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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 February 19, 07:17:05

Title: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 February 19, 07:17:05
Well, I have the patch, and all expansions, of course. But see, here's the thing... I've heard of this problem before, but not sure of the fix.

I had one sim, who was furious with another. So, she rolled up the want to 'Talk to Robi'. I indulged, her, by selecting bad mouth. When I did this, at one point, it came up looking like a cat had torn the bubble to pieces.

I'm worried, because I've heard this is bad... that's all. x.x;

Suggestions, or fixes?

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 February 19, 07:36:15
The bad mouth interaction always does that. It's pretty harmless.

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 February 19, 07:47:07
I don't use it that often, nor do I pay attention to thought ballons, but I was a tad concerned, when I saw it.

Thanks for clearing that up. ^^;

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 19, 20:38:46
You may, however, find you have a spam of furious reverses.

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 19, 21:35:51
What are furious reverses?  Is that when the sim you are furious at, becomes furious at you?

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 19, 23:21:47
Something like that, I guess, but sometimes you get half-a-dozen all together for no apparent reason, except for that jagged line memory - and your sim isn't actually furious with anyone!

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: miramis on 2006 February 22, 13:34:27
I've been getting the jagged line balloons when a sim looks out of the window, it's a fresh install for the patch and my founding sim did it right off the bat.  I don't remember it happening pre-patch when they looked out of windows, am I the only one getting this with that action?

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 22, 14:18:30
Maybe it's something else that happens with the patch?

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 22, 21:28:32
I've been getting the jagged line balloons when a sim looks out of the window, it's a fresh install for the patch and my founding sim did it right off the bat.  I don't remember it happening pre-patch when they looked out of windows, am I the only one getting this with that action?

I'm getting that too, on a couple downtown lots that I've noticed. So far I haven't noticed it in the regular 'hood. I always chalked it up to 'nothing to look at', or that they were trying to look at the lot decorations that were visible, like that huge ol' billboard that's next to the house where I keep seeing this. Do you have lot decorations visible, by chance? When his kid was 'off lot' at school and he looked out the window, my Sim saw him in the thought bubble instead of the usual jagged lines.

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: AllenABQ on 2006 February 22, 21:35:05
I get "jagged line" conversation balloons whenever I use the new "Bad Mouth" option in the Talk menu.

I have a couple of sims that were involved in a cheating relationship, and so now they can bad mouth each other because they are mad.  They always start the action with a ballon showing the subject they are bad mouthing, but it is immediately followed by a jagged line balloon.  I've examined these sims' memories and can't find anything obvious that would set this off.

Kind of annoying.

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 22, 22:18:40
And there definitely aren't any furious reverses?

Title: Re: Cat scratch thought ballons?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 22, 23:12:10
Maybe it's something else that happens with the patch?

To clarify for my case - I haven't done the newest patch yet, just the first NL patch.

I get "jagged line" conversation balloons whenever I use the new "Bad Mouth" option in the Talk menu.

I have a couple of sims that were involved in a cheating relationship, and so now they can bad mouth each other because they are mad.  They always start the action with a ballon showing the subject they are bad mouthing, but it is immediately followed by a jagged line balloon.  I've examined these sims' memories and can't find anything obvious that would set this off.

Kind of annoying.

I haven't actually used Bad Mouth yet - you think it tries to use the memory of the event that caused the furiousness? If it was something like puddles or catching a Sim Woohooing - which doesn't count as cheating, though a flirt in front of them does, bah - there wouldn't be a memory to reference?

This is probably totally wrong, considering I haven't done any coding :P but it's a guess, anyway.