samoyed!  ::)

American Eskimo, actually, with some Pomeranian mixed in. 

Hm...should've noticed the pomeranian strains in the ears. American, never even heard of that race, heh!

Edit: now that I've stumbled on JM, is the romance mod updated for NL then? Or does it need some tweaking but still works with NL?
It works. It's not as ironclad as it used to be, but it works adequately enough to deflect NPC attacks.

Better than nothing. Thanx! Off to install the damn EP at last!

I have a romance sim who's been cheating since day one of his relationship (went  perma-platinum at Uni).  Partner Aron who's Knowledge has cheated once, but he's the one who makes the bunny-ears sign!  (And this was before he ever cheated!)

How Playful is Aron? Maybe I remember correctly after all. Oh, and the thread I mentioned is here in MATY, right?

Edit: now that I've stumbled on JM, is the romance mod updated for NL then? Or does it need some tweaking but still works with NL?
Aron is a serious, not very nice Knowledge Sim, but he is very outgoing and active.  However, with the romancemod installed, he still gets jealous, so he doesn't reach the 15+ Playful/Outgoing/Nice score by a long way!

Heh...second time I got the stoplight for another message posted before mine, and it's yet another one I have to reply to! Hmmm...dunno then. It surely isn't a token of cheating though. I've had monogamous couples totally committed to each other pose like that too in my games. Oh, and JM mentioned the same thing too!  ;D

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 14:34:36
Well, in Aron's case, it isn't a sign of playfulness - Kane is the playful one (10 playful and 10 outgoing Leo!)  So what it is a sign of, other than Maxian "randdomness" in posing the pic, is beyond me!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 February 23, 14:38:08
Well, in Aron's case, it isn't a sign of playfulness - Kane is the playful one (10 playful and 10 outgoing Leo!)  So what it is a sign of, other than Maxian "randdomness" in posing the pic, is beyond me!

I'd go for maxian "randomness" too.

Edit: there, found the thread where this topic was discussed: it's here (

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 23, 17:47:09
Edit: oops, wrong avatar, hehe! Yours look like a spaniel cheriem, it was jsalemi's that looks like a samoyed!  ::)

American Eskimo, actually, with some Pomeranian mixed in. 

Hm...should've noticed the pomeranian strains in the ears. American, never even heard of that race, heh!

They've been around a long time, but only known as American Eskimo's since the early 90's, when the AKC formally recognized them as a seperate breed.  They're originally from Northern Europe, and are in the same family as Samoyeds, Pomeranians, and Kesshunds, and were known as just a 'spitz' or 'Japanese spitz' when they  were first brought to the US in the late 1800s as a part of traveling circuses (they're very high spirited, intelligent and playful, and love doing tricks that involve standing on their hind legs).  Eventually they became a distinct breed with three sizes; small/mini, which are 15 - 25 lbs, standard at 25 - 30 lbs, and the relatively rare 'giants' that are over 30.  Mojo here is is right on the border, as he's about 30 lbs, so he was probably the result of a giant AE mixed with a Pom.  We don't know his exact heritage because we got him @ 18 months old (when this picture was taken) as a rescue.  He's about 3 1/2 years old now.

AE owners tend to be very loyal to the breed, and usually have either more than one, or a string of them. Just before we got Mojo, we had Max for over 15 years before he died just after his 16th birthday.  He was a spitz when we got him, and an American Eskimo when he died. :) So we're definitely in the AE camp.

Anyway, enough on the dog seminar -- we now take you back to your regularly scheduled forum discussion.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 23, 18:43:23
Well, this is certainly true if he's the TARGET. As for why he queued it on his OWN...I'm confused by this as well. Some old code I had overriding it stomped the advertisements of romantic behaviors, but Make Out is a very weird interaction as of NL: It doesn't cause sims to fall in love when they do it. Did your sim already have preexisting love/crush hearts with aforementioned dormie?

Yeah, he queued it on his own, and the squeeze interactive right after that. I think he and the dormie had crushes on each other before this but definitely not love. However, they hadn't had any interaction with each other for a long while and he feel in love and became engaged with the fiance after the crush with the dormie. He feel in love with the dormie after the squeeze, so now he has a memory of having 2 loves at once, after cheating. the Sucka,  :'(

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 23, 19:32:10
Well, my family sim, Steve Stetson, has just graduated and moved to the neighbourhood, and of course, old flame Kane came  cruising by, and got invited in.  Steve was desperate for a woohoo, so he got Kane to join him on the bed and they had some fun.  Now, Steve is engaged to Georgia Rainbow, who is living next door (and for whom he has 3LBs - only one for Kane) but being a Leo, although he wants to get maried and have a baby, I don't think he's really in that much of a hurry!  And he has no "Had and Affair with Kane" memory, so obviously to him, being engaged just doesn't involve commitment!

And I can't decide if Georgia should become Georgia Stetson, or Steve should become Steve Rainbow, so he may never get the wish to get married fulfilled!  Especially as Georgia wants to marry a rich sim, and Steve has a long way to go before that description could apply to him!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 24, 05:01:41
Well, this is certainly true if he's the TARGET. As for why he queued it on his OWN...I'm confused by this as well. Some old code I had overriding it stomped the advertisements of romantic behaviors, but Make Out is a very weird interaction as of NL: It doesn't cause sims to fall in love when they do it. Did your sim already have preexisting love/crush hearts with aforementioned dormie?

Yeah, he queued it on his own, and the squeeze interactive right after that. I think he and the dormie had crushes on each other before this but definitely not love. However, they hadn't had any interaction with each other for a long while and he feel in love and became engaged with the fiance after the crush with the dormie. He feel in love with the dormie after the squeeze, so now he has a memory of having 2 loves at once, after cheating. the Sucka,  :'(

I can't say for sure, but I know they'll definitely do romantic interactions autonomously if there's already a love/crush there, and maybe even if they've just flirted once, but I don't know on that last one. They'll always do it on downtown lots, of -course-, where I can't stop them. I'm pretty sure the 'reject flirts if in committed relationship' part also doesn't count if they have hearts with another Sim besides their spouse.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 24, 05:11:30
And they nearly all do, unless you give them really awful turn-ons, a personality and star-sign that isn't compatible with any of the others and get them the Grilled cheese aspiration!

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 25, 02:22:44
It's not a standalone hack, it's only available as part of the Director's Cut package.

Title: Re: Why did he cheat?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 February 25, 03:56:35
Top or second from top thread in The Armory forum.