More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 20, 14:00:11

Title: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 20, 14:00:11
OK, it's happened, and here's the proof:


Should I be worried - seriously?  I mean, the site hasn't been here that long, yet I've spent A WHOLE WEEK OF MY LIFE ON IT???  What does that say about me?  Shouldn't I be spending my time doing more awesome things, or is this the most awesome thing I could be doing? 

I'm presuming there are those amongst us who can beat this, which may go some way to making me feel better, but please reassure me by completing the poll.  Thank-you!

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 20, 14:04:14
Hah, you think you have it bad? Check out this guy! (;u=131;sa=statPanel)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 20, 14:04:39
Not only can I beat this time, here are several people who have beat it (including Venusy, who has been here more than a month!)


edit:  Ugh, Pescado, you suck.  :P

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 20, 14:29:35
Oh, I know there'd be worse than me, but I didn't think there'd be ones as bad as this!  I see that Brynne has basically spent a month on the site, which bearing in mind the fact that she's younger than me, is much worse really, percentage of our lives wise and all that.

Just how long has this site been in operation?  Since around last September?  If that's the case, the people on this list have spent something like 20% of their time here.  So, if the site had been here since they were born ... doesn't bear thinking about really, does it. 

I'm off to play TS2.  Or maybe I should do something else.  No, I can't, I have to graduate Virginia today.  Alfred is waiting in the Family Bin.  Have to get my priorities right.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 20, 15:02:30
and i thought my 18 hours was bad   ;D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 20, 15:11:22
Hehheh, mine shows I've been here for nearly 14 days. I often keep my browser up almost the entire time I use computer and have five to ten tabs open at once, this one being one of them, so that accounts for a lot. Just imagine if I never put my laptop on sleep mode... :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 20, 15:18:57
Hehheh, mine shows I've been here for nearly 14 days. I often keep my browser up almost the entire time I use computer and have five to ten tabs open at once, this one being one of them, so that accounts for a lot.
THat's not enough to cause constant connectivity. Since MATY doesn't push any refreshes, and HTTP is inherently stateless, the system only considers you "online" in 15 minute slices or so. Meaning even if you leave your computer open all the time, you are not "online" unless you actually click on something here. Sorry, you're really that lifeless, man.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Inge on 2006 February 20, 15:25:52
Where's the "Thank you, this is great." option?

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: gali on 2006 February 20, 16:32:12
Where's the "Thank you, this is great." option?

Inge:   ;D ;D ;D

Yay! I am third...:)  [walk around bragging]

Ancient:  in any case, this is very Awesome...:)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 20, 17:07:59
By the way, Ancient Sim, you know by saving all those messages that you've hit your limit of 20, right?  No one can send you any more until you delete some.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: kewian on 2006 February 20, 17:36:07
ugh... 14 days here...damn  i didnt know that I had that little bit of life....boy this is  sadd.... :o :P

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Zeljka on 2006 February 20, 19:11:30
I agree with Inge, I want a 'thank you this is great' option because I think I've been here since July and was kind of worried about my 3 days & 22hours here until I saw this... heh heh

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Database on 2006 February 20, 19:16:45
Last count: 4 days, 9 hours and 10 minutes. Damn school.-

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Emma on 2006 February 20, 19:24:55
I've been here for 5 days and 3 hours :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 February 20, 20:11:22
Hehe, I've been on here for 1 day 18 hours 23 minutes.   ;D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: katemonster on 2006 February 20, 20:18:06
Oh my lord, and I got depressed when I hit over a day.

If I had a box like that to tell me the amount of my life I've spent on the whole Internet, I'd probably just kill myself.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 20, 20:24:36
am i the only person with my lips still intact ???

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Twibil on 2006 February 20, 20:51:56
am i the only person with my lips still intact ???

My lips are fully intact as well.  I mostly lurk about, so I suppose that is why.  I sooooo long to have my lips ripped.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 20, 20:57:25
you need to post more to lose your lips  ;)

Date Registered:     July 15, 2005, 03:05:24 PM
total time logged in:   12 days, 9 hours and 46 minutes.

the sad part is I took a sims 2 break for about 4/5 months since joining here *has no life whatsoever*

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 February 20, 21:37:45
Only 3 days 9 hours for me. But I do spend a lot of time playing the game.

I actually thought about it the other day and realized that right now the majority of my life is spent involved some way with the Sims 2. I'm a SAHM,  so I do have the time but lately my life has been: play Sims 2, read forums, work on Sims2 database, play more Sims. Do a little laundry, pay some bills, nag my daughter about her homework, play some more Sims.

This is a bit scary to me. I mentioned this to DH and all he said was, "Don't worry, you're not the only one."

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Muisie on 2006 February 20, 21:55:51
It's pretty sad when you wake up in the morning and your first thought is, I wonder if I have enough time to play Sims before going to work.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 20, 21:56:57
THat's not enough to cause constant connectivity. Since MATY doesn't push any refreshes, and HTTP is inherently stateless, the system only considers you "online" in 15 minute slices or so. Meaning even if you leave your computer open all the time, you are not "online" unless you actually click on something here. Sorry, you're really that lifeless, man.

This from the man who has 20 days!  :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 February 20, 22:20:14
Bah, I don't even have that many posts and I still have 2d:05h:02m on how much time I've been here.  I'm starting to wonder if I'm spending more or less time on here per day than some people.  Oh well, better here than some other forums that I know of.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 February 20, 22:27:15
10 days, 22 hours and 24 minutes for me....

I have the luxury of being my own boss, so I can spend as much time as I like reading and posting, except when I get 'interrupted' by damn pesky customers!!  ;)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 20, 22:46:19
Hehheh, mine shows I've been here for nearly 14 days. I often keep my browser up almost the entire time I use computer and have five to ten tabs open at once, this one being one of them, so that accounts for a lot.
THat's not enough to cause constant connectivity. Since MATY doesn't push any refreshes, and HTTP is inherently stateless, the system only considers you "online" in 15 minute slices or so. Meaning even if you leave your computer open all the time, you are not "online" unless you actually click on something here. Sorry, you're really that lifeless, man.

Something's wrong with that, then. I've been on for 30 days? I haven't even been in town the entire last 30 days. I don't have the power to refresh my browser every 15 minutes from out of state with no computer to do it on! I'm good, but I ain't that good.

Unless my cats are that good. Maybe they've been doing a little Maty surfing.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 20, 22:48:26
30 days in entirety, Brynne, not consecutively.  :-*  But I'm almost there with you!

I realized something about my count too.  This account is my second one, and the first one had like 6 days on it or so.  So, really, it's about 26 days altogether.  :-[

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2006 February 20, 22:49:53
5 d, 22 h, 41 min.  And I thought THAT was a lot!

However, I know I don't post a lot, mostly read and get some good info or a good laugh!

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 20, 22:57:24
30 days in entirety, Brynne, not consecutively.  :-*  But I'm almost there with you!

Ah, okay. I can see that, then. If I was here for 30 consecutive days, then I would have to have myself committed.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 20, 22:57:56
Me too, Brynne, me too.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 February 20, 23:02:18
Since MATY doesn't push any refreshes, and HTTP is inherently stateless, the system only considers you "online" in 15 minute slices or so. Meaning even if you leave your computer open all the time, you are not "online" unless you actually click on something here.

uh, what? This site does *not* disconnect me after 15 min. I leave my computer on all the time, use a push in my email to keep it connected (as I'm on dial-up) and might check it in the morning, then leave for work, and it's still connected when I get home at night (somewhere between 9 & 10 hours later). And logging that time, near as I can tell (I've got 15 days, 9 hours, 41 min.). I don't play the sims from this computer, and when someone else does something else on this one while I'm off playing sims, it's just minimized, so it's up most all the time. I promise, I'm not clicking anything from work - I log in from my work computer at lunch sometimes and it has (as it should) a different IP log.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 20, 23:15:34
It's pretty sad when you wake up in the morning and your first thought is, I wonder if I have enough time to play Sims before going to work.

Even sadder if you wonder whether you have time to check out MATY and squeeze in just 10mins so that you can let [insert name of sim] get further through uni or have that baby ;D 

Only 1 day, 21 hours so far but I've only been here since 8 Dec - I'm working on it  :)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 20, 23:19:52
By the way, Ancient Sim, you know by saving all those messages that you've hit your limit of 20, right?  No one can send you any more until you delete some.

I thought it was 10 posts per set of lips?  If so, I have 10 more posts to go. 

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 20, 23:25:21
Nope, you start out with 5 and get an additional 5 for each set of lips.

I'll test it right now and try to send you a PM.

Edit: This is the message I got:  PM could not be sent to 'Ancient Sim' as their inbox is full!

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Katze on 2006 February 21, 00:24:48
21 days, 7 hours and 48 minutes.

I don't have a life. :)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 21, 00:27:11
21 days, 7 hours and 48 minutes.

I don't have a life. :)

But it seems like the kitten in your avatar does  :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 21, 00:34:25
21 days, 7 hours and 48 minutes.

I don't have a life. :)

But it seems like the kitten in your avatar does  :D

but nothing within range of the window does  ;)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 21, 00:34:52
I would like to know who voted for "You need to get a life" in the poll.  :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 February 21, 00:37:25
I've only been here two days.  What can I say, I'm a slacker.   :P

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Ephraim on 2006 February 21, 00:48:39
I've been here all of ten hours and with all my lips intact.   :P

I'm more a lurker than I am a poster.   :)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 21, 00:56:36
But congrats on your 12th post!  ;D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: baratron on 2006 February 21, 02:58:14
It's pretty sad when you wake up in the morning and your first thought is, I wonder if I have enough time to play Sims before going to work.

You can play the Sims before work - and get to work afterwards? ???

Wow. If I tried that, I'd be out of a job pretty quickly...

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 21, 03:24:01
Hey, vecki, you have 3 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 15 days, 13 hours and 39 minutes.

I think I spend too much time on here at work :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 21, 04:45:48
This from the man who has 20 days!  :D
Hey, I run this site. And it's fully established that the undead are, in fact, pretty lifeless.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 21, 06:01:13
You can play the Sims before work - and get to work afterwards? ???  Wow. If I tried that, I'd be out of a job pretty quickly...

Funnily enough, it isn't that hard to do. I have a timer which sits in front of my monitor and I decide how much time I have to play e.g. 1/2 hr in the morning and maybe 2hrs at night.  You do have to be firm with yourself though and when that alarm goes off you have to finish.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 21, 07:30:31
That's the tricky part. I have a timer, too. All it does it tell me when it's time to reset it for another hour.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: MsMaria on 2006 February 21, 07:51:34
We sound like a bunch of AA people. :D

Hi. My name is Maria and I have spent 12 days, 8 hours and 45 minutes at MATY.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 21, 07:57:57
Aw, you're still wet behind the ears, then.  ;)

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: cristalfiona on 2006 February 21, 09:40:28
And before this thread i thought my 10 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes were a lot. I need to start coming on here outside of work!!

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: anelca on 2006 February 21, 10:30:16
i need to start coming here during work

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 February 21, 11:54:46
Think I've been a member since November...11 days, 15 hours... :o Wow. I blame the school holidays...funny how we're going on holidays again in two and a half weeks...silly Commonwealth Games...

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: tsrynolds on 2006 February 21, 12:41:49
Hah, you think you have it bad? Check out this guy! (;u=131;sa=statPanel)

Phffft, I'm not a guy! :P

I stay logged in so I don't have to remember another stinking password.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: The~Simmer on 2006 February 21, 13:28:55
I guess you could say I lurk more then post here too, since I only have 5 posts (well 6 because of this one) and I've been here since July 2005.   Never gotten my lips ripped yet, haven't said (wrote) much yet to cause that I guess  :D.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 February 21, 14:04:32
We sound like a bunch of AA people. :D

Hi. My name is Maria and I have spent 12 days, 8 hours and 45 minutes at MATY.

That's what my husband says about my addiction, I mean interest in the sims and all that is simmy ::)  What does he know anyway....I just tell him to go back and have another beer and leave me alone.... ;D  tgdrysix

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: MsMaria on 2006 February 21, 16:09:39
Haha, good for you! :D

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 21, 18:16:27
Er, you want to do that the other way around if you want the actual fraction of your life spent here - number of days spent here divided by your age.

Title: Re: My Most Awesome Week?
Post by: Muisie on 2006 February 21, 18:31:07
Venusy, quit with the Maths.  It's not working out for you.