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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sara_dippity on 2006 February 19, 23:37:17

Title: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 February 19, 23:37:17
So I used to makeover all my townies with the magic mirror, now I don't have it, I'm trying to go on a lessened hack "diet". I figured I could use boolProp to make a sim selectable and then use Pescado's clothing picker. Empty wardrobe, and nothing to buy. On dressers either. Has it always been like this, meaning I need the mirror or patience and use gameplay in OFB, or do I need to go through my other hacks?

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: cheriem on 2006 February 19, 23:53:11
Sarah, wait for OFB.  They said that's something you can do with than expansion.  If you are desperate, you can always use the puppy killer, make them selectable, take them Downtown and buy them clothes.  Alternatively, you can use Inge's bush, move them in take them downtown, buy them clothes, change them in the mirror and them use the bush to make them townies again.  Those are the only two solutions I can think of.  That's what I had to do w/Kaylynn in one incarnation before I moved her in with a family.  They have to have their own clothes and you have to have them buy them for them to have them.


Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 20, 00:10:22
I use a hack from what's-his-name, the DMA WooHoo NPC starter pack. I didn't keep the NPC's just the hack that allows you to change NPC's clothing,  appearance, facial structure, the works..  It looks like a red alarm system pannel. 

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 February 20, 01:49:53
I almost installed that, but I was concerned about the amount of baggage that was coming along with it.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: gali on 2006 February 20, 03:59:21
Gus, I have the DMA clothes-buyer too - without the  "baggage" added.

Just unzip the pack on your desktop, open it, search for the Outfit Changer, copy and past it in your downloads folder. You can find it in miscellaneous/miscellaneous section, and as Angelyne  said, it looks like a red alarm. Then you can delete all the rest DMA folder.

Edit: Sorry Angelyne, need another pair of glasses, thinking it was Cheriem...:).

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: cheriem on 2006 February 20, 04:58:44
@Gali lol, not me Angelyne.  I suggested the Simlogical bush or the puppy killer.   :D

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 20, 16:18:12
You know you spend too much there here when all the names start blending together :)

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 20, 19:20:43
I put in a 'casual NPCs' hack and made a couple of the maids selectable to try to buy them clothes with J.M.'s clothing tool. I could buy the clothes okay, but when it came to putting them on, there was nothing there. When it got to the Change Appearance part, I could do that okay, too, but the maids were apparently naked when I was adjusting their hair and the like. In the end, they became totally invisible, which I kind of like :P They arrive, do their thing and apart from the occasional ghostly plate flying around, I hardly notice them. Kinda nice, though I wouldn't cry if I could fix them, either...

Title: Re: Can't change townies wardrobe
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 20, 22:30:01
I know that making the maids (or any NPC) selectable isn't enough to change their clothing.  However, using the DM hack, you can select an NPC and change their clothes