More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Regina on 2006 February 18, 08:36:48

Title: JadeElliott, NOW I will thank you!
Post by: Regina on 2006 February 18, 08:36:48
 :D  Now that nearly three weeks has passed since you got me going on organizing my Downloads folder, I think the time has come to give you a big THANK YOU!!

Oh yes--it took nearly all this time to find pictures for things and get it set straight in the proper order.  As the work progressed I was beginning to think I'd have to pull my hair out.  But just today was one where I could see the fruits of my labor.

Here I sat working on furnishing a house for a soon-to-be-married couple looking for just the right dining room table.  I found the table easily enough, then was having a devil of a time trying to find the chair!  I was thinking perhaps I'd missed installing a mesh but decided to double-check.  So, I alt-tabbed to the desktop, started up Paint Shop Pro, brought up the Browse feature and went to the folder that contains this stuff and started sifting through screenshots.  Sure enough, there was the chair--I had just forgot what it looked like!

I still have plenty of work to do to get everything straight, but at least enough is accomplished that I can at least play, which wasn't an option for the past almost three weeks!

So again, I say thank you!  :D

Title: Re: JadeElliott, NOW I will thank you!
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 February 19, 20:01:04
You are very welcome! An organized DL folder is SWEET.

Title: Re: JadeElliott, NOW I will thank you!
Post by: Regina on 2006 February 20, 08:12:45
Indeed!  And now that that's sort of done I was planning on starting to get my sim hairs properly binned.  Then last night I was thinking about fixing some objects with problems and my daughter said, "Hey, try Wizards of SimPE!"  So, in the past 30 hours I've managed to re-texture a bunch of in-game stuff that I hadn't taken the time to look for--funny things like every appliance in black or white, inexpensive bathroom fixtures in white and bizarre stuff like that.  Then I remembered all of the graphics I still had on my partition from pictures I'd made for TS1 and started--and almost finished--those.  :P